Effortless (Thoughtless, #2)(161)

“Hey, I just landed. Miss me already?”

My image of him insanely erotic, I laughed, huskily. “Always.”

“You said your sister was freaking out?”

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. “Yeah, she’s just afraid of Griffin finding out…before she’s ready to tell him.” Kellan sighed as well. “I wouldn’t…that’s not my secret to share.” 454

I smiled, his comment meaning that he also understood why I hadn’t told him. “Well, I think she will tell him, and I think she’s going to keep it…or her, I should say, since Anna is convinced she’s having a girl.” Kellan chuckled. “Let’s hope so. I think a baby girl to dote on is just what Griffin needs.”

“Would you want a baby girl one day?” I asked, then blushed. I hadn’t meant to ask him about kids yet. One step at a time, Kiera.

He was quiet a moment, then, “Yeah…a girl, or a boy, would be fine, but…yeah, I do want kids.”

I giggled, softly. “Me too,” I whispered. A comfortable silence passed between us, and knowing I had to go to class, I sighed. “I should go…are we good?”

Kellan gave me a soft laugh. “I didn’t convince you of that before I left? Really? You…sounded convinced.” I felt the heat burn my cheeks as echoes of my…conviction…echoed through my head. Before I could answer, Kellan said, “Yeah, Kiera…I think we’re better than we’ve ever been, actually.”

Smiling, I tilted my head. “Even with Denny being back in town?” I bit my lip, hating to bring it up but knowing I needed to. Kellan and I couldn’t hide from the hard conversations. And Denny didn’t need to be a hard conversation anymore.

Kellan sighed, the sound was full of contentment. “Yeah, even with Denny in town. I don’t know, Kiera, but Denny just doesn’t worry me anymore. Maybe…maybe I really do trust you.” I exhaled, feeling the weight sliding off of my shoulders. “Oh, I’m so glad to hear you say that, Kellan, because there really is nothing there.

No one…no one compares to you, Kellan. No one even comes close.” He groaned. “God, you’re making me wish we were back in my bed when you say stuff like that.” I giggled and flushed with heat, the good 455

kind this time. Chuckling, he added, “I feel the same way, Kiera. No one comes close to you in my eyes…no one.”

I closed my eyes, warmed beyond all doubt by his words, by his heart.

“I love you. I’ll see you in a few weeks.”

“Okay, I love you too.”




No Doubts

Maybe it was the removal of the doubt in our relationship, but the next few weeks flew by. Before I knew it, it was the end of May and Kellan’s tour was done. All of the boys came back to Seattle for a celebratory weekend before they had to disembark to L.A., to record their album. I was pretty surprised when Kellan had called and told me he was coming up. When he had first told me about the album, he’d made it sound as if he would be going straight there. I was even more surprised, and mortified, when he told me that Justin and his band were coming up with them. Apparently the two groups had really hit it off on the road. Not too surprising, I guess. Kellan was easy to get along with, for guys and for girls.

It was a Thursday night when they all strolled in. Talking with Jenny and Kate at the counter, I flinched when I heard the front doors bang open. My eyes immediately snapped over to them and excitement flooded every part of me.

Griffin had just burst open the doors, just like he used to when the D-Bags were a fixture here. Seeing him, standing like a King before his court, wasn’t what spiked my heart, though. No, it was knowing who would walk in a few steps after the egomaniac.

As the bar completely silenced, Griffin exclaimed, “Your master has returned…you may worship me now.”

A chorus of laughter went around the room and the buzz of noise started again as people stood to welcome the returning rockers. Griffin was harshly shoved forward by Matt. Scowling at his cousin, Matt raised his hand in greeting to his name being shouted here and there around the 457

room. He then immediately started heading to their old table, obviously wanting out of the spotlight.

Griffin frowned at Matt, until he found a table of coeds to pester. Evan stepped through the swinging front doors with Kellan, the two of them smiling, mid-laugh. The crowd outright cheered once all four band members were in their midst again. Kellan glanced around the room, acknowledging them with a hand wave and a nod. Evan shook his head, like he still couldn’t wrap his head around the whole thing. Then the gentle man spotted his girl.

The heavily tatted rocker with gauges in his ears and a new piercing through his eyebrow, melted when Jenny jumped into his arms. There were squeals and giggles and lots of laughter as the two of them reunited.

I was giggling too as I left Kate by the bar to flood to my man, before the other girls around beat me to it. He was striding my way, his grin as wide as mine. When we met up, he grabbed my cheeks and pulled my mouth to his. His scent hit me just a second before his warm lips did. He held me to him as his mouth moved in sync with mine, his tongue just slipping in to brush against me. My fingers reached up to tangle into his tousled mess, twisting into the thick, light brown strands.

S.C. Stephens's Books