Out of Breath (Breathing, #3)(51)

‘I didn’t kidnap her,’ I countered, facing my brother. He led the way out of the room. I glanced back at her one more time before turning off the light and shutting the door behind us.

‘Yeah, because I’m sure if she had a choice, this is exactly where she’d want to wake up,’ Jared scoffed.

‘I couldn’t let her sleep in that sleazy motel on the outside of town. It’s not exactly the safest place to stay.’

Jared laughed at me. ‘I think she’d prefer it.’

‘Shut up, Jared.’

‘Evan? Did I hear you?’ my mother called to us from below the landing. She must have been in her office when we’d arrived.

‘He brought Emma here,’ Jared blurted. I whipped my head towards him and glowered. I would have shoved him if our mother wasn’t watching.

‘Evan, could you please come downstairs?’ she requested quietly, but with a seriousness to her tone that made my back straighten. Jared shot me a now-you’re-going-to-get-it look. I swore under my breath as I passed him.

I followed my mother into the kitchen. She might have only come up to my chest, but she had a way of reverting me back to a five-year-old boy with a single glance.

‘Have a seat,’ she encouraged, standing before the kitchen counter. I settled on a stool and set my hands on my thighs, preparing for whatever disapproving lecture she was about to unleash.

‘Why is Emma here?’ She studied my face carefully. I knew the only way through this was to be honest.

‘Sara and I found her passed out in a closet. I couldn’t leave her there. And Sara didn’t want to upset her mother. So I brought her here.’

My mother nodded thoughtfully. ‘And what’s going to happen tomorrow when she wakes up?’

I swallowed and shrugged. My mother shook her head.

‘Evan, it’s important that you realize what you’ve started. This one decision is now going to force you to make a succession of harder decisions. ‘

‘I don’t understand.’

‘You had to intervene when you saw her like this. I understand that. But what’s going to happen when it’s time for her to board the plane back to California? Are you going to be able to let her go, not knowing what will happen to her? You need to think this through.’

I nodded slightly, weighing her words.

‘You have a decision to make. And this time … it’s yours to make. I won’t stand in your way.’

A tap at the door drew my mother’s attention. I jumped up from the stool. ‘It’s Sara.’

I pushed the door open for her, and Sara came in, wheeling two suitcases behind her, with a garment bag draped over her arm and a large canvas bag hanging from the other shoulder. I took the bags from her and set them on a dining-room chair.

‘Sara, love,’ my mother greeted her with a warm smile. ‘I understand you’ll be staying with us this evening.’ She rested her hands on Sara’s shoulders and leaned in to kiss her cheek.

‘I hope you don’t mind.’ Sara smiled at my mother, flashing me a dagger-driven glare out of the corner of her eye.

‘Not at all. You are always welcome here,’ my mother assured her. She then turned towards me, her sharp blue eyes connecting with mine in warning. ‘Evan and Jared will get you anything you need.’ As if on cue, Jared appeared in the doorway. ‘If you would excuse me, it’s getting late, and I’m going to my room.’

My mother approached me, and I leaned over to kiss her on the cheek. ‘There’s not just your life to consider,’ she whispered in my ear before leaving, patting Jared on the cheek as she passed him.

When she was out of sight, Sara snapped impatiently, ‘Where is she? I want to see her.’

‘She’s upstairs,’ I informed her. She stormed past me, not giving Jared a second glance as she whisked by him.

I followed her with a sigh. ‘Get the bags,’ I told Jared, who shot me a look, but continued into the kitchen to retrieve the girls’ luggage.

‘What happened to her leg, Sara?’ I asked before Sara could open the door.

Sara paused. I could tell she wanted to tell me, but she fought with what to say. She ended up just shaking her head dismissively and opening the door. Without turning on the light, she sat down on the edge of the bed next to her best friend. I watched from the doorway as she ran her hand over Emma’s short brown hair soothingly.

That’s when Emma stirred and rolled over. I remained perfectly still as she squinted her eyes up at Sara. ‘Hey.’

‘Hey,’ Sara said in return, smiling gently down at me. ‘How are you feeling?’

‘I think I’m drunk,’ I slurred, blinking the sleep out of my eyes, trying to focus, but the vodka was making it difficult.

‘I think you are too,’ Sara nodded. ‘Not a good day for you, huh?’

‘Not a good life.’ I chuckled humourlessly. I pulled the sheets up to my nose and inhaled. They smelled so good. So … clean. I sat up in a panic.

The dark room started to fall into shape around me. I looked down at the white bedspread with the pink flowers.

‘Oh hell no!’ I yelled. ‘Sara, what the f*ck am I doing here?!’

‘Relax, Em.’ Sara tried to calm me, setting her hands on my shoulders to settle me back into the bed. ‘It’s just one night.’

Rebecca Donovan's Books