Bro Code(29)

I shake my head. “Have at it.”

“Thanks.” He grabs a handful and drops them on his plate.

He eats in silence for a few minutes, looking lost in thought.

“You want to talk about what happened?” I ask. I don't want to push him, I just want him to know I'm here in case he does. This is an integral part of the bro code, being there for your best friend when he goes through something tough. Even if it's just to listen and agree with whatever shit went down with the opposite sex. Whether you agree with it or not.

Nick exhales and pushes his plate away. He's silent for a few seconds, his brows pushed together. “She cheated,” he finally says.

“Shit. That sucks. I'm sorry, man,” I say.

He shrugs. “Found out right after the wedding that she slept with her ex-boyfriend right before we got married.”

I press my lips together. Nick had only been dating Vanessa a couple of months when they hopped on a plane to Vegas and got hitched, surprising everyone. It wasn't my place to point out that a spur-of-the moment wedding at a drive-thru chapel may not be the foundation that would result in lasting love. “How are you doing? Really?”

He takes a long sip of his beer. “Better, actually. My plan now is to take a page from your playbook and just enjoy the single life.”

I grit my teeth. I know this image he has of me—the always single, never tied down, never commit, never be seen with the same woman twice persona—is not going to serve me well if I ever do grow a pair and admit how I feel about his sister.

Hello rock, meet hard place.

I take a long drink of my beer, lost in thought, before I realize Nick is still talking.

The word Ava snaps me out of my distraction.

“…you know? I’m glad she's single. I mean, my parents pressure her, but with everything she has going on I think it's for the best. Plus, if someone ever hurt her I'd kill the motherfucker.”

The food in my stomach feel like battery acid, and I shakily nod my agreement. “Absolutely.”

Chapter Fourteen


I get my suit in order while everyone else is busy getting everything ready at the hotel for the retirement party tonight. The hotel I should have stayed at in the next town over instead of the Saunders’ place. They're expecting at least a hundred people, and I want to show Mr. Saunders the respect he deserves by showing up right on time.

Ava and I barely glimpsed each other this morning. She was on her way out to start the logistics of putting together all the pieces of the party, and with the house to myself, I feel a lot more level-headed.

The same way I prep for a big deal, I can set myself up for what will happen tonight. Small talk, drinks, and a toast in my suit pocket to memorize before everyone makes the rounds. I'm in my element.

That's what I remind myself as I walk into the hotel, checking my cufflinks and the crisp lines of my jacket. I follow the sign pointing to the banquet hall, mentally running through my agenda; find my seat, grab some champagne, before shaking a whole lot of hands.

Then I glimpse Ava across the room.

She's in a black dress that I've never seen before. It clings to every curve of her body, the neckline darting low enough to be enticing but still high enough to be considered decent. My thoughts are anything but decent as my gaze travels lower, to how the fabric drapes around her hips, cutting off right at the knee. Stockings frame her calves the rest of the way down to a pair of matching heels, and I have to steady myself before meeting her eyes.

When her gaze meets mine, I suddenly forget about the makeup and the jewelry, the way her hair is pulled back to show off her beautiful heart-shaped face. It's dangerous to hold her gaze, for us to visually flirt with this kind of risk while everyone else is in the room. But inconveniently, it's the only thing I want to do.

Knowing I need to resist temptation I break away first, turning to go find the champagne. This won't work if I don't keep my distance. Focusing on the party is the priority. Then I'll go into my own room, sleep, and leave tomorrow. That's all that has to happen. That's all that can happen.

The night slowly melts away, my toast to Mr. Saunders delivered flawlessly, an amazing dinner and a celebratory cake eventually fading into chatter around the tables. I check the time, realizing it's late enough to politely excuse myself, and say one last goodbye to Ava's parent's before ducking out into the hall.

As I approach her parents, Ava's mom opens her arms for a hug. I smile, and return her embrace.

“I'm so glad that you came, Barrett. It really means a lot.” Her eyes are misty, and she blinks the tears away before allowing herself to get too emotional.

I reach out and shake hands with Mr. Saunders. “When Nick invited me, I didn't want to miss it. I don't get back into town very often anymore, but you guys are like a second family to me.”

Ava's dad smiles warmly, pumping my hand twice more before releasing it. “We're damn proud of you, son. I know it's not easy for you, and I just—” he pauses, pressing his lips together to compose himself. “You've grown into a great young man.”

“Thank you.” His words hit me straight in the chest, and stay lodged there. I never really felt like I had a father at all. Nick's dad was the closest thing I really had. He was the one who taught me how to ride my bike, and how to throw a spiral. Suddenly I feel like even more of an asshole for lusting after his daughter.

Kendall Ryan's Books