Bro Code(33)

“If it hurts, I'll tell you. But I need, I have to feel you move…”

I start out with an even rhythm, controlled and deliberate despite every instinct inside me clamoring for more, and Ava's answering moan is a symphony to my ears. Her hands slide up to my pecs, framing the muscles there, and cling tight against my skin as I build the pace. My eyes stay locked on hers between kisses, watching for any sign of discomfort, but all I see is a quickening ecstasy, one that makes me pulse with need.

I've never felt anything better in all my life, and in an instant, I know she's immediately ruined me for other women. Because everything about her is different from her mind, to her humor, to the way she touches me. Despite the need to come, I want to make this good for her, so I fuck her like that for a long time, stroking her inner walls in a deliberate rhythm, again and again.

It's perfection.

“I'm going to come soon,” I admit, even though I don't want her to know she's shattered my stamina.

“Faster,” Ava gasps against my mouth, “I'm getting close.”

I can feel it with every wave of tightness around my shaft, but she's so wet now that I’m hellbent on giving her exactly what she wants. Capturing her mouth in another deep kiss, I work my hand between our bodies again, hips pumping quick as I find the swell of her clit again, now even more swollen. She lets out a short cry, the noise driving me mad with desire, and it's impossible to keep control anymore when she's making sounds like that.

She comes with a moan of my name that echoes to the ceiling, her nails biting into my chest, and that hot spark of sensation pushes me right over the edge. I lose myself in that orgasm, so much perfect heat milking me to the very last drop as she keeps tightening around me, trying to draw me back in.

“Holy shit, Ava...” I catch my breath in the afterglow, when we're curled up in the center of the bed together. At some point, we manage to disentangle, moving to place our heads on separate pillows, but still watching each other. “I told myself we'd never go this far. Promised myself I wouldn't...”

She laughs, and I can't really blame her. That boundary's well and broken. My cock rests heavily against my belly, still damp with her arousal.

“Guess you should have kept that promise to yourself then.”

“Maybe I should have.” I bite my tongue, wrestling with the inevitable. “Are you sure it doesn’t bother you that I'm leaving tomorrow?”

There's a beat of silence, but she shakes her head. “I'm a sensible girl, I knew this was temporary.”

It's not really an answer, and for a moment, the quiet stretches on as I try to figure out what to say. I knew this from the start, that even if anything happened, tomorrow is where it stopped. It's the only thing that makes sense with our lives, with the futures we have planned ahead.

So why does it sting deep inside my chest to hear her verbalize that? Was I expecting her to ask me to stay, or to try something long-distance? A pit settles inside my stomach as the silence stretches on around us.

She gently yawns, and I take that as a sign to head to the bathroom, where I ditch the condom and wash up. When I return to the bedroom, she's already asleep, curled on her side, her face still resting on the pillow, facing where I laid. If she was still awake, I wonder if we'd swap stories about obscure world mysteries or the mating rituals of mammals. It makes me sad to think we won't swap stories like that again.

I pull the duvet comforter over her, and slip in beside her, enjoying this last moment I'll get with her.

The thought of leaving in the morning is a somber one, but it's the only decision I can make.

I'll wake up early and slip out before she's even up. That way there won't be any awkward goodbyes, and we can go on with our lives.

That was always the plan anyway.

Chapter Seventeen


Lately, it seems like there’s a big difference between what I say and what I mean.

I said I wouldn’t let things go beyond talking with Barrett, but apparently that meant talking him into bed with me. I couldn’t resist a shot at deliciously forbidden sex and half-a-dozen, life-changing orgasms with the man I’ve lusted after since before I knew what lust was.

I said I wouldn’t get attached. I’d kiss him goodbye and then send him back to Chicago, no harm, no foul. Hell, two nights ago, I looked at him, his perfectly sculpted figure lying completely naked in my hotel bed after a night of mind-blowing sex that exceeded any wild dream I had of how good it would be, of how good he would feel…I looked at him and said it didn’t bother me that he was leaving. I said things would go right back to normal once he was gone. Apparently what I meant was that I would spend the whole next morning feeling empty, staring at the door, and hoping he’d come right back to me.

It seems so ridiculous, he was only here for a few days. Most of which he spent teasing me right in front of my family. It was practically torture while he was here, but now that he’s gone, what I wouldn’t give for that smug grin to be tempting every ounce of self-control in me. Every logical bone in my body knows that it’s stupid to be hung up on something I knew from the start wasn’t built to last, but for once, I want to ignore what’s logical and go for what I really want.

“Hello, Ava? Anyone home?”

Kendall Ryan's Books