Bro Code(26)

It’s Barrett’s turn to pull my sweatpants down, but this time, there’s nothing even slightly accidental about it. With two swift fingers, he pulls my panties to the side and runs a teasing tongue right through me, making my stomach twist in delight.

After several more teasing licks, he takes the waistband of my panties in his teeth and tugs them to the floor. Fuck, he’s smooth. I kick my panties off into the darkness and Barrett pushes my knees apart, studying me with a dark, lust-filled gaze that makes my belly flip.

“You are exquisite. You're literally perfect,” he says, eyes studying my flesh as he runs one long finger along my core. “You know that, don't you?”

I don't have words as his finger caresses me in light, teasing circles, so instead I make a wordless whimper of approval.

“You like that?” he asks. His voice sounds reverent, and his gaze follows the movement of his finger, sweeping over my slick flesh.

I nod, eyes on his. He is so handsome it physically pains me to look at him sometimes. His t-shirt pulls at the chiseled muscles of his chest, and there's dark hair on his jaw, but it's his eyes that always get me—the way they seem to see straight inside of me.

“Come here.” I groan out a frustrated noise, reaching one hand along his chest, down to his abs. “You never let me touch you.”

“Not necessary. Touching you is everything. Trust me.”

And then there are no more words because he lowers his mouth again, and begins tasting me in slow, hot kisses that I'm pretty sure will drive me completely insane.

I make a wordless sound of need-filled pleasure as Barrett kisses my wet, swollen flesh again, picking up the tempo. Everything ratchets up six-thousand degrees, and I can't help but push my hands into his hair.

“You taste delicious,” he says, voice tight.

“Don't you dare stop,” I moan as his warm mouth latches onto my pussy like it's his freaking job.

“Wasn't planning on it.”

Barrett Fucking Wilson—my older brother's best friend, and my own personal walking wet-dream for the past decade—is sucking on my lady-bits. I let out a sharp groan.

“Shh.” He lifts his face from the spot between my legs and places a finger over his lips. “Be quiet or they'll hear you.”

I glance down the hall—we're supposed to be sleeping in the den tonight, not making it our own personal love shack. It should bother me that my parents are under the same roof, it should prevent me from becoming oh-my-God-so-horny, but with Barrett kneeling on the carpet at my feet, head between my thighs as he brings me to heights of pleasure I could never imagine in even my wildest dreams about him, that doesn't even factor into the equation.

Why does the fact that this is forbidden and we could be discovered at any moment make me even hotter?

I gaze down at him, tangling my hands in his hair. His strong jaw, with dark stubble moves as he kisses me intimately. He parts me with his fingers, his tongue doing the most magical things.

He is like a Jedi-ninja of pussy eating. I could watch him do this all day. And somehow, I know I’m going to remember him doing this for the rest of my life.

Ever since I'd accidentally walked in on him in the shower our first night here, I'd been done for. I'd seen what he was packing in his jeans and mama wanted to play. He'd been out of reach my entire life, but now I was more than old enough to go after what I wanted.

“More,” I beg, already so close.

“I’m going to fuck you with my fingers.”

“God, yes,” I say on a desperate sob. Why is he telling me this? Almost like he’s asking permission. After the past three days of banter, and flirting and arguing, I thought it'd be pretty obvious that I wanted this. Wanted him.

While continuing to work me over with his mouth, Barrett sinks one thick finger inside me, groaning as he finds me soaked.

Fuckity, fuck. This is so good.

“I want you.”

He shakes his head, that cocky smirk I've always loved crossing his lips. “You can't handle me and we both know it.”

He's probably right, but I'd never backed down from a challenge, and riding the biggest cock I'd ever seen sounds like a fun way to test my limits.

“But don't you want me to…?”

“Can't. Bro code,” he manages in between licks of his tongue against me.

Screw bro code. His face was already between my thighs. And yes, he was besties with my brother, but surely making me come on his face is also against this supposed law of bros.

“Hmm. So blue balls for you then?” I pant, blood pumping through my veins faster and faster.

He moans, tongue tracing lazy circles against me, like he could do this all day. “I have hands. I'll take care of it later.”

God, he is so infuriating with his boundaries and rules and control. Is it bad that I would literally pay good money to watch him jack off that beast of a cock? I could imagine myself sitting there, slack-jawed with a tub of buttered popcorn in lap. And yes, the popcorn would be buttered, this is my fantasy after all.

“Can I watch you take care of it?” I ask, knowing what he’ll probably say. And get a moan in response from him.

That visual caused a reaction because his movements begin to ramp up. The idea of me watching him excites him…

After a few more seconds, Barrett groans again, almost like he's in agony. “You going to come for me, sweetheart?”

Kendall Ryan's Books