Bro Code(40)

Chapter Nineteen


After doing perfectly ordinary things during the day with Ava, like watching a movie, going to the grocery store, and visiting a bookstore, I've scored us a reservation at my favorite tapas restaurant for dinner tonight. But it's not just a great meal that has me looking forward to the evening—it's the chance to spend more time with her.

After ushering her inside, my hand resting on the small of her back, I guide us to the hostess station. A few heads turn in our direction, and I can't help but wonder what people think when they look at us together. Do they think we're a couple? Shit, are we a couple? I'm guessing they wonder what kind of lucky prick I am to get a girl like her.

She looks flawless tonight in a pair of well-fit jeans that hug her curves, and a bright red sweater that dips low in the front. Her hair is loose over her shoulders, and her blue eyes are done up in eyeliner and mascara. Something inside me likes that she made an extra effort to look good for our date.

We're led to a private table for two with a white tablecloth and a small candle burning in the center. I help Ava into her seat, and then we begin to peruse the menus. Ava unfolds hers with wide eyes, skimming over page after page like she's not sure where to start.

“If you let me order, I promise you'll have the best dinner of your life,” I say.

She looks up from the wine menu with a raised brow. “That's a pretty big promise to make.”

“I can back it up.” When I see her blush, I wonder if we're still talking about dinner, or something else. “What do you say?”

After one more glance at the list of entrees, she folds the menu and sets it on the table. “Ball's in your court, Barrett. Impress me.”

That I can do. The look on her face when I rattle off a whole banquet of dishes and matching wines is priceless, but our waitress takes it in stride, promising to be back with our drinks in just a moment.

Our wine is delivered, and Ava tries a sip, testing the merlot on her tongue before swallowing.

“Do you approve?”

“It's delicious,” she confirms.

I can't help but notice the heat lingering in her expression as she takes another drink.

“I'm curious,” I say, leaning forward. “What kinds of fascinating topics are you studying these days?”

She laughs, her blue eyes brightening as she meets my gaze. “Proboscis monkeys.”

I make a questioning expression.

“You know the kind with the big pink noses?” she asks.

I remember back to a nature show I watched once. “I think so. The ones that look like they have a dick coming off their face?”

She rolls her eyes, laughing again. “How old are you again?”


“Right, of course you are. Anyway, I've been reading about them. They're fascinating. The males make a loud, nasally call with that nose of theirs, and the females will travel long distances in search of the male with the loudest call.”

“Sort of like you traveling all the way to Chicago …”

She rolls her eyes, but the irony isn't lost on me.

“So, it's a desirable trait?” I ask, taking another sip of my wine as I watch her.

“Oh yes. The alpha males are often the noisiest of the bunch.”

“Sounds fascinating.”

Ava nods.

God, she's adorable.

Our food is delivered and we waste no time digging in. There are grilled shrimp, stuffed mushrooms, and seared scallops. And the dishes don't stop coming. I love this restaurant.

“Try this,” I say, raising a date stuffed with goat cheese to her lips.

She opens and I place the bite on her tongue. Her eyes widen and lock on mine as she chews. “Oh, my God, that's the best thing I've ever eaten.”

“Glad you like it.”

Our fingers keep brushing as we pass around the plates, and she has the courage to catch my hand and suck a stray drop of sauce off my thumb.

“That's dangerous,” I whisper.

“I know,” she says with no small amount of pride, daring me to comment further.

For now, I hold back. It's no fun if she can bait me that easy every time, although it makes dinner an entertaining back-and-forth.

She clings to me on the way out of the restaurant, and I shield her against the harsh wind. The moment we step back into my apartment, I turn up the heat to warm her and she lets out a deep breath of relief.

“Sit and warm up.” I can't resist rubbing her back, stealing one more touch. It's still surreal that I get to touch her at all. It's not something I'm going to take for granted. “I'll be right back.”

Her curious look follows me all the way to the kitchen. Once I'm out of sight, I take a pair of glasses out of the cabinets and fetch the champagne I've kept chilling in the fridge. Stripping away the foil with my thumb on the cork, I let it open slowly, the hiss of pressure fading away by degrees. Once the bubbles have calmed down, I fill both glasses with care, letting the foam rise to the perfect height.

I'm about to carry the champagne in when my phone rings. Setting the glasses back on the counter, I see Nick's number on the screen and pick up. “Hey, man. What's up?”

“Nothing, which is why I'm calling my best friend.” When he pauses, I check the time; it's pretty late. “You up for going out? I could use a little action tonight, and I'm guessing you could too.”

Kendall Ryan's Books