The Crow King's Wife (The Elder Blood Chronicles #5)(143)

“Saving the lives of hundreds of people is not a waste of time.” Jala snapped and Finn could see the angry tirade building just by the way she stood with her shoulders squared.

“But arguing with my father is.” Jail cut in before the debate could grow more heated. Bowing low to both Jala as well as his father Jail smiled. “I would be happy to do as you ask Lady Merrodin so that my father’s considerable talents can be turned toward the approaching enemies.”

“Fine, as long as someone is doing it.” Jala replied looking somewhat mollified. “Valor can you slow them with weather?” she asked turning aside from both Han’shy as she continued to try to force order out of the world around her.

As far as Finn could tell it was a hopeless endeavor on her part, but he wished Jala luck with her attempts. She was trying to order High Lords about as if they were soldiers, and the simple fact of the matter was that High Lords did not take orders at all. Each and every one of them would fight this battle separately and if Fortune was smiling they might manage to survive. Shifting slightly Finn glanced under the cowl of the man beside him and frowned as he realized Fortune was not smiling at all.

“Smile damn you.” Finn hissed in a voice too low for Jala to hear. He wasn’t ready to announce himself yet and he knew his presence would distract her from everything she needed to be focusing on.

“There are several hundred Spell Hawks and Dragons bearing down on us and we have a grand total of twenty defenders. I don’t want to smile.” Fortune snapped back in the grumpiest voice Finn had ever heard the Aspect use.

“Fortune smiles upon us and luck abounds or so the commons believe.” Finn prompted hopefully and nudged the Aspect lightly with his elbow.

“Fortune is frowning and considering what kind of flowers would suit his gravestone best since there isn’t enough luck in the entire world to keep us from being buggered bloody today.” Fortune grumbled and folded his arms across his chest.

“That’s not very Delvay of you.” Exodus pointed out in a teasing voice as she edged closer to Finn and peaked around him to peer impishly up at Fortune.

“Neither is walking about without weapons, but the only thing strapped to my side is a coin purse and a set of dice. I haven’t been Delvay for some time as you recall.” Fortune returned dryly.

Finn started to open his mouth for a smart ass reply but snapped his jaw shut as a dark form appeared on the steps a few feet ahead of him. His jaw clenched shut and he struggled to remain silent as Seth carefully unwrapped his feathered cloak from Zoelyn and straightened his shoulders.

“Isn’t he supposed to be guarding your domain in your absence?” Exodus enquired softly as Zoelyn rushed down the steps to Jala’s side.

“Yep.” Finn replied dryly and folded his hands behind his back before nodded slowly. “He sure is.” He added rocking back on his heels. “Do you think it would be considered unseemly for a Priest of Death to kick Seth very hard in the ass?” he asked quietly.

“It would likely be a bit out of character for a Priest to kick the highest servant of his god in any part of his anatomy, but we are going to unveil ourselves soon enough anyway so go ahead if it will make you feel better.” Exodus replied with a bright smile of encouragement lighting her delicate face.

“Seth is here for love. He shouldn’t be punished for acting on the heart.” Fidelity murmured in a wistful voice. The Aspect of Love stood just behind Fortune and was gazing at Seth as if the hero of a ballad had just made his grand entrance.

“I still have doubts that Seth actually has a heart. I think I should cut him open and see if you are right.” Finn muttered irritably as he glowered at his servant’s back. This had not been part of his plan, and the idea of his domain sitting unguarded was not resting well in his mind.

“What is that noise?” Exodus asked turning to stare back over her shoulder toward the inner city.

Finn’s brow creased as he cocked his head and listened. “It’s a Spell Hawk from the sounds of it, but none of the enemies have reached the city yet. We still have at least ten minutes of peace.” He replied hesitantly all thoughts of Seth forgotten.

The faint hum grew steadily louder and Finn felt his shoulders sag as he recognized the dull grey hull of the Spell Hawk when it passed over the palace at blazing speeds. Cries rose from the crowd as the wind from the passing ship howled around them, but it was Jala’s voice that drew Finn’s attention.

“Shade! No!” The words burst from the High lady as an agonized scream and Jala ran several steps forward as if she could somehow stop Shade with her pursuit. “No!” Jala screamed again as she stumbled to a stop shoulders slumping in despair.

A small hand gripped his arm and Finn realized he had been moving toward Jala without even considering his actions. His heart hammered in his chest and he watched in silence as Valor moved swiftly to Jala’s side.

“It’s not your place to comfort her anymore.” Exodus reminded him gently and Finn nodded absently in response as he returned to his spot beside Fortune.

“I wasn’t thinking.” Finn replied quietly. Shaking his head he forced his eyes off of Jala and focused on the dull grey of Shade’s Spell Hawk instead. “I think we are out of time for procrastination. I think Shade has just signaled us to act.”

“I agree.” Exodus said. Silently she stepped back from Finn and began unbuckling the Priest robes she wore revealing the bright blue of her silk garments beneath.

Melissa Myers's Books