The Crow King's Wife (The Elder Blood Chronicles #5)(135)

Neph frowned at the sight of it and glanced to Jala, but the High Lady of Merrodin seemed entirely focused on the Empress’s bejeweled gown and Neph could see the annoyance creasing Jala’s brow. She had noticed the same thing he had about the Empress’s garb then. Unlike Jala’s own fine dress, Symphony’s was not crafted with magic, which meant each of the jewels lining her dress and glittering on her fingers had been bought.

The only real question was where the money came from. If Neph had to hazard a guess he would say taxes from the city, but given the state of a few districts in the city spending that much money on clothing would be beyond stupid. There were people starving in some quarters, and every High Lord assembled knew it. With the war destroying so much farmland, and keeping other crops from being harvested food was costly, and flaunting jewels during such a crisis was a slap in the face to the more hard pressed lords.

The Empress seemed perfectly oblivious to the hard stares she was getting from the High lords and ascended the stairs with a look of perfect serenity on her beautiful face. She turned slowly back to the High Lords as she gained her dais and held her hands out for silence though the room was already so quiet that a pin dropping would have rang like a bell.

“I have been informed that certain of our High lords have been detained and will arrive shortly. I realize you all grow impatient and so I have decided to start the meeting with a few personal matters that have been brought to my attention and do not require the presence of my entire council.” Symphony’s voice rang through the room with the musical quality of the Fae, but from the expression on the High Lord of Faydwer’s face Neph guessed the Fae were not currently claiming her as one of their own.

“May we enquire as to what has detained our fellow High Lords your Grace?” Lord Arovan asked in a voice that held more reason than Neph could have mustered if his life had depended on it.

“It is a matter between their three lands, an alliance of terms that they were negotiating that has taken longer than intended. They will bring this matter to our attention when they arrive or so I am assured and you will have all of the details then High Lord Arovan.” Symphony replied calmly and her gold eyes moved across the room to settle firmly on Jala. “As to the other matters, High Lady Merrodin will you rise please.”

“Of course your Grace.” Jala replied as she rose once more from her chair and bowed her head respectfully to Symphony, but Neph could clearly see the look of apprehension on her face.

“You are accused of charges of brutality in the maintenance of your borders Lady Merrodin.” Symphony announced then glanced down as Faramir supplied her with a small stack of papers. The Empress scanned the papers and her brow creased slightly as she looked back up to Jala with narrowed eyes. “Would you please define your protocol for defending your borders for all assembled?” Symphony said in a voice that turned the politely phrased question into a command.

“I have put strict rules upon my borders as to who is allowed to cross. Those who break those laws are branded for the first offense and sent back to their homeland. For the second offense they are branded a second time, fined and jailed for one week before they are returned to their home. For the third transgression we brand them, fine then and expedite their return in a fashion that keeps them from bothering us a fourth time.” Jala explained in clipped tones her gaze locked on Truce Avanti as she spoke.

“Please define expediting their return.” Symphony pressed then tilted her head slightly to one side as Faramir whispered into her ear. Nodding Symphony turned her attention back to Jala and raised an eyebrow in impatience.

Clearing her throat Jala nodded and stood straighter meeting Symphony’s eyes directly with no sign of remorse on her face at all. “We bind them hand and foot and place them into a catapult. We aim the catapult back at Avanti’s lands and do our best to hit his Palace with the criminals we are returning to him. Unfortunately we have yet to hit our mark as it lies some distance from our borders, but we hope to one day enjoy success on that endeavor.” Jala replied in a sickeningly sweet voice.

A snort of laughter erupted from High Lord Arjuna and the Firym abruptly turned away from the assembly in an obvious effort to regain control of himself. “Expedited return.” Arjuna chuckled and he shook his head at Jala with a wide smile on his handsome face.

Symphony glared down at the Firym for a long moment then turned back to Jala with a disapproving look. “Does this not seem harsh to you Lady Merrodin?” Sounds of running feet echoed through the hall beyond the door accompanied by muffled shouts and Symphony’s stern expression faded as she turned to Faramir in confusion.

“I will see what the trouble is your, Grace.” Faramir assured her demurely but paused before she had reached the first steps as the double doors burst open and Victory Faydwer stormed in with a frantic look on his face. His gaze swept the room quickly and seized on Symphony. Bowing deeply he stood and Neph could see blood tracing down the side of the Fae’s face as he stood.

“Your Grace the prison has been breached and we have rioting in the streets.” He announced loudly.

“How dare you interrupt such an important council with this. If you cannot handle this matter perhaps you do not deserve the rank you have Commander Faydwer.” Faramir snapped with anger flashing in her dark eyes.

Victory glared at her then turned back to Symphony once more. “Your, Grace I cannot spare the men to contain the rioting as I must turn my attention to the forces heading for our city. It appears as though Rivasa and Nerathane plan to attack Sanctuary itself. Do we defend the city or do we raise the Barrier Milady?” The urgency in his voice brought Neph to his feet.

Melissa Myers's Books