The Crow King's Wife (The Elder Blood Chronicles #5)(129)

“What is coming Mother?” Zoelyn demanded, but a soft rap at the door interrupted before Cora could answer. With a glare that warned her mother the discussion was not over Zoelyn rose from her seat. Anger warred with concern in her mind as she crossed to the door and pulled it open.

Syrah stood in the hall beyond with pursed lips and worry filling her grey eyes. The child had made a rough attempt at making herself presentable. Her long dark hair pulled back in a crooked braid with strands poking out in several places and her clothes were clean ones even if they didn’t match. Every inch of the child screamed of neglect in her father’s absence and Zoelyn silently scolded herself for not making sure Syrah had better care. Shifting nervously from foot to foot Syrah stared up at her and swallowed heavily.

All anger faded from Zoelyn as she considered the child’s expression and realized how she must have looked as she pulled the door open. “I’m sorry, Syrah. I must have looked like quite the ogre when you first saw me. I was having a disagreement with my mother, Sweety. It wasn’t your knock that was making me glower.” She explained gently as she dropped to a knee to tie the child’s boot lace.

“I didn’t mean to disturb you.” Syrah offered in apology and shifted once more before meeting Zoelyn’s eyes. “I heard them say you would be watching the council today before they left the Great Hall.” She admitted softly. “Lord Valor seemed confused by your absence and Lady Jala said you couldn’t come, but you would be watching.” The girl’s voice was filled with nervousness and Zoelyn silently wondered how much Grim had warned her of the Undrae to create so much unease in his daughter.

“I will be.” Zoelyn agreed keeping her voice as gentle as possible. She didn’t want Syrah to fear her. She wouldn’t hurt any child no matter what kind of monster Grim seemed to believe she was.

Syrah’s eyes lit with hope and she swallowed nervously once more. “Can I watch with you please? I think my Daddy might be there and I just want to see him. I want to know he is ok.” The words poured from Syrah and her nerves seemed to evaporate in her desperation.

“Oh Syrah.” Zoelyn murmured as she carefully took the child’s hands and noticed how the girl didn’t flinch away from her touch. Even with the gloves on Syrah would have likely pulled away if Grim had explained the nature of Undrae to her. So all of the fear was for her Father’s safety then, Zoelyn realized and her heart went out to the child. Syrah had just lost her mother and brother while her entire home burned around her, and now her father was gone as well. She was alone in a strange city and she was trying desperately to hide her fear so she wouldn’t disappoint her father on his return.

“I just want to see him.” Syrah repeated in a broken voice and tried to turn her face away before Zoelyn could see the beginning of tears in her eyes. “It’s been three days since he left and he didn’t even say good-bye.” She added hoarsely.

“You are welcome to watch with me all day, Syrah, but I don’t think you will see your Father on the scry. I don’t think he will be at the council, Sweety. He doesn’t want the High Lords to know he still lives and he went looking for Shade. Shade is an outlaw in Sanctuary. If he shows up at the council they will throw him in prison.” Zoelyn explained as she stood and pulled the girl gently into the room behind her. Her gaze rose to meet her mother’s as she pushed the door shut behind her and her eyes narrowed in warning. “I’m not sure what the scry of the Council will be like, but I hope for both our sakes everything turns out well.” She tried to keep the edge from her voice to spare Syrah, but she could tell Cora heard her anger clearly by the chagrined look on her face.

With a bright smile Cora motioned the child forward. “I’m sure everything will be just fine.” She assured them both and motioned again for Syrah to approach. “Did you fix your hair yourself, Darling? Come here and let me straighten it a bit for you. You can see the scry from my knee and I will make sure you look like the perfect young lady I’m sure you are, just in case your Father arrives today.”

At first Syrah seemed hesitant, but the thought of her father returning seemed to spur the child. Moving swiftly she dropped Zoelyn’s hands and scampered toward Cora completely oblivious to the dark glare of warning Zoelyn was giving her mother.

“False hope is worse than lying.” Zoelyn whispered as she reclaimed her seat at the table and lifted the puzzle box once more. She wasn’t the least bit interested in practicing her skills at the moment, but it would give her something to do to keep her hands from clenching into fists.

Chapter 19


The cold had seeped all the way through his joints and Shade was certain once they finally did step from the Shadow realm he would be blind the moment he confronted sunlight again. His gaze lingered on the blurred outlines of prisoners milling aimlessly in their cells and he resisted the urge to count them as he turned and paced across the hall.

He knew exactly how many people were in the cell before him. He knew exactly how many people were in all of the cells that filled the massive prison. Grim had insisted that they explore the place thoroughly and for two days they had been doing little else. He knew the exact distance of each hall, how thick the walls were, and where Charm was being held. What he didn’t know was why they were still waiting.

Melissa Myers's Books