Supernatural Academy: Year One (Supernatural Academy #1)(62)

Asher inclined his head and I spun to find Larissa and Ilia both waving at me from across the dance floor.

“I think they know,” he said.

I waved back, and then Ilia’s look got very pointed, and as her finger jabbed in my direction, I knew she was telling me get some Atlantean tonight.

Take advantage of the magic.

I might just do that.

Asher stayed close as we walked to the carpet, and there were eyes on us, but this time no one stopped us, at least not until we were about to step onto the white carpet. Three new arrivals blocked our path.

“Asher,” Kate purred, her heavily made-up eyes locked on him as she stuck her chest out. “Where are you going?”

She stepped forward to rub a hand across his biceps, and I resisted the urge to punch her in the face. Asher was not mine, I knew that, but tonight … tonight he was as close as I’d probably ever get.

She’d better not ruin this for me.

“Good evening, Kate,” he said politely before he stepped closer to me, dislodging her groping fingers. “We’re just on our way out. Have a great night.”

Kate was dressed in a silver cocktail dress that was adorned with crystals from top to bottom. She literally shimmered as she moved. Her hair was dead straight, her makeup perfect, and judging by her expression, she was about to scratch my eyes out with her bloodred nails.

“You’re leaving with the human trash?” she said, sounding hurt and incredulous. “I don’t understand.”

He shot her a bored stare. “I’ve told you more than once, I don’t date. You’re wasting your time on me, Kate.”

He doesn’t date.

That thought was more painful than watching Kate dig her claws into him. I shook it off, deciding it was better to know exactly what I was getting myself into. I would not look at this as anything more than one night.

Kate’s eyes went wide as she stared between us. Chellie, who was dressed in a dark green mermaid dress, stepped up to her side, wrapping an arm around her. “I gave you a reprieve, trash,” Chellie snapped at me, “because it looked like you were old news. But that reprieve has come to an—”

“Don’t push me,” Asher said, bite in his voice. “Maddi falls under our protection and that of Princeps Jones. I promise you, you don’t want to fuck with my business.”

They wilted under his stare, but as they slipped around us, I saw the dark expressions on their faces. Asher scared them, but these chicks were used to acting without consequence. They weren’t done with me yet; they’d just be sneakier about it next time.

Asher and I didn’t talk as we started across the long carpet, and when we were halfway there, he shrugged off his jacket, draping it around my shivering shoulders.

“Thanks,” I said. That encounter with Kate had pissed me off and ruined some of my mood.

Had Asher ever been with her? I mean, it was stupid of me to care, because I was hardly a virgin. Even working seven days a week, there was always opportunity for sex. Hell, I’d even had a six-month casual relationship with my boss at one diner. Nothing serious ever; I moved every twelve months to stay off the radar.

“If any of the Clovers bothers you,” Asher said, startling me from my thoughts, “tell me immediately. I’d like to think they’ll heed my warning, but knowing them like I do, there’s little doubt they’ll need a stronger warning at some point.”

“I can take care of myself,” I said, and that was the truth. I’d been doing it for twenty-two years.

He stopped walking, and I almost stumbled into him.

“I know you can,” he said, no humor in his voice. “I’ve seen you navigate this new world and do it better than most of us that grew up here. But I want you to know that you’re not alone. You don’t have to do it all on your own.”

I snorted. “You do realize that you’ve ignored me for over a month. Relying on you doesn’t sound like the best idea.” Alcohol made me honest, but I didn’t regret saying that.

His jaw tightened, eyes dark and intense. “It might have appeared I was ignoring you, but you were never alone, Maddison. I promise you that.”

What the hell did that mean?

“I did what I thought was the best thing for you. To keep you safe. But clearly it was a stupid decision.”

“The stupidest,” I agreed, still shaken by his previous statement.

Asher chuckled. “Come on, let’s go. I’m in need of that swim more now than ever.”

He wasn’t the only one.


Despite his house—aka the mansion—being on the other side of the Academy, it didn’t take us long to arrive. My shoes stayed in my hands, bare feet not bothering me. Asher left his jacket over my shoulders, and my favorite ocean scent kept me company.

It was only as he deactivated his locking system that I realized— “I have no swimsuit,” I said. I was wearing a strapless bra and thong, which I normally wouldn’t swim in, but did it really matter?

Asher paused. “You want to go and get them?”

“I’ll just swim in my underwear,” I decided. “Save us making another trip.”

For a brief second, his gaze dragged across the top of my cleavage, which was still plumped right up by my corset dress. He shook his head, like he was about to say something and then changed his mind. “Sounds good,” he finally said, turning to enter the house.

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