Effortless (Thoughtless, #2)(163)

Surprised that those words would ever cross Griffin’s lips, I said words that I never, ever, thought would cross mine. “You could hang out with Kellan and me?”

I instantly wanted to take the words back. Kellan snapped his head to me, equally surprised by my invitation. His brow furrowing, he minutely shook his head. I clearly heard the question he wasn’t asking— why the hell would you invite Griffin into our weekend? Are you crazy?

I bit my lip, thinking maybe I was. Griffin, though, scowled at Kellan.

“Nah, no thanks.” Lightly smacking Kellan in the chest, he muttered,

“I’d rather be alone than hang out with this jack-off.” Kellan blinked, his gorgeous face looking genuinely perplexed. “What did I do to you?”


Griffin narrowed his eyes, his thin lips tightening. “Jersey…those two hot girls?”

I raised an eyebrow but didn’t let myself overreact to the statement.

Everything Griffin said had to be taken with a grain of salt. Plus, Kellan wouldn’t do anything to hurt me. That, I finally believed.

Kellan bit his lip, looking like he was struggling to not laugh in Griffin’s face. “Uh, Griff…I was doing you a favor.”

“Save it, man.” Griffin poked him in the chest. “You were just jealous

‘cuz you were doing the monogamous thing. Whatever. You didn’t need to cock-block me! And right when things were getting interesting!” A small laugh escaped Kellan. “Griffin…”

Shaking his head, Griffin turned and walked away. To his back, Kellan laughed out, “I tried to tell you…those weren’t girls, dude.” Griffin raised a middle finger in the air and Kellan laughed harder. Shaking his head, he looked back at me. “Maybe I should have just let him figure it out for himself?”

Laughing at the idiot, that was about to have a child with my idiot sister, I shook my head. Kellan gave me a warm smile, wrapping his arms back around my waist. “Monogamous thing?” I asked, tilting my head.

He smiled wider, resting his head against mine. “Yeah, see, I told you I was being good.”

Giggling, I gave him a soft kiss. “I know you were.” Sighing, I shook my head. “Who knew I’d ever find a conversation with Griffin comforting?”

Grinning crookedly in a way that made me wish my shift was over, Kellan murmured, “Life’s little mysteries.” Threading my hand back through the perfect mess of hair, a style that only Kellan could successfully pull off, I sighed. I searched his face as his eyes searched mine. The rare shade of his deep blue eyes, the perfect arch of his brow, the slant of his nose, the seductive curve of his lips, the 462

strong angle of his jaw, his height, the lean cut of his body—physically, he was the epitome of what the ideal man would look like. But his heart, his soul, his pain, his humor, his music…that’s what made me ache for him.

I wanted to give him everything. I wanted to give him the world. I couldn’t, though. I didn’t have that kind of power. But there was one thing I could do…one thing that I could help to give him. And I knew it was something he wanted, even if he fought against wanting it.

I’d done something this morning. Something that I knew he wasn’t going to like. But I’d had to do it. And I also had to tell him that I’d done it, even if it made him really angry.

Clearing my throat, I glanced around the bar full of witnesses. Well, at least he couldn’t kill me after I told him. “Um, Kellan, since we’re doing the honesty-at-all-costs policy, I have something to confess.” He grinned at me, his hands around my waist tightening. “Rob a bank while I was gone?”

Smirking at him, I shook my head. “No.”

He leaned in, raising an eyebrow. “A sex shop?” Flushing, I looked away. “No, I didn’t rob anyone.” Laughing, I looked back at where he was still giving me a devilish smile, probably still envisioning me in a sex shop. My cheeks heating, I smacked his chest and spat out, “Stop picturing me…where you’re picturing me.” Laughing, he kissed my cheek. “Okay, what is it?” Feeling seriousness fall around me, I bit my lip. “Okay, it’s going to make you mad, but hear me out before you start yelling.” The smile immediately fell from his face and he narrowed his eyes.

“What did you do?” he asked cautiously.

Swallowing, I started tracing the letters of my name on his shirt. Following the tattooed lines hidden beneath the fabric, I subtly reminded 463

him that he loved me…just in case he forgot in about three seconds. “I invited your dad and his family to the graduation party at Pete’s.” Kellan instantly pushed me away from him, frowning. “You what? Kiera, I told you I didn’t want any contact with him. Why would you do that?”

Sighing, I stepped back up to him. “Because you need them, Kellan.” He immediately started shaking his head, but I cut off his objection.

“No, you don’t believe that you do…but you do, Kellan.” Putting my hand back on his chest, I shook my head. “I’ve heard you talk about your sister. You care about her. And your brother? You’ve never even met him…don’t you want to?”

I raised my eyebrows and waited for a second. Almost imperceptibly, Kellan nodded and feeling victorious, I continued. “And your dad…how do you know what you’ll feel towards him, if you never give him a chance.” Putting my other hand on his cheek, I stroked my thumb over the smooth skin. “You could be missing out on something really good…because you’re scared.”

S.C. Stephens's Books