Supernatural Academy: Year One (Supernatural Academy #1)(58)

I could see—and hear—why they were so popular.

“Drinks first,” Ilia said, dancing her way across to the long bar that bisected one section of the round floor. “I need a cocktail.”

“They let you have alcohol?” I asked, astonished. We weren’t considered adults in the supernatural world, and back home, no school dance would serve alcohol to underage students.

They both laughed. “Of course,” Ilia said. “The only drink off-limits to under twenty-fives is faerie wine. I’ve been so messy on that stuff, so it’s probably for the best.”

And now I wanted to try faerie wine.

Our first drink was fruity and strong, and I took a long sip, enjoying the orange zestiness as it tingled on my lips. “Your metabolism will burn through these pretty fast,” Ilia said, smiling as she downed hers in one go. “If you want a decent buzz, trust the expert. You need to drink three fast, and then you can slow down with the rest.”

My grin grew. “Challenge accepted.”

Ten minutes later we were four drinks in and finally ready to leave the bar. The dance floor was packed now, and I waved at a few students I knew. I’d become a little friendlier in class, and while the Clovers kept some people from associating with the “human scum,” plenty ignored them.

The music grew louder as we walked toward the main section set up for dancing. Finishing my fourth drink, I dropped it on one of the tall tables that were scattered around. Magically, it disappeared, and I shook my head at the wonder of it all. Over a month here, and I still wasn’t used to this.

“Let’s dance,” Larissa said, seeming a tad more inebriated than us.

I hadn’t danced in years, but somehow my body knew what to do. The beat was sexy, perfect for slow hip swings and bodies grinding together, and after some time, I noticed we were drawing attention.

I was just drunk enough not to care, when normally I might have stepped back.

Josh appeared, dressed in a black suit, the open collar showing a slice of tanned chest muscles. He swept his arms around Ilia, growls rumbling his chest as he nailed all the guys around her with a dark look.

Shifters were possessive bastards.

Ilia spun in his arms, wrapping herself around him as they moved together to the music. “Possessive lion,” I heard her murmur. I hid my smile because I’d thought the exact same thing.

He leaned down and whispered something, and she shot him a slow smile, followed by a seductive nod. It had taken me a while to get used to the sexual nature of supernaturals. To ignore it when I found them frolicking half naked in the long fields out the back of the Academy. Or the passionate kisses which could happen anywhere, anytime. They were free in a way humans weren’t, and the human-raised side of my brain had struggled with it, but now it felt much more normal.

I’d always had a high sex drive, and I finally understood why.

“Look at them,” Larissa said wistfully, staring at Ilia and Josh. “There’s too much pretty there for one couple. If they had kids … they’d be perfect.”

“I know,” I said. “It’s lucky Ilia is our friend or we’d have to hate her for being a goddess.”

We laughed and fell about each other, the alcohol kicking in stronger.

“Shouldn’t your date be here soon?” I asked, looking around.

Larissa shrugged, throwing her arms out to the sides. “I’m not sure. He didn’t seem that happy when I changed our plans, so … maybe he won’t show at all.”

I hugged her. “If he doesn’t, then he’s an idiot, and it’s totally his loss.” I pulled back. “You look smokin’ hot.”

She smiled and waved her hands wildly. “It’s cool. I’m used to being alone. Vamps don’t like to date the daughter of their princeps.”

“Why don’t you try another race?” I asked.

She shrugged. “Ilia and Josh, that’s not really a normal situation. We mostly stick to our own races. Everyone is looking for their true mate.”

We’d learned about true mates in class last week. Apparently it was a rare but very strong connection between two supes of the same race. It was a magical bond. Like … a soul mate or something. I had no idea if I believed in it, especially since it seemed that most supes did not have that sort of bond in their lives, but I understood why it kept them from straying outside of their race when dating. It was an elusive fantasy they were all chasing.

A new song started and the crowd around us screamed. I blinked before figuring out that this was a favorite Packmate song. Larissa grabbed my hand and we spun and swung our hips together. Ilia was still close by, but she was kissing Josh like he was the last supe on earth.

Just as I’d decided to get another drink, heavy hands landed on my waist and I was pulled back into a hard body. A gasp left me, and on instinct I jerked away. Spinning around, I faced a tall, blond shifter I didn’t know.

I stared at him, noting that he was good-looking with a lazy grin and golden eyes.

“Lion?” I guessed. This academy had more than a few lion shifters at it, despite them being a somewhat rare animal.

“Tiger, actually,” he all but purred. I snorted out a little laugh.

“Okay, then. How about don’t touch without permission, tiger.”

His face turned from smarmy to scowly in a heartbeat, and I dismissed him by turning my back and stepping toward Larissa, only to find she was now in the arms of a tall, dark-haired vamp. They were smiling and chatting together, and I figured this was the elusive date. He’d finally arrived.

Jaymin Eve's Books