The Crow King's Wife (The Elder Blood Chronicles #5)(126)

Jala sighed in exasperation and Neph looked up at her and shook his head slowly before his eyes moved past her to rest on Onvalla. If anything the leader of the Blights looked more uneasy than he was, though Neph wasn’t certain if it was the formal dress the Blight was wearing causing her discomfort or if she truly shared his suspicions on the Empress’s invitations to council.

“She doesn’t like it either.” Neph informed Jala with a wave of his hand.

Shaking her head Jala glanced at Onvalla and then looked to Madren who lounged in one of the chairs with a pensive expression on his face. “What do you think?” Jala asked as she brushed a curl back from her face. Her long silk skirts rustled softly as she moved to the table and picked up the document Neph had discarded. The High Lady ran a finger across one of the seals and carefully folded it once more before placing it beside the rest of the invitations she had acquired in Sanctuary.

“I think Neph is always suspicious, but I’m not sure he is right on this account. It does seem odd that the invitations would be given so easily, but then Empress Symphony needs as much support as she can manage at this point.” Madren replied calmly and gave Neph an almost apologetic look.

“Exactly how I saw it!” Jala agreed with a smile as she turned back to Neph. “Look, many have lost faith in Symphony and with good reason. When I walked into her chambers demanding invitations for the High Lords she had wrongfully neglected it was like answering a prayer for her. She needs support and I brought it. For the love of the Aspects Neph it’s a council meeting and nothing more.”

“And she conveniently waited until the morning of the council to give you the invitations. That effectively eliminates any time I would have had to consider this. I have two choices now, accept this blindly and go to the meeting, or ignore her and try to maintain my seat as High Lord without any support from my peers.” Neph returned in a growl and shook his head once more. “It’s too bloody easy.” He repeated and let out a heavy sigh.

“Neither of us have a choice in this Lord Delvayon.” Onvalla pointed out bluntly. Her pale blond hair had been artfully arranged and Jala had managed to convince the Blight to wear a silk dress, but the woman still stood as if she were about to do battle despite her refined appearance. “We must be seen as High Lords and if we are going to do that we must accept her invitation and attend this council.” Onvalla said firmly.

“I didn’t say I wasn’t going to attend. I merely pointed out that I didn’t like it.” Neph snapped and somehow the silence that followed his words was even more irritating than the invitations themselves. He glanced around the room and not for the first time felt Shade’s absence like a blow to the gut. He had gotten so used to Shade’s careless remarks that the lack of them made the silence stretch painfully. “Have you heard anything from Vaze?” he asked softly almost before he realized he was abandoning his argument by changing the subject.

Jala nodded slightly and a frown creased her full lips as she seemed to notice Shade’s absence as well. Her violet eyes flicked to Neph and sighed. “Vaze has checked every slave market on Sanctuary. He was subtle and discreet with his search and he has concluded that Shade lied about selling them, but we cannot determine what truly did with them.” She informed him quietly.

“Zoelyn hasn’t believed he was guilty since he left.” Neph admitted ruefully. Absently he ran a hand through his hair and shook his head in frustration. “Why would he intentionally piss us off and leave like that.”

“To protect you.” Zoelyn said softly from her seat in the corner of the room. She was the only one in the room that was dressed casually, and she hadn’t bothered to speak until now. “He committed matricide in Rivana to save Grim. He knew he would answer for his crimes. He cut ties with us so we wouldn’t share his punishment.” She added as she curled further back into the cushioned chair and looked away from them all.

Neph watched her for a long moment and tried to push away the regret that was clouding his mind. He should have paid closer attention to Zoelyn. He knew he should have listened to the subtle hints she had tried to give him over the past week. Instead he had pushed her away and clung to his anger and now she was more distant than she had been since the day he had met her in Merro.

“It’s not something we can afford to consider right now no matter how much it distresses us. We have a council meeting to attend in less than two hours and we need to have our minds set fully upon that. Neph have you chosen an entourage to accompany you?” Jala’s voice broke through the silence once more and he took her advice and pushed the guilty thoughts from his mind before shaking his head in answer.

“I’m going alone. I have no way to transport Zoelyn on such short notice and she has informed me that she would prefer to stay in Delvay and train. My Aunt will watch over the city while I’m away, and aside from those two I can’t think of anyone in my city that is suited to the task.” Neph explained with a trace of disgust in his voice. Even the Blight had brought chosen people to accompany her to the meeting, but when he considered his own people he couldn’t think of a single one that wouldn’t either embarrass him or start a war.

“I plan to watch the council on scry while I train.” Zoelyn offered quietly and shrugged as the attention of the room turned to her. “While I won’t be there in person I will know what is going on. If I feel Neph needs advice later I will be informed and able to offer an educated opinion.” She clarified but didn’t return the smile Neph offered in response to her words.

Melissa Myers's Books