Effortless (Thoughtless, #2)(164)

He looked down. “Kiera…”

I lifted his head, making him look at me. “I saw you on Christmas morning, Kellan. You wanted that bond, that family bond… and you can have it. You just have to be brave.” I smiled that me, the one most pervious to nerves, was assuring him, the one who rarely seemed to be self-conscious, to be brave. Smiling wider, I added, “You are a smart, handsome, rock star with a girlfriend who adores you. You have nothing to fear…ever.”

He grinned at hearing variants of his words being repeated back to him. Gazing at me with adoration, he shook his head. “When did you get so wise?”

Smirking, I shrugged. “I am a college graduate, you know.” Kellan smirked right back. “Not yet.”


Laughing, glad that he wasn’t too mad, I slung my arms around his neck. “Close enough.”

Tilting his head at me, he bunched his brows. “How did you get my dad’s number anyway?”

I gave him a blank look. “Are you kidding, that number has been burned into my brain since December.”

Sheepishly, he grimaced and looked down. “Yeah, sorry about that.” Leaning up, I kissed him. “It’s okay…I get it now.” Noticing bar patrons starting to examine empty glasses, I figured I’d probably had a long enough break and should get back to work. Grabbing Kellan’s hand, I pulled him with me back to the bar. Since Rita was still dirty dancing with Justin, maybe Kellan could be the bartender?

Joking around, I asked Kellan if he wouldn’t mind taking over for Rita.

Eyes lighting up, he hopped up on the bar and scooted around to the other side. He looked like I’d just given him the keys to the Kingdom as he stared at all the bar supplies. I wondered if he knew how to make anything? Well, he had helped me study for this job, back when I’d first gotten it, so he must have picked up a thing or two.

Grinning at the adorable image of Kellan tying a half-apron around his waist, I shook my head. He was going to get so many tips. Good thing we pooled them all together at the end of the night. As I started helping my thirsty customers, Pete came out of his office, tucked behind the kitchen.

The weary, older man looked over the chaos of the bar on a night that usually wasn’t this bustling, and smiled. Seeing his bartender on the floor with the rock stars, he frowned, then his silver head looked back at the bar. I knew Pete liked Kellan, since they’d had a working relationship for years, but I wasn’t sure if he’d be okay with Kellan serving his customers. But Kellan had already attracted attention in his newfound position. A line was formed at the bar as Kellan smiled and flirted his way through order after order.


I smiled and shook my head at him. Really, there wasn’t too much Kellan couldn’t do well, and serving drinks was no exception. I could easily picture an alternate life for Kellan, one where he wasn’t about to be a famous rock star. I could easily picture him here, working alongside me, serving drinks every night. It was an intriguing idea, but I knew that Kellan’s heart lied with music. The path he was on was the right one for him.

I watched him flip a bottle into the air “Cocktail” style, then watched as he nearly missed catching it. When he juggled the bottle into submission, just keeping it from crashing to the floor, the girls screamed and clapped. Always the showman, he bowed dramatically.

Pete shook his head, but I saw a small smile on his face as he watched the bills being tucked into the register. I figured he was fine with Kellan doing just about whatever he wanted to after that.

Kellan met my eye, laughing a little at the attentions he was receiving.

I laughed at him, then blew him a kiss. I would place my order later…at his place… our place, since I’d moved my stuff in last weekend.

Just as I was remembering Jenny, Kate and Cheyenne helping me carry box after box into Kellan’s house—my sister only “supervising” since she’d suddenly embraced her condition, claiming she was supporting a life, so she couldn’t manhandle cardboard—a familiar face walked into the bar.

I smiled wide at seeing Denny stroll in. I was used to seeing him in here now, since he usually stopped in a couple of times a week for dinner. He’d been mysteriously absent this week though; I hadn’t even received a phone call from him. As I noticed him holding hands with someone who was entering the bar a step behind him, I suddenly understood why he’d dropped off the face of the earth.

I waved at Denny and his girlfriend, Abby, who must have finally made it over from Australia. Denny slung his arm around her waist and beamed with pride. Happy beyond belief for him, I motioned to a free table in my section. Nodding at me, he led her that way.


Turning back to a trio of college girls at one of my tables, I handed them a second round of margaritas. Straightening, I quickly told them,

“There you go. Enjoy, and let me know if you need anything else.” One of the girls had her eyes glued on Kellan as she sipped on her straw. “Can we get him to go?” she slurred as the other girls at the table giggled.

I glanced over at Kellan, still behind the bar. He’d noticed Denny’s entrance too and was staring at Denny while he filled a mug with ale. I couldn’t read Kellan’s expression, so I had no idea if he was okay with my ex and I still having a friendly relationship or not. But Kellan could see Denny’s companion too, and if he still had any qualms about the matter, seeing the blonde on Denny’s arm should have squelched it.

S.C. Stephens's Books