Supernatural Academy: Year One (Supernatural Academy #1)(66)

“Sounds good. I’ll put another movie on,” Jesse said. He jumped over the back of the couch, landing beside me. Asher followed suit, on my other side. I tried to discourage the little swell of happiness that rose up as the three of us sat companionably together. Only temporary.

“Are you the only one back?” I asked Jesse.

He nodded, draping an arm around me. Asher shook his head, and then not-that-gently knocked off his friend’s arm. Jesse laughed. “Well, well … is the elusive Asher getting possessive over our Atlantean girl? Never thought I’d see the day.”

Asher’s reply was relaxed. “I was just doing her a favor. Your heavy ass tends to drape across whoever is next to you, using them as a pillow.”

They continued to banter back and forth, and the easiness of their relationship was comforting to me.

The next time I opened my eyes, it was morning, and I was literally surrounded by male bodies. For a second I tried to process the absolute insanity of my situation. The insanity of me trusting any men enough to sleep in the same room as them. I never would have done such a thing in my old life, but these guys … they were different. I knew it on a fundamental level.

Wiggling around to see better, I could tell that the others had stumbled in, removed some clothing, and then fallen asleep wherever they landed. Calen was at my feet, almost curled around them, and I resisted the urge to nudge him in the ribs. His mouth was wide open, his breathing loud, and I could smell the alcohol on him.

He still managed to look attractive though. How, I had no idea. If I’d slept like that, I’d have looked and sounded like a swamp monster. I felt weird being in the center of them like this, so I tried to unobtrusively sneak out. Jesse and Asher, who each had an arm over me, tightened their hold, stopping me from moving.

“Ugh.” I let out a huff. “You two muscle-bound dickheads are going to tear me in two.”

Jesse popped one eye open and narrowed it on me. “Shh, this dickhead is trying to sleep, love.”

I swung my elbow, hitting him in the ribs. “I’m not your love, and you’re invading my personal space.”

Asher let out a rumble in his sleep. My eyes locked on his broad chest, and I was hit with a memory of all those muscles under my hands last night, and that delicious V he had that led into his swim shorts…

Jesse’s smirk caught my attention. “What?” I said.

He shrugged. “I see how it is. You’re not shoving Asher away and demanding he get out of your personal space.”

“Because you’re an ugly fucker,” Asher mumbled, his eyes opening as he uncurled like a sleeping jungle cat, all grace and long limbs, golden skin everywhere. My hands itched to trace the edges of his tattoos peeking out from under his shirt, and I reminded myself to ask him what they meant.

I really wanted to know if it was Atlantean.

The intensity in his eyes this morning was equal to the look he’d leveled on me last night when he destroyed my sanity by giving me the best orgasm of my life.

I wanted another one. Stat.

“I gotta go,” I said in a rush, not trusting myself around him. “My friends will freak out if I’m not in my room.”

Calen laughed, and I realized he’d been awake for a while. “The way those two were going at it with their guys on the dance floor, I doubt either of them ended up in their rooms either.”

There was the slightest slur to his words, like he was still kind of drunk, or maybe half asleep.

I paused. “Even Larissa?”

He nodded. “Oh yeah. He had his fangs in her and everything.”

I blinked. “Is that … is that something vampires do?”

We hadn’t covered the sex part in Race Morphology yet. Calen pulled himself up, his wrinkled dress shirt completely unbuttoned, and … so were his pants. I didn’t even want to ask why that was.

“Yeah, it’s part of our foreplay,” Rone said.

I turned toward him, trying not to act too excited that he was talking to me. Not just talking, but sharing personal vamp business with me. “So … you guys bite and drink each other’s blood while having sex?” I asked hesitantly, not sure if I was overstepping.

“Yep,” Rone said as he stood from where he’d been asleep in an armchair. He stretched his massive frame out, arms above his head. He was much more put-together than Calen, no buttons open, but he had ditched his jacket. “We do a lot of blood play … mostly with vamps, because we get the whole blood thing, but it happens with other races too.”

I should have been disgusted by the thought of them biting and drinking blood while fucking, but it didn’t seem weird to me. I thought it was kind of hot. Maybe I was part vampire too.

That’d be hilarious. Maybe I was all four races. Yeah, right. Like that would ever happen.

“You should stick around,” Axl said, walking in from a nearby bathroom. He was showered, dressed in neat chinos and a polo shirt, and had a thick, ancient book in his hands. “We can have breakfast around the pool.”

I didn’t look at Asher, even though I wanted to see his expression. What did he think of me sticking around a little longer? Mr. “I don’t date” was probably freaking out about me getting attached or something.

“That’s a good plan,” he said, surprising me. “You can join us for our swim after breakfast. It’s a daily ritual.”

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