Supernatural Academy: Year One (Supernatural Academy #1)(61)

I snorted. “Thank you for that unwanted advice.”

He smiled, and I eyed him with suspicion. “What’s got you smiling like that?” I asked.

His smile grew. “You’re beautiful when you’re mad.” He brushed his thumb across my cheek before he leaned in closer. “You look gorgeous tonight, Maddi.”

I swallowed hard. “Thank you. You look pretty nice yourself.”

Vast. Understatement.

Asher was in a dark gray suit with an open-collared white dress shirt. It was custom made for sure, perfectly molded to his muscles. Asher in normal clothes was hot. Asher in a suit was devastating.

My eyes landed on his lips, and I’d never wanted to kiss anyone like I wanted to kiss Asher. To distract myself, I asked, “What makes you think that this Atlantean library is here in the Academy?”

He tightened his hold, and my chest was now flush against his. Think unsexy thoughts. Think unsexy thoughts.

“My family founded this school. If you want to get very technical, I own the Academy, which is why we’re allowed to have a private residence here. It also gives me some leeway when it comes to bending the rules.”

I raised my eyebrows at him. “Well, well, Mr. Fancy Pants. And that’s why you think the library is here?”

He nodded. “Yep, it was a personal family library, smuggled out of Atlantis before the collapse. It was then passed down through generations of my family, all of them working together to keep the last true history of Atlantis safe. Its location has been lost with my parents. They were killed when I was young.”

My heart ached for him. “I’m sorry to hear that, Asher. It must have been hard to lose them so young.”

Asher shrugged. “I barely knew them, and I wasn’t alone. I had Jesse and his family, and the other guys. We’re a family.”

I’d seen that between the five of them. There were some things about them that were a given: unnatural good looks, Calen’s flirting, Axl’s intelligence, Rone’s scowl and penchant for black clothing, Jesse’s lazy grin and OCD, Asher’s devastating power and presence; and the strongest given of all—they were a team.

I’d never doubted they were a family, not for a second.

The song changed to something fast paced, and Asher paused. “Do you want another drink?”

All I knew was that I didn’t want to step away from him. With the snow and the lights and the music, magic was in the air. Tomorrow he might go back to ignoring me, but tonight I wanted this magic.

“Sure,” I said. “I could use another drink.”

I fell in beside him as he started to walk. Supes called his name as we pushed through the crowd, and he was stuck talking to more than a few of them. The last ones who stopped him looked slightly older and a lot richer than most of the students. “Thank you for your donation,” Asher said to them, and I realized that these were the donors who were invited to the official school holidays. Asher couldn’t ignore them, and I waited near his side as he made polite small talk.

Eventually we made it to the bar, and Asher ran a hand through his hair. “What would you say to us having this drink somewhere a little quieter? I could use a swim…”

My heart rate picked up, and I wondered if he could hear it pounding in my chest. “In the ocean?”

He shook his head. “I was thinking the pool in my house. It’s perfect for laps. Calms the mind.”

It didn’t escape my notice that he’d invited me back to his place, which made me nervous, and when I got nervous, my stupid mouth went rogue. “No sex until the third date,” I said, trying to sound funny, but it came out more like an order.

I bit back a groan at my own awkwardness.

His grin was more pronounced. “And does this count as a first date?”

I pretended to think about it. “I’m going to have to say no. We didn’t arrive together, we argued, and then we only spent ten minutes dancing before deciding to bail.”

I sucked in a deep breath as he yanked me closer, my body pressed to his long hard planes. “We’re leaving together,” he said softly. “That’s date-like.”

“Half a date,” I said breathlessly. “At max, it’s half a date.”

He smiled, and all I got was dimple. Fucked. I was totally fucked.

He didn’t argue though, just straightened and set me back on my feet. He’d been holding my weight, and now I was trying to find traction on the stupid heels. With a huff, I reached down and yanked the uncomfortable things off.

“I love heels,” I said, “but after an hour or two they’re nothing but spiked assholes.”

He laughed, low and husky. “Axl tried a pair on to test a theory once. He has a very detailed thesis on the long-term effect of heels on your calves and feet, if you’d ever like to read it.”

I blinked at him. “Are you serious?”

He slipped his hands into his pockets. “Very. Axl’s brain won’t let him rest until he answers whatever burning question he’s pondering. He needs the answers.”

“I love that about him,” I admitted. “His curiosity. And his kindness.”

Asher nodded. “He’s very much both of those things.” One of his hands extended toward me. “You ready to go?” he asked.

I nodded slowly, trying not to appear eager. “Sure. I just need to let my friends know I’m leaving so they don’t worry.”

Jaymin Eve's Books