Jake had closed his eyes now, and I couldn’t help but look at him in between the making out. His mouth was open just a little, his full lips reddened from all the kissing and swollen. I reached for his cock and took it out of his shorts. He was drenched in precum. A few strokes of my hand and he was begging for mercy, moving his body while his eyes stayed close. Two more seconds of this and he was grabbing at the sheets and making noises that were evidence of his desire. He was breathing hard and groaning and still moving his body to my rhythm.

“Fuck me.”

Those words were all the encouragement I needed. I grabbed his legs and pulled them up so I could enter him, and I did it slow. Took my time until he adjusted and then I gave a few gentle thrusts. He grunted and groaned in pain and ecstasy, and then it was just the lust as I moved inside him and he raked his fingers into my back, begging for more and pulling me closer. And then he grabbed his cock in his hand and started to stroke it and I started to increase my pace until we were both grunting and groaning and trying to reach the climax.

The sound of his breathing, the way he kept pulling me closer and the way he was still jerking himself off with one hand, it all combined to make me feel pleasure like I had never felt before. These things I had done a hundred times before and yet everything seemed new because it was him. If I was afraid to lose him before I was terrified of it now.

He came first.

His load had emptied onto his belly while I was still inside him. I was barebacking, not something I did with anyone else but with Jake I knew. It didn’t scare me. If it scared him, he didn’t say. That feeling of being inside him while he was there right beneath me, when I could smell his skin and his hair and taste his lips, that feeling gave me an orgasm that lasted for an eternity, or at least that’s what it felt like.

When it ended, Jake was still clutching at me, afraid to let go.



The door was opened and I never noticed who did it because my eyes were too busy making sense of what was going on right in front of me. I didn’t how old he was but I knew he looked like a teenager. Within moments of facing him, I knew there was something familiar about that face—why did it feel like I’d seen him before when I was certain I hadn’t? A face like that I would have remembered. Even if it was at one of Zach’s get-togethers or Weldon’s recruitment events. He was so tiny and weak, and looked like he hadn’t had a meal in days. His eyes were swollen from all the crying and his face was flushed and covered in tears. He was desperate, trying to get free of Stoll’s hold but Stoll had his arms viciously restraining him from behind, wrapped tightly around his chest. If he held him any tighter the boy would stop breathing and break a number of ribs.

“Do you have it?” Mace directed his question toward me. “Well, don’t just stand there! Help us!” I reached for the messenger bag I was carrying, and put it down on the table next to me. “All yours.”

The boy was hysterical. He was having trouble breathing. It could have been the older man’s death grip. “If you do it,” Mace said. “It might hurt him less.”

Stupid fucks, they never missed a chance to involve me in their fucked up games.

Of course, I didn’t have to do it.

All I had to do was leave the bag with them and walk out. It couldn’t have been that hard, the door was right there. Only I stayed glued to the carpeted floor. “My instructions were to leave this with you.”

Mace shot me a stern look and grabbed the bag. But he hadn’t walked a single step when my hands tore it from him. “Maybe just this once,” I said, unzipping the contents of the bag onto the table. I took out the plastic box that carried the vials and a bunch of empty hypodermics and set them down.

This would be nothing.

Please don’t tell me his name.

This had to remain anonymous for my brain to not latch on. If I didn’t associate a name with him, I wouldn’t give a shit. Or so I kept telling myself. Maybe it was wishful thinking and maybe it was sheer stupidity but I stayed back.

“Come on Colton,” Stoll said, pushing the boy toward me. “The doctor’s here, he’s not going to hurt you.”


Now he had a fucking name.

So much for not latching on.

But I’d heard that name before…

And that’s when it hit me. I’d heard it from Jake so many times. Jake’s underage brother—who could have passed for a fourteen year old! What the hell was wrong with these people? Were they seriously getting more evil with time?

I wished there was something I could have said or done to help him but there wasn’t. I could have grabbed him and run but that wouldn’t have gotten us far. Getting caught would mean we’d all be in trouble and I couldn’t imagine Jake or his brother getting into any more shit than what they were already going through. I wasn’t even sure what Jake’s deal was anymore. He was trusting Weldon, not a lot of good could come from that.

Colton kept struggling all the time I was injecting him with the serum. It hit his bloodstream fast and he went slack. His body fell lifelessly on top of Stoll and Stoll transferred him to the bed. “That was quick,” Mace said, grabbing the box of vials carelessly and I stopped him. “This is potent stuff,” I said. “This is the purest form of the serum and only intended for occasional use. If you use too much you could kill him.”

Kol Anderson's Books