Supernatural Academy: Year One (Supernatural Academy #1)(65)

My lips trembled, and I hoped he thought my eyes were watering because of the pool, and not because of those words. “Okay, then,” I managed to say. “Let’s go watch a movie.”

When we were back in the house, he pointed toward a nearby door. “Bathroom is there. Towels and everything will be inside. I’ll grab you some clothes.”

I didn’t bother to close the door. The shower in here was four times the size of the one I used in the magic users’ dorm. There was a ton of dials and switches, and I eventually figured out how to get the rainfall head working. Warm water washed over me, the wall showerheads massaging my muscles while I used bodywash to clean myself. When I got out, there was a towel and small pile of clothes waiting on the sink for me.

The mirror showed all the makeup caking my face. I used a hand towel to scrape most of the black off. Asher had left me a long-sleeved shirt that smelled like him; it was loose and hung to midthigh. There was also a pair of boxer shorts that I slipped on underneath.

Padding silently out into the living area, I sank onto the couch and waited for Asher to finish his shower as well. My stomach growled; I hadn’t eaten since breakfast this morning, too depressed by the thought of missing the dance.

“I ordered some food,” he said, appearing in his stealthy way.

I narrowed my eyes. “Two questions. One: did you just hear my stomach growl? And two: we can order food to our rooms?”

Asher dropped down next to me, dressed in a pair of sweats, no shirt on at all.

“You’re gonna need a shirt,” I said before he could answer my questions. “Seriously. If you want to keep your honor intact, then get a shirt on.”

He smiled, and my eyes were drawn to the five o’clock shadow.

“And no more dimples.”

His smile grew, and I dropped my head back on the couch with a groan.

The chair shifted as he got up, and then he was back, a fitted black shirt hiding all of his glorious muscles from me. It didn’t help though; my fingers still itched to touch him.

“To answer your questions,” Asher said, sitting even closer this time. “Supes all have great senses. Magic users are not on par with shifters, but those of us with Atlantean blood are stronger. I caught the faint sounds of a hungry stomach.” That was a tad embarrassing. “And the average student can’t order food to their rooms, but we can.”

Of course they could.

I was starting to think there was almost nothing inaccessible to the Atlantean-five.


Asher’s house had a huge flat-screen. He let me choose the movie, and I had no idea what most of them were, so I just randomly selected something. It turned out to be pretty good. Lots of action and funny one-liners.

The pizza he ordered disappeared fast; I ate almost as much as Asher, much to his amusement. “I’ve always been partial to shifters,” he told me. “They love their food. Witches, on the other hand, are all about starving themselves.”

“Shifters, hey?” I said, trying not to let that bother me. He’d given me one orgasm. I didn’t own him. There was no indication that we’d ever even get to the third date, but still … it bothered me.

He shrugged. “Witches are growing on me. Especially when they have a perfect mix of fey about them.”

I elbowed him. Jerk. “Growing on you. Imma grow my fist in your nose in a minute.”

He smirked. “That made no sense at all, but to save my ass I’ll just say that I’m suitably impressed by your threat.”

I settled for flipping him off.

Asher chose the next movie, and as we relaxed, I yawned. It was getting pretty late now, and I was tired after a big day of dresses, makeup, and dancing. The alcohol had worn off, and I was ready for sleep. I must have drifted off at some point, because I woke sometime later to soft voices and a warm blanket draped over me.

“She okay?” I heard Jesse murmur, his low voice distinct.

“She’s fine,” Asher replied. “Just tired. I’ll move her to the spare room in a minute.”

Ouch. Spare room. Not his room. If that wasn’t a huge reminder of our current relationship standing, then I don’t know what would be. “No need,” I said sleepily, pulling myself up. “I’m just going to head back to my dorm.”

Asher and Jesse stood behind the couch, staring down at me. “It’s late, and we’d prefer you stayed here,” Jesse said softly. He was still wearing his suit, but had ditched the jacket. “It’s safer than walking across campus at night when there are assassins out there.”

I looked between the two of them and shook my head. “I’ve been wandering around the Academy for the last month on my own. I’m sure I’ll be fine.”

Their expressive faces went cagey all of a sudden, and a niggling thought drifted through my mind. It went back to what Asher had said to me at the dance. “You’ve been following me, haven’t you?”

No confirmation, but also no denial.

I let out a huff. “Fine. I’ll stay here tonight, but I’m leaving first thing in the morning.”

And I wasn’t sleeping in no stupid spare room. I’d just stay right here on the couch. It was comfier than my bed back in the Academy, and that was saying something. Plus, I was proving a point. What point, I hadn’t decided, but it was a point.

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