The Crow King's Wife (The Elder Blood Chronicles #5)(144)

With a heavy sigh Finn stepped forward to the center of the stairs and untied the belt of his own robes. Shrugging it from his shoulders he tilted his head upward and for the barest moment savored the feeling of sunlight on his skin. A few confused murmurs rose from the people around him and Finn summoned his most arrogant smirk. The polished rings of his black chainmail caught the sunlight as he stepped forward to the very edge of the stairs to stare down at the stunned faces of the gathered High Lords.

“By the looks of things you all have a rather nasty fight ahead of you.” Finn observed loudly. “It’s one that you won’t win alone I’m afraid, but fortunately you aren’t alone.” He added. Shifting ever so slightly he motioned Fortune forward and the Aspect of Luck shrugged out of his Priest robes and stepped instantly to Finn’s side. “Today we remind you why Gods are revered. When you survive this fight remember that it was not by your own merits that you lived. The Divine will no longer blindly turn aside from the destruction of this world. From this day forward we will have a voice, and today we will show you why you will listen.” Finn’s voice rang off the stones and for the first time since the council of the High Lords had learned of the attack silence filled the air around them. Every complaint and suggestion the High Lords had been voicing had died on their lips as they stared up at Finn with mixed emotions written on their faces.

“You honor us Divine one. My praises to you Lord of Death.” Jala’s words broke the silence as she bowed low to Finn with a bittersweet expression on her pale face. Finn could see the edge of tears in her violet eyes and for the first time since he had begun building power for the gods he felt a flash of guilt for his dramatics.

Nodding to her he smiled faintly and pushed the guilt aside. He had already started down this path now was not the time to regret it. “Fortune grant them your luck for the day.” Finn said loudly and the Aspect standing beside him obediently stepped forward.

Spreading his hands wide Fortune poured his strength into the gathering and Finn could see the look of wonder blossoming on the faces below him. Most of the Elder Blood scoffed at the idea of Aspects, but they had never truly felt the hand of one upon them before with the exception of Jala herself. In the face of the raw power Fortune was bestowing they couldn’t help but acknowledge the blessing and therefore the god that bestowed it.

“Fidelity remind them what it is they fight for.” Finn commanded and as rehearsed the Aspect of Love flowed forward her gossamer dress swirling about her as she waved a hand over the High Lords. Determination flared in the eyes below as Fidelity’s power filled their hearts with love for Sanctuary itself. It was a tawdry bit of magic and Fidelity herself had objected to it at first, but Finn had insisted and he could tell by the reactions he was seeing his instincts had been correct.

There hadn’t been much warning about the pending attack, but it had been an opportunity that Finn couldn’t pass up. If he had simply warned the High Lords what was coming none of them would have shown their faces in the city today. So Finn had held his silence and gathered the few Aspects he had managed to bind to him through blood. The war needed to end. The world was growing too weak to survive from the endless fighting and this was the first step in bringing peace back to Sanctuary. With the Aspects involved in the fight even Rivasa would surely see the sense in a truce, or so he was hoping.

“Rose watch over them as they face their enemy and keep them strong.” Finn spoke the words loudly and it was nearly impossible to keep the amusement from his voice as recognition lit Jala’s face. He could sympathize with her completely. His own shock when he learned Rose was truly the Aspect of Healing had been so great he’d polished off half a bottle of Firewater before he had managed to being his negotiations with her.

Smiling widely Rose moved to his side and bowed her head to the familiar faces below her. “I will not let you fall.” She promised sweetly as her power crested to the surface for a breath and brushed softly over the crowd to remove any doubts they might have had regarding her.

“Lutheron ease their concerns so that they can face their enemy with clear minds.” Finn commanded and kept his face carefully neutral as he stared past the High Lords to where Lutheron had been watching the display with an angry glare. This was the only part of his plan that was a gamble. He had no ties over Lutheron and Finn had no idea how the man would react to his demand. If Lutheron refused the High Lords would remember it, but if he obeyed he was publically admitting that Finn had the power to command him. Their eyes locked and Finn could see the seething anger boiling in the Divine of Fear, but after what seemed like an eternity Lutheron bowed his head ever so slightly and waved a hand over the assembled High Lords.

Finn’s shoulders relaxed and he let out a silent sigh of relief as Exodus moved up beside him. Glancing down he smiled at her. “I wasn’t sure it would work.” He admitted softly.

“It worked spendidly, but you seem to have forgotten me in the theatrics.” Exodus replied and frowned at him.

“I haven’t forgotten you. Shade simply changed your role in things with his blatant stupdidity. So no loud proclamations for you my dear, I’m sorry for that, but this crowd can’t properly appreciate you anyway. So rather than waving your hands over a bunch of arrogant High Lords please do everything you can to ensure that idiot doesn’t end up in my domain.” He added dryly as he waved a hand toward the distant Spell Hawk.

Melissa Myers's Books