The Crow King's Wife (The Elder Blood Chronicles #5)(137)

“You’re mad if you think I will entrust my heir to you.” Truce snapped defiantly.

“Would you entrust him to his Grandfather?” Jala asked as she waved a hand to the crowd near the palace doors and motioned Sovaesh forward. The Assassin moved swiftly to her and bowed before turning to regard Truce.

The High Lord’s face fell in defeat as he nodded to Sovaesh and gave his wife an apologetic look. “I will.” He relented as he gently pushed not only his son, but his wife forward as well. “Please Sovaesh if you would see them to safety I would be grateful.”

“I would rather stand with you!” Nallia Avanti protested and tried in vain to cling to her husband’s arm.

“And I would rather you were safe.” Truce countered as he carefully handed his loved ones over to Sovaesh.

“Take Legacy as well Sovaesh and keep them all safe no matter what the outcome of today is.” Jala commanded softly. Turning back to the sky she gripped the holy symbol around her neck and Neph heard her begin muttering to beginnings of a prayer.

A snort of amusement rose from the crowd behind him and Neph turned to regard one of the priests who had been utterly silent till now chuckling softly as he moved away from his fellows to stand at the edge of the stairs for a better view. Shaking his head Neph tried his best to ignore the man as he began his own silent prayers. With the odds they were about to face they would need all of the Divine intervention they could get.


Shaking with outrage Zoelyn rose from her chair to stare at the scry and then glared at her mother. “This is what must happen?” she demanded fiercely and pointed a finger at the assembled lords. “My brother must stand like a lamb for the slaughter against the combined forces of Rivana and Nerathane?” she added in an incredulous voice.

“Morcath too, they haven’t noticed the forces approaching from behind them yet.” Cora replied in an apologetic voice.

“And you expect me to stand here and watch as my Brother and friends bleed for an Empress that is so cowardly she flees in the face of her enemies?” Zoelyn snarled as she pushed back from the table and shook her head at Cora in disbelief.

“It is not something I wish to witness either Zoey, but it must happen.” Cora said sadly and carefully moved Syrah from her lap to a chair as she rose to her feet. “You and I are both powerless in the matter. What else can we do but watch?”

“Is my Daddy there?” Syrah asked softly and Zoelyn could see the terror written in the child’s eyes.

“I am not powerless.” Zoelyn growled to Cora and then turned to Syrah and tried to think of anything she could say to the child that might reassure her, but she couldn’t think of a single word that seemed appropriate. The sad truth was her father likely was somewhere in the city and the odds of Grim escaping the assault on the city were slim. “I promise you Syrah, if I see him I will do everything I can to send him back to you.” She said at last then shook her head sadly at her mother. “How could you ever expect me to just watch this.” She asked sadly as she paced as far from the table and scry as she could.

“What other choice do you have Zoey? Be reasonable.” Cora said in pleading tones.

“Anything is better than nothing.” Zoelyn shot back and closed her eyes as she slowly pulled her gloves from her hands. She knew what she had to do and just the thought of it made her heart thunder painfully in her chest. Swallowing heavily she held her hands out before her and willed her curse to drain away the wards protecting her brother’s room. “Seth.” The name burst from her lips in such desperation that it rang like a war cry through the halls beyond.

The air before her darkened before her mouth had fully closed and the shadows coalesced into Seth’s lithe form in under a breath. His gold eyes were lit with interest as he studied her face and he raised an eyebrow at her in question. “You called?” he enquired sweetly. “Rather desperately too I might add, yet I don’t see a threat here.” He added as his gaze skimmed over Syrah and Cora then came to rest on her once more.

“Zoelyn what are you doing?” Cora demanded as she hesitantly took a step toward her daughter.

“Something rather than nothing.” Zoelyn replied quietly as she met Seth’s gaze fully and let out a long slow breath to steady herself. With effort she reined her curse back in before it could destroy all of the wards of protection on the house. She had only wanted to disable the ones preventing Seth from coming to her, and apparently she had succeeded. “You wanted a test from me.” She reminded him.

“I did.” Seth agreed and the interest in his face deepened. “I take it you have thought of an adequate way for me to prove myself then?”

“I want you to help me save my friends.” Zoelyn replied without hesitation and motioned toward the scry.

Seth glanced toward the scry then back at her before he walked slowly toward the table and stared down at the scene unfolding in Sanctuary. Absently he tapped his fingers across the polished table top as he studied the images for a long moment. “Jala, Neph, Valor, and Madren are the ones you are referring to?” he asked softly.

“Since I don’t know where Grim or Shade are presently yes. Those are the friends I am referring to.” Zoelyn agreed as she watched him closely for any sign of his feelings. It was of course possible that he would laugh at her and refuse her request, most rational people would, but she didn’t think Seth would.

Melissa Myers's Books