Rising (Blue Phoenix, #4)(31)

“Dunno, it’s… small,” says Will.

“Yeah, that’s what I heard the chick saying about you the other day.” Nate pushes him out of the way and walks in. “Seriously? We’re not spending much time here anyway.”

“I know, but what about the after party?” says Will.

“It’s going to get a bit cramped if you invite more than one person,” I reply.

“I bet Jem’s room is bigger; reckon he’ll let us party in there?” Nate asks.

“Sure, Nate. The recovering addict would love his room full of drunk and high kids. Great idea. Maybe we should ask him to dump us now if you’re going to piss him off! Dickhead,” I retort.

Will laughs. “Ohhh! Listen to you. You live with a rock star and now you’re his bestie?”

“f-uck off.” I prop my guitar against the wall. “Who’s sleeping on the floor?”

“Why does anyone have to sleep on the floor?” asks Nate, lying on the other bed and resting his hands beneath his head.

“Two queen beds, four people, three guys, one girl.” I raise a questioning eyebrow.

Nate smirks. “You’re not a real girl, Rube, not to us anyway.”

“Yeah, but I don’t want to share a bed with any of you guys.”

Jax throws back the covers. “Me! You can sleep with me and we can work on the lead singer and guitarist relationship.” He pats the bed.

“I don’t think there’ll be room for me and your conquests,” I retort.

“You could share with me and Will, and then…” begins Nate.

I narrow my eyes. “One comment about threesomes and I’ll kick your ass.”

“If you’re in my bed why would I need to pick up other chicks?” continues Jax.

“Shut the hell up.” I’m uncomfortable with his words. Jax is the only guy I’ve ever trusted and that was because he had no interest in me outside of my music; there’s never been any attempt to hit on me. Once over, I didn’t think Jax ever saw me as anything, but the band’s honorary guy; but recently I’m not a hundred per cent sure. Our banter is full of innuendo, always was, and Jax has never looked at or touched me in a way to make me question that. But comments like that niggle and have me on alert for any extra meaning behind his friendly kisses and hugs.

“I reckon she’s going to sweet talk Jem into sharing his room,” says Nate.

“Yeah, what’s the deal with you guys?” Will pokes around in the bar fridge. “Hey! Look at this! Beers!”

“There’s no deal. I’m just staying at his house.”

Will pulls one out. “Have you done the dirty with him yet?” Jax throws a pillow at him. “What? I’m only asking what we all want to know.”

“What do you mean what you all want to know? Have you been discussing me and Jem behind my back?” I slam the hotel room door shut and glare at Jax.

“Aw, c’mon, Rube. You’ve lived with him two weeks and he’s Jem Jones. I even saw you on the internet as ‘Jem’s new girl’.”

The day I saw myself blasted on social media as Jem’s latest chick, it pissed me off. Jem said he didn’t give a shit; I could be eighty years old and they’d still accuse me of being more. The guys loved it because it was more publicity for the band; and as they’re right, I put up with the rumours and bite my tongue.

“Jem and me don’t interact a lot; and I sure as hell won’t be asking to share his hotel room, too!”

Nate whispers something to Will and they snigger. I’m ready to lose it, for the first time I’m aware that as the only female band member there’s connotations.

“I’ll sleep on the floor, Ruby,” says Jax and I glance at him. He knows me better than I realise, his awareness of my moods helps with band diplomacy on my bad days.

“You’ll pass out on the floor anyway, so nothing for me to worry about,” I tell him.

Jax climbs back off the bed. “Let’s grab the rest of our gear from the van. We haven’t got much time until we need to be at the venue to set up.” He stops as he reaches me. “Next time we’ll ask for four singles.”

The smile he gives is apologetic but also concern. Jem doesn’t want to know about Tuesday, but Jax has spent time trying to get me to talk about her. In the early days, Jax attempted to talk to me about Dan, too. He soon learned it wasn’t worth it; I wouldn’t allow anyone to interfere and hid as much as I could. Jax recognises when Tuesday’s around, but has given up trying to understand her.


A couple of hours later, Jax and me sit on the edge of the stage chatting as the brothers finish setting up their gear. Will and Nate contain enough excitement for all of us. They’ve always amused me, their enthusiasm for life infectious. On my dark days, spending time with the brothers helped. Their positivity radiates to those around, and multiplied by two, the twins always bring a great vibe to anywhere they go. This reflects in their music, and is why Ruby Riot’s music could never have a downbeat sound.

What would it be like to have a twin? Will and Nate are identical and telling them apart isn’t helped by their decision to rock the same image. I tease them sometimes, saying they should get their names tattooed on themselves since they have plenty of others. They made a concession – both have pierced eyebrows, but Will’s is the left and Nate’s the right. Their identical spikey black hair doesn’t help; the only option is to get close enough to see. The pair plays on this with chicks that take an interest and I’ve heard them offering to show girls other differences in their appearance, differences not visible when they’re clothed. I laugh, at their idiocy and at the girls who fall for it.

Lisa Swallow's Books