The Crow King's Wife (The Elder Blood Chronicles #5)(119)

“How do I know that you showed up to save me and not simply for the chance to kill Hemlock? I know how much you hate him, and how much you would give to have vengeance on him. Isn’t that the reason you used me in the first place?” Zoelyn shot back and shook her head at him. “I can’t trust anything you do now.”

“Then give me a test to prove myself.” Seth demanded as he took a step closer to her. “Name something I can do to win your trust back. I won’t let this go Zoey. I will stalk you unmercifully until you realize I am sincere.” He looked ready to say more but paused and glanced toward the path with narrowed eyes. “Damn it.” He snarled and took a hesitant step back from her. His hand fumbled in his cloak and she thought he was drawing his dagger but his produced a leather bag instead. Still staring down the path he pushed the bag toward her quickly. “Take these. You will need them and I won’t have time to explain why.” He hissed as Grim’s form appeared on the path.

“Mendotha drevna Sethian Avanti.” Grim growled the words as his hand cut through the night air in a violent slashing motion toward the demon. With a snarl of frustration Seth vanished from the forest leaving Zoelyn gaping in disbelief at where he had been standing.

“What did you do?” Zoelyn demanded as she whirled on Grim.

“I could ask you the same.” Grim snapped as he stalked closer to her. “I’ve lost three days to sleep and when I do wake up it’s with the taste of your fear as thick as bile in my mouth.”

Zoelyn blanched and took a hasty step back as she shook her head. “What did you do to Seth?” She clarified weakly.

“I banished him back to where he belongs.” Grim explained in a voice that was far too calm for the expression lighting his face. “I thought perhaps I would give you the truth that he seems inclined to keep hidden before you partake of his gift.” He added as he motioned toward the leather bag in his hand. “Or do you already know what that is and you simply don’t care?”

“They are mage stones.” Zoelyn said without hesitation and tugged the bag open so Grim could look inside. “For some reason the ones Seth makes are more powerful than the ones Neph can give me. I suppose because he is older than Neph.”

A look of relief flickered in Grim’s eyes and he nodded slowly. “So you don’t know then.” He observed in a calmer voice and most of the anger seemed to drain from his face. “It isn’t the fact that he is more powerful than Neph, Zoey. Those aren’t true mage stones. Those stones contain life force. Someone died for every stone in that bag. Given that the entire world is at war right now I’m sure it’s fairly easy for Seth to gather those stones, but what happens in times of peace?”

Zoelyn stared down at the bag in revulsion and slowly sank to the ground as she contemplated how many lives she held in the tiny leather bag. At least a dozen people had died to provide the bounty she held, possibly more, and despite what Grim was saying there was still a voice inside her screaming for her to absorb one immediately.

“The older you get the more you will require.” Grim continued with a sigh as he sat down facing her and crossed his legs under him. “It is the nature of the Undrae and the reason they were never allowed to exist long. Part of me hoped you would die in Rivana, and as terrible as that sounds, I would have mourned the loss of a dear friend but it would have saved us both from facing the inevitable.”

“And that would be?” Zoelyn pressed numbly. She could guess what he was going to say, but she wanted to hear him actual voice it.

“The moment when you can no longer control your curse and you are a danger to everyone around you. I doubt Seth will be able to kill enough to sustain you once the world is at peace.” Grim answered in a voice that seemed far too rational for what he was saying.

“How do you know that moment will come?” Zoelyn asked in a shaking voice.

“By watching how you already struggle to contain your powers.” Grim replied quietly.

“So you would rather just kill me now then? Is that why you banished Seth so it would be easier? ” Zoelyn demanded.

“I banished Seth because he is a demon and has no place in this world. It seemed the more rational action than the one my sword was hoping for. Ryvenken has several grievances against Seth and would have greatly preferred that I end his existence. I chose the more merciful course instead.” Grim explained with a weary sigh before shaking his head at her. “And no Zoey I am not here to kill you. I’m here to warn you of what you will become. For now you have yourself under control and as long as you can maintain that control I am content to allow you to live in honor of the friendship between us no matter how strained it is at this point.”

“How noble of you.” she muttered sourly as she turned her away from him to gaze into the darkened forest. She didn’t want him to see the revulsion on her face, or the hunger in her eyes.

“I am scarcely ever what would be considered noble and we both know that.” Grim corrected her calmly as he rose to his feet. “I am leaving Delvay tonight Zoey. You have cost me too much time already and for both our sakes I will pray I’m not too late already. I came here to warn you and nothing more. As long as you are in control we are at peace, but the moment I see you slip I will put you down. It is the only mercy I can offer and death at my hands will be far gentler than what others would do to one of your kind.”

Melissa Myers's Books