The Crow King's Wife (The Elder Blood Chronicles #5)(142)

“You do recall me saying I wanted every last one of the flame hearted bastards dead right?” Grim returned with a smile. “Now show me how to work these guns and let’s get this over with. Rivasa, Nerathane, and Morcath chose this fight. Let’s be the first to make them regret that decision.”

“The ammunition on my ship is different than most. I’ve designed all of it. The Morcath Spell Hawks will have some of the same ammo, but not all of it. The Barllen rounds in particular are unique.” Shade began as he realized he wasn’t going to talk Grim out of dying with him either. “Charm will keep the guns loaded in the back so all you will have to worry about is aiming. There is a rune on the control panel in front of you that will link you mentally with the weapon systems or if you prefer you can simply use the view screen. The runes for the separate ammunitions are color coded depending on what it is. The Barllen is the black rune, use it sparingly please.” Shade finished and slowly sank down into his seat.

Lovingly he ran a hand across the dash of his Spell Hawk and swallowed heavily as he leaned toward the pilot’s controls. “You and I have had some beautiful times, Love, but this is the last dance and this is the one that counts the most. I know you are banged up right now, and I know I have been neglecting you, but for today I need you to ignore that. I need you to fly like the day I built you. There are a lot of bastards up there that are going to believe they can catch you, but I know what you can really do, and I need you to show them no matter what condition you are in. I’m sorry for this, Love, but this city and those people are worth more than both of us.” he spoke the words so softly that he was certain neither of his friends could hear him until he looked up and found Grim watching him with a thoughtful expression.

“This ship is the center of your world isn’t it?” Grim asked softly as he drew his hands back carefully from the controls and slowly looked around the Spell Hawk as if he were seeing it for the first time.

Shade nodded slowly and swallowed as he slowly traced a finger over the view screen controls beginning the preflight sequence. “No matter what I did at home it was never the right choice. When it came to the Academy there was always someone slightly better than I was. In every single situation I have ever been in there has always been someone slightly stronger, faster, or more talented in magic, but here in this seat I am king. No one can come close to me here, and this Ship is my heart and soul. I designed her and built her and I know every inch of her better than a mother knows her child. This ship is my life and there is only one thing that I would sacrifice it for.” Shade’s voice was low as he finished the diagnostics and wrapped his fingers tightly around the controls. He felt his magic swell as he linked fully with his Spell Hawk and for the first time in weeks he was king again. He knew this was his last flight, and he had every intention of making sure it was never forgotten. The true battle would be won by Jala and her fellow High Lords, but his flight would be the first shot fired and it would live on in bard’s tales for decades to come. He owed his ship that much for what he was demanding of it.

“Is Jala really worth what you are sacrificing.” Grim asked quietly.

Shade smiled sadly and shook his head slowly. “Jala is wonderful, but she wasn’t what I was talking about when I spoke of sacrificing my ship. I’m doing this for Sanctuary. I’m doing this for every single soul down there that isn’t involved in this war and has no magic to protect themselves. I saw how many died when the Fionaveir took this city. So many people I knew suffered because of the pettiness of High Lords. I’m not like the rest of the Elder Blood. I never have been. I despise war and I truly pray this is the last battle fought. There is nothing glorious or honorable about it. War is nothing more than suffering and slaughter and it disgusts me.” He closed his eyes for a moment as his words trailed off then let out a long deep breath as he pulled the controls slowly toward him.

His ship responded instantly despite its battered condition. His eyes fixed on the view screen as he slid his finger across the rune that activated the mental link that he rarely ever used. A faint hum filled his ears and the view screen faded away replaced instantly by a perfect view of the sky surrounding his ship with no obstructions blocking his view. It had been so long since he had used the linking rune that for a moment he was breathless with the experience. It was a perfect bond with the one thing in the world that he loved more than anything else, and it only seemed fitting that he and The Shade would be one until the very last moment.


Sunlight glared down on his back and Finn had to resist the urge to push the cowl of his Priest’s robe back and tilt his head upward. Never before had the warmth of pure sunlight filled him with such simple joy and he smiled as he finally realized why the Firym revered the sun. He had lived without it for close to five years and to be standing under it now with a soft breeze filled with the scents of blooming flowers was almost intoxicating.

“Lord Han’shy can you use your gifts to urge this people off the streets.” Jala’s voice shattered the peace of the moment and Finn let out a quiet sigh as he turned his attention back to the chaos surrounding him.

“I could, but I won’t. It’s a waste of my strength. If they don’t have the sense to flee the battlefield then they deserve their fate.” Jin Han’shy replied calmly.

Jala had turned away obviously believing her request would be followed without argument but whirled back around to stare at Jin in open disbelief. She blinked at the High Lord and Finn had to suppress a chuckle at her expression. His little peasant girl had grown arrogant in her time as High Lady Merrodin and it showed clearly. By the way her violet eyes blazed it was obvious that she was trying to decide how best to punish someone with the audacity to deny her.

Melissa Myers's Books