Supernatural Academy: Year One (Supernatural Academy #1)(53)

Larissa turned her head in a thoughtful gesture. “Yeah, that’s not a bad idea. I guess he’ll tell you more on Monday.”

Monday. My second official week at the Academy.

I spent most of Sunday in my room, avoiding the world. My friends kept me company though, and I was starting to realize how damn lucky I was to have met them. For the first time in my life, I felt like I had true friends. Friends who would be there through the tough times as well as the good.

When Monday showed up, I was ready and dressed in my uniform. I wanted to see Princeps Jones and then get breakfast, because I was starving.

Today my classes were Race Morphology, Demon Mythology 101, History of the Supernaturals, Herbalism, and Sword and Sorcery. I also had Water Magic after dinner again. The swirls in my stomach at the thought of that class were definitely because of the beautiful beach. Nothing to do with Asher.

And the best liar in the world goes to...

In truth, I was excited to get to all of my classes, even the ones without Asher. For the first time in my life I was actually into school. In my downtime yesterday, I’d read ahead on all texts and worksheets. I might be in my first year, but I was determined to learn as much as I could.

The school was quiet as I strolled through the commons. Today was sunny and bright and there was no barrier above us. I tilted my head back and allowed the sunshine to wash across my face. Cool breezes brushed over my skin, and a calm and contented feeling filled me. I’d read that magic users were very connected to nature, which explained why I’d often found solace in parks and creeks, especially if I was barefoot on the grass and dirt. They might have bound my powers, but they couldn’t change my fundamental DNA.

I was a supernatural.

One day, admitting that wouldn’t even feel weird.

Continuing on, I knocked on Princeps Jones’s door, and he lifted his head to wave me in. “Maddison, please come in.”

I closed the door behind me and dropped into the chair across from him. “How are you feeling today?” he asked, concern tilting his face and eyes down. “You gave us quite a scare on Saturday.”

Subconsciously, I rubbed at my head, but there were no lingering effects. “I feel fine today,” I said with a smile. “Confused by everything I learned, but physically fine.”

He returned my smile. “I’ll bet you’re confused. We are as well, which is not something I like to admit to.” His eyes twinkled. “So don’t tell anyone.”

I laughed. “Your secret is safe with me.” I leaned in closer, some of my mirth drying up. “Do you know anything more about what’s happening to me? About what I am?”

He grew more serious as well. “Louis and I spoke briefly about what he felt when your energy was unlocked. His main concerns center around the reason your powers were bound. And why there is no record of birth parents.”

I swallowed hard. “I can’t remember anything before I was five. I don’t recall how I got to my adoptive mother’s.”

Princeps Jones nodded, unsurprised.

“Are you saying that I might have been with my real parents until I was five? Why did she never mention I was adopted?”

He lifted both hands in a “no idea” gesture. “I can only guess, but it wouldn’t surprise me if she wasn’t aware. Someone went to a lot of trouble to hide you, Maddi, putting you in the sort of situation where society would overlook you … with a mother who wouldn’t pay much attention to you. It would have been simple for them to spell her into believing you were her biological child. Most of the details about you, like age and birthday, are probably correct. Provided in the same spell.”

I sank back in my chair, book bag hanging limply at my side. “This is almost unbelievable,” I said softly.

Princeps Jones leaned further forward, holding a hand out for me. I barely hesitated before placing mine into his. “I promise that we’ll figure it out,” he said softly. “You’re not alone any longer. I have watched your case for many years. Ilia has spoken often of your energy and how it is different. She cared about you long before she even knew who she was chasing. You’re not alone.”

My throat felt tight, and my chest ached. “Thank you,” I said hoarsely. “I’m very grateful to finally know some truths. Hopefully we figure the rest out soon.”

He nodded and released my hand. He shuffled a few papers around, clearing his throat. He was back to business. “Larissa informed me that you’re not interested in a security team, so I have arranged for more security around the border of the Academy, and the Atlanteans agreed to keep a closer eye on you on the school grounds.”

I opened my mouth to protest, but then decided not to bother. He was trying to work with me, and I wouldn’t be ungrateful about it. “That’s perfect, thank you for that.” There was something else I needed to tell him before I left. “Also, I don’t know if this is an issue or not, but my power is not as locked down.”

He didn’t seem surprised by my confession. “No, it won’t be. Your original block was placed before your energy was so strong. Now, though, you’re too powerful. Louis is regarded as one of the strongest sorcerers in the world, legendary, and he said that he’s never felt energy like yours. He did what he could, but at best, it’s a Band-Aid over a bullet hole. Your power is going to rub at his block until eventually it gets loose again. He’ll come back to repair the block, but eventually we’ll have to figure out what we’re dealing with.”

Jaymin Eve's Books