The Crow King's Wife (The Elder Blood Chronicles #5)(136)

With a quick glance to Jala Neph braced one hand on the balcony of his dais and swung himself over the side. Landing gracefully he nodded briefly to Victory as he passed him on the way to the doors. “If the answer is raising the Barrier over the city let me know before you do it. I’m not going to be trapped here like a rat while my home is left undefended.” He announced loudly enough for everyone assembled to hear before heading for the door.

A faint scuffle sounded behind him followed by the sharp click of high heels on the stone floors. Glancing back he saw Jala rapidly catching up with him and smiled as he realized the scuffling must have been the High Lady following his example and leaping the rail of her dais like a farm boy.

“If she raises the Barrier we are all damned.” Jala said quietly as they drew to a stop on the outer stairs of the palace.

Gazing up at the sky Neph nodded absently and stared hard at the small dark figures in the distance. “Dragons and Spell Hawks and more than we can fight.” Neph observed with a sigh and glanced at Jala. “The prudent thing to do would be return to our lands and try to manage as best we can.” He said softly as he watched the remaining High Lords approaching.

“If we do that Sanctuary is damned.” Jala announced and her mouth tightened into a determined line. “We cannot let the Barrier go up, and we cannot flee. We need to end this now. We need to fight.” She said in a louder voice.

“Are you bloody mad?” Truce Avanti exclaimed as his gaze moved from the approaching forces to Jala and back again.

“Not in the least Lord Avanti.” Jala replied calmly then turned her attention to the greater assembly. “If we run now we will not have time to muster our forces in our own lands.” She informed them then pointed up to the sky. “They are already mustered and prepared for a fight. If we flee and the Fionaveir raise this Barrier they will divert their course to another target.” She paused and met each High Lord’s eyes individually. “If that hit Arovan could your people hold against it Lord Elijah?” Jala asked pointedly.

Elijah stared up at the sky and shook his head slowly. “You know we cannot Lady Merrodin. Arovan is too weak right now.” He replied bleakly.

“Arjuna could the Firym hold against that?” Jala demanded turning toward the High Lord of Firym in question.

“We would last longer than most.” Arjuna answered proudly.

“However you would still fall.” Zachary Dark observed and nodded once to Jala. “I see what you are saying Lady Merrodin. Individually we have no chance as we are but one great power amongst a land of mostly common soldiers, however if we stand together now we are many great powers assembled against and army of lesser creatures.”

“Exactly!” Jala said with a wide smile then looked at the High Lords once more. “Lord Dark has the right of it. We are all High Lords and they will not expect us to take a stand. If we work together we can save the people of Sanctuary and defeat our enemies at the same time.” She announced loudly.

Movement at the back of the crowd drew Neph’s attention and he gently nudged Jala with his elbow and nodded his head toward the retreating figure of the Empress. Jala’s jaw dropped slightly and she took a step toward the retreating forms of Symphony and her guards.

“Your Grace!” Jala called after Symphony in obvious dismay. The Empress paused and turned to look at her with wide eyes as Jala took another step toward her. “Empress Symphony will you not take command of your High Lords in defense of your city? We stand ready to fight on your behalf.” Jala called loudly and Neph could see how much she was struggling to keep the anger from her voice.

For the course of the entire war the lords assembled around him had fought to give Symphony her throne, and she had rewarded them with disappointment after disappointment at every turn. With every given opportunity to lead Symphony had failed, and now she was not only failing she was proving herself a coward as well as far as Neph saw it.

Faramir whispered into the Empress’s ear once more and Symphony nodded before turning her attention back to Jala. “I give you the honor of protecting my city Lady Merrodin. I know I will not be disappointed by your efforts on my behalf.” Symphony called before turning on her heels to retreat further into the palace.

“The Empress is much too valuable to risk in such an endeavor Lady Merrodin, it was wrong of you to suggest she might place herself in harm’s way.” Faramir scolded and glared at Jala before turning to hurry after Symphony.

“Far be it for us to suggest our leader should lead.” Neph said dryly as he glanced at Jala before turning back to gaze up that the sky once more. “Well do we fight?” he asked softly.

“We have no choice but to fight.” Jala returned firmly. “If we do not fight we are damned. We must face them together or die alone in our own lands when they come for us.”

“So we fight.” Madren said with a nod as he moved forward to stand beside Jala. The witches that had accompanied him as his entourage spread themselves into a semi-circle behind their lord and Madren smiled confidently. “So we win.” He amended and gave Jala a firm nod.

“We win.” Jala repeated and her eyes narrowed as she struggled to gauge the distance of the approaching forces.

“But first we send the ones too young to fight to safety.” Valor pointed out with a smile as he hefted Legacy gently in his arms. The child had been so quiet and well behaved during the council that Neph had almost forgotten he was present until Valor brought attention to him. “I believe Avanti has a son here as well that is too young to fight.”

Melissa Myers's Books