The Crow King's Wife (The Elder Blood Chronicles #5)(118)

“You can’t ignore him. Will you let your people suffer for your stubbornness?” The child taunted from behind the frame and her assault on the door increased.

Zoelyn took another step back until she was pressed against the cold stone wall. A breeze from the window stirred her hair and she pried her eyes from the shuddering door to gaze out at the moonlit night. There was only one way to end this. She had to face Seth, and if Neph had truly placed wards against demons on their home there was only one way to do it.

Shakily she moved to the window and carefully pulled herself up into the sill. Letting out a nervous breath she stared down over the edge to the ground that seemed too far away to even contemplate climbing down. The door rattled on its frame once more and Zoelyn glanced at it just long enough to decide death by falling was preferable to being ripped apart by an angry child. At least the fall would be a quick death she reasoned as she carefully lowered her legs out the window.

It took a long moment for her to find enough purchase to lower herself down and she silently cursed Neph when she finally managed to. “If you hadn’t put up stupid wards I wouldn’t be doing this.” She hissed to the darkness as she lowered herself toward the ground with agonizing slowness. Each slip of her fingers sent her heart racing and the sheer relief she felt once solid ground was under her feet again was enough to bring laughter bubbling to her lips.

“Oh by the Aspects I am never doing that again.” She whispered as she gazed around the empty outer city. It wouldn’t do to summon him here. There was too much chance that one of the guards might spot her, and she already drew enough suspicious looks in the dining hall to risk anyone seeing her conversing with demons under the moonlight. No one knew who she truly was and she was considered an outsider in the city. She knew the only reason the people of Delvay tolerated her was Neph’s favor.

Silently Zoelyn turned toward the outer gates not daring to look back at the city. She was too afraid she might glimpse the child’s pale face gazing at her from her window, or worse see the child pursuing her into the darkened forest. Her pace increased as that image filled her mind and she had to force herself to not run. The ground beyond the city was treacherous and she only a fool would run there after dark. There was too much chance of a serious fall that could cripple or even kill her depending on where she was along the path.

The forest around her thickened as she drew farther from the city and her frantic pace slowed to a stumbling crawl as the moonlit night faded to shadows. Biting her lip Zoelyn fumbled on and focused herself completely on the path rather than the noises around her. She knew it was likely the creatures of the forest rattling the brush in the pitch black forest, but she couldn’t help imagining the dead child pacing her every step like a hound following a scent.

“You didn’t have to take the story so literal. Are you actually heading for a grove to speak with me?” Seth’s voice rose from the shadows behind her and she barely managed to contain her scream as she whirled on him with wide eyes.

“Damn it!” Zoelyn snapped and slapped him hard on the chest. “My heart was nearly in my throat already and you sneak up behind me without warning. What in the name of the Aspects is wrong with you?” She demanded as she punched him in the arm for good measure.

Seth took a step back and smiled widely at her. “Afraid of little bitty ghosts but willing to slap the Crow King.” He observed with far too much amusement in his voice.

“The little bitty ghost wanted to rip me limb from limb, and if you wanted me dead I’d be buried by now.” Zoelyn hissed irritably.

“She wouldn’t have hurt you.” Seth corrected with an infuriating smile. “She was just trying to get your attention, and apparently she did her job well.”

“That she did.” Zoelyn agreed sourly. “How dare you place me in Karalea’s role? Why would you force this story on me?” she demanded and had to resist the urge to hit him again when his smile widened.

“There are wards on your keep and you never go outside. I can’t dream walk to you, and I needed to speak with you. I don’t see that I had many other choices beyond the path I chose, but I do feel inclined to point out that had you simply taken Finn’s hand in Rivana we wouldn’t be having this discussion right now.” Seth returned lightly.

Zoelyn’s glare faded a fraction and she shuffled her foot on the rock strewn ground as she considered his words. He had a valid point as much as she hated to admit it. If he had wanted to speak with her she had given him very few options, but then that had been the whole point of coming to Delvay, and Seth had foiled it easily. “I don’t see what there is to speak about.” She muttered after a long moment.

“Why you are avoiding me for one.” Seth said calmly as he leaned back against a tree. His gold eyes met hers and held her gaze with such intensity that she couldn’t look away. “I know you don’t truly want to avoid me. Your dream told me that much.” He added softly and she felt a faint blush creep onto her cheeks at the memory.

“I can’t control my dreams any more than I can control my heart, but I can force myself to use logic despite them. You used me Seth. You entranced me in an attempt to escape the Darklands.” Zoelyn tried to keep her voice neutral, but her misery bled through despite her best effort. “I trusted you.” She added in a hoarse voice.

“And I have been guarding you since the moment you left the Darklands. I appeared in Rivana when Hemlock came for you. What more do I need to do to earn forgiveness Zoey?” Seth returned with a hint of desperation though it was obvious that he was trying to keep his voice calm.

Melissa Myers's Books