The Crow King's Wife (The Elder Blood Chronicles #5)(127)

“That sounds reasonable.” Jala agreed hesitantly before turning her attention back to Neph. “Are you certain you won’t at least take a guard or two?” she asked with a slight frown.

“I don’t need guards and you know it.” Neph snapped as he rose from his chair and straightened the stiff jacket he wore. He missed his worn leather armor almost as much as he missed Shade’s pointless banter and the lack of them both was making him more irritable than he cared to admit. Zoelyn’s disapproval wasn’t helping his mood either he realized glumly as he noticed her sullen glare in his direction. “We might as well get this farce over with. Where is Valor?” he asked with grumble of annoyance.

“I wish you were in a better frame of mind for diplomacy.” Jala sighed then motioned to the door. “He is with Legacy exploring your city. My son seems fascinated with your lack of sky. He can’t seem to grasp the concept that your city is built in a cave and just keeps staring up at the ceiling and pointing.” She explained with a faint smile.

“Neph is rarely ever in a good frame of mind for diplomacy. He knows the concept of the skill and has been trained to understand it, but overall he seems to view it as a pointless waste of his time.” Madren observed as he rose from the table. Gracefully he crossed to the door and pulled it open for the two women with a slight bow.

“Thank you Madren.” Jala intoned sweetly before stepping into the shadowed hall with Onvalla on her heels.

Madren gave Neph a questioning look as he straightened but Neph shook his head and motioned for him to go on. “Give me a moment to speak with Zoey. I’ll be there by the time you track down, Valor.”

“As you will. Good day to you Lady Zoelyn.” Madren returned with another slight bow in Zoelyn’s direction before disappearing out the door to trail after Jala.

Neph waited for the door to close and listened to the footsteps receding down his hallway. Satisfied that they were all past the point of hearing his words he turned to Zoelyn. “Something about today feels wrong.” He began quietly. “Watch the scry closely and if things seem to be falling apart seal the city or flee. Use your best judgment to determine what is best for the city. I will leave instructions with Kay to follow you orders.”

“What about you?” Zoelyn asked in a concerned voice, and for the first time in days her expression toward him softened.

“I will be with Jala and the rest so I should be fine. I am not sure about leaving Delvay though. It’s possible that the Rivasans will use my absence to attack.” Neph explained with a frown and wondered for the hundredth time that morning if being officially acknowledged as the High Lord of Delvay was worth putting his city at risk.

“I think the Rivasans are feeling a bit cautious right now. They lost an entire city to two men after all. They have to wonder what sort of power we are holding right now.” Zoelyn pointed out calmly as she slowly unfolded herself and rose from her chair. Silently she crossed the room and stopped just in front of him to look him over with a critical eye. She clucked her tongue in mild disapproval and straightened his jacket a bit. “Be careful, Neph. I’ve had a lot of my mind this week, and I know I’ve been distant, but don’t think for a second that I don’t care about you. Do what you have to do today and I will watch over the city until you return. Just make sure you return.” Her finger jabbed him in the chest firmly with her last words.

“I can’t think of a single other place on Sanctuary that would tolerate my presence for more than a day. I’ll return to Delvay don’t worry on that account.” Neph assured her with a smile. On impulse he pulled her to him in a light embrace. She stiffened in his arms and he released her quickly trying to convince himself that it was her concern with her curse that made her pull back and not her anger at his treatment of Shade.

“Be careful, Neph.” Zoelyn repeated quietly as she stepped further from him and retreated back to her chair.

“See that you do the same.” Neph replied a bit more stiffly than he had intended then turned for the door. He wasn’t in the frame of mind to fix things between them and he knew it, besides he had a thousand other things to focus on at the present. There would be time after the council to repair the damage between him and Zoelyn, and once the council was over he would be able to focus his full attention on her without distractions.


Zoelyn watched the door close and waited patiently for the tell-tale hum of magic in the room. Within moments of Neph’s departure she felt the first flicker of Divine power and turned her gaze to regard her mother. Her brow creased slightly as she realized Cora was alone. She had expected Fortune to be with her and his absence disturbed her.

“Just me today I’m afraid.” Cora announced in way of greeting then held up a small bag as she crossed to the table. “But I have brought plenty of puzzles to keep you entertained in the absence of the others.” She added with a bright smile.

“Oh joy.” Zoelyn replied dismally and rose from her chair once more. “Why isn’t Fortune here?” she asked and tried to keep the disappointment from her words. She didn’t want her mother to think she didn’t appreciate both of their company, but Fortune had a way of lightening her mood no matter how depressed she was. She had been looking forward to passing the day with the both of them in Neph’s absence.

Melissa Myers's Books