The Crow King's Wife (The Elder Blood Chronicles #5)(134)

“I’ve never felt this much anger before. I want to make her suffer for this.” Shade replied in a broken voice and could barely believe the words he was uttering. Never before in his life had he wanted to inflict so much pain on anyone, no matter what they had done to him. He couldn’t forgive what had been done to Charm or Ingrid however. Such things couldn’t be forgiven, they could only be punished.

Chapter 20


The hall of the council chamber echoed with disgruntled murmurs and Neph could barely bite back his own sentiments on the matter. His wouldn’t be whispered however, his would be loud proclamations about what a worthless bitch their Empress had turned out to be. With a heavy sigh he glanced at Jala and leaned forward from the cushioned chair that had been provided for him. For the first time in his life Neph understood why his father had favored the uncomfortable wooden chairs. He had found in the past hour of waiting that it was impossible to look imposing when lounging in a feather stuffed velvet chair.

Neph’s gaze wandered across the assembled High Lords once more and to his amusement he saw echoes of his own sentiments on several faces. Elijah Arovan had opted to simply stand, while his General sat behind with a scowl on his face that did little to balance the fact that he was ensconced in light blue velvet that looked more suited to a lady’s drawing room. Jala herself even seemed uncomfortable though she was doing an adequate job of hiding it. He caught a glimpse of her violet eyes as they passed over the empty council seats and turned to stare at the banners himself. Rivasa, Nerathane, and Morcaillo were all absent, but then so was the Empress so there was no one to complain to about it, yet.

“Where are your buddies at?” Neph called across the room to Truce Avanti. He couldn’t keep silent any longer no matter how badly Jala might want him to be diplomatic.

Of everyone in the room Truce Avanti seemed to be the only one that actually looked comfortable, though Neph knew it was a mask. He had caught the High Lord of Avanti glancing at the empty seats at least twice. Frowning Truce raised an eyebrow at Neph and summoned an expression of bored annoyance. Tilting his chin up slightly Truce leaned over toward his wife and whispered something before silently scolding his son for fidgeting in the chair behind him. Apparently deciding it would be the most diplomatic to simply ignore Neph as one would a rude child.

“Perhaps you didn’t hear me clearly. I realize they sat you on the opposite side of the room to keep you safe so I’ll speak up. I asked where your friends are Avanti.” Neph repeated in a much louder voice that echoed off of the council walls.

“Neph, please.” Jala said with a hint of desperation in her voice. Her attention was fully riveted on him now and her violet eyes were filled with pleading.

“I find myself rather curious on that particular matter as well.” Arjuna Firym said in a casual voice that was only slightly louder than what was generally considered polite.

“How about where is the Empress?” The High Lady of Seravae intoned with an apologetic glance to Jala.

“I’m sure we will have our answers soon. I would greatly prefer that we not start this off on the wrong foot by fighting amongst one another before the council even starts.” Elijah Arovan said in a calming voice and pointedly looked to each of his peers that had spoken up.

Neph had to resist the urge to roll his eyes when the High Lord of Arovan’s eyes landed on him. It would have been a childish gesture and he knew it, but to be chided like a child twice in a row gave him the overwhelming desire to act like one. With a snort of disgust Neph rose from his chair and paced around the small enclosed dais that had been provided for his house. The other High Lords had entourages that had accompanied them, but his space was utterly empty aside from himself, which meant he alone had the luxury of stretching without elbowing a friend in the face.

“I wasn’t trying to make a fuss High Lord Arovan. I’m simply bored of waiting and curious who Rivasa is raping and pillaging while we sit here like good little fools.” Neph announced casually and motioned a hand toward Truce. “I assumed they sent their weakest link to dampen our suspicion on the matter.”

“Do not presume to insult House Avanti in my presence.” Truce replied sharply and Neph laughed in response.

“I was there at your surrender, Truce. Save it for someone that hasn’t seen you grovel before.” Neph shot back in amusement.

“Neph!” Jala snapped with anger thick in her voice. The skirts of her long purple dress rustled noisily as she rose from her chair and glowered at him. Leaning forward she rested both hands on the railing and gave him her best Lady Bendazzi glare. “You will stop trying to pick a fight. We are here to seek peace.” She informed him coldly.

“Difficult to reach any sort of compromises when we are missing several High Lords and our Empress.” Jin Han’Shy observed quietly.

Jala’s mouth opened to reply but snapped shut as the double doors at the front of the hall opened and the Empress strolled into the room followed by Faramir and several guards in polished plate mail. Silently Jala dropped back into her chair and watched the procession as it passed by her dais.

Symphony inclined her head with in the barest of nods to the assembled High Lords as she crossed the room in slow dignified steps. Her long dark hair was swept up and held in place by a platinum circlet that was emblazoned with the mark of the Justicars at its brow.

Melissa Myers's Books