“Damien, I’m sorry.”

I knew I was supposed to say something nice but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I heard the double doors opening and my instincts were on edge. Damien ran into a confused Jake. “Honey,” Damien said. “He’s been waiting for you.”

Jake greeted Damien with that same puzzled expression. “You can stop staring at walls now!” Damien snickered as he left.

“What’s he talking about?” Jake asked and I hated Damien for putting thoughts in his head.

“Damien’s kind of an idiot,” I told Jake. “He hardly ever makes sense.”

“Is he a friend of yours?”

“You can say that.”

Jake looked up. “Is he more than a friend?”

I knew I had to tell him what was going on, I wanted him to know he could trust me. “We hooked up a few times, it wasn’t serious.”

Jake looked satisfied. “Okay.”

How could he possibly look so good? He took my breath away. I couldn’t help but notice there was some color back in his cheeks. He looked like he was on the mend. That made me extremely happy. “You look… healthy.”

Jake grinned. “Healthy?”

I could have kicked myself. “Well you look healthy too, Doc.”

“You know what I mean.”

He was smiling. Jake was smiling. I couldn’t believe it. But I was going to make the most of it. “Why don’t you get up here and we’ll do a basic checkup,” I patted the exam table.

“Do you want me to strip?”

My brain’s instant reaction was to send more blood toward my dick, and the spilling forth of the words, “Yes.” I said this and then followed with a “Huh?”

In my mind, I pictured Jake removing his clothes one by one to the sound of house music.

“Do you want me to strip or not?”

I was sure my dick was about to explode. “Yes… yes please, that will be… um… yeah that’ll be… thanks.”

Jake gave me that bewildered glance and proceeded to take off his shirt. Everything about him was hot, too much for my mind to bear.

When he placed a hand on his pants to remove them I almost gave up being a doctor. He had a great body. He looked like he had gained some weight and wasn’t as anorexic as before. When he got on the table I realized I would have to get near him and I wasn’t sure how my body might react. I checked for the usual stuff. His vitals were good. Blood pressure was normal. His pulse rate was a little high but that could have been a ton of things. Like wanting you as much as you want him?

The porno clip playing over and over in my imagination consisted of Jake playing a dumb blonde twink and me being the physician who was to give him an important ‘injection.’

Okay, so I had a medical fetish and I was a doctor. So what? Plenty of people had workplace fantasies. I didn’t judge them.

I made him lie down. Poked and prodded his abdomen to make sure there was nothing unusual or strange going on but fortunately everything seemed fine. Now, on to the difficult part.

Even though this was hardly the first time we’d been through this routine, it felt like the first time. I tried to keep talking to him about random stuff just to keep his mind off my prodding fingers. I spread his legs and checked for any remaining lacerations or damage. I used plenty of water based lubricant. The flush on Jake’s skin did nothing to hide his embarrassment about the routine. Finally, I stopped. I took off my gloves and tossed them in the waste basket.

When I saw him lying there I couldn’t help myself. I leaned over and kissed him. He was kissing me back but then he froze and pushed me away.

Jake angrily got off the table and started putting his clothes back on.

“Jake, I’m sorry. I fucked up—”

“You’re the same as them,” he fumed.

“Jake I wasn’t going to do anything, it was just a kiss it doesn’t mean anything.”

He stood there and glared at me at first and then he walked up to me. “Is this true?” he asked. “Would you have stopped if I hadn’t pushed you away? Did that kiss really mean nothing?”

I was capable of a lot of things but I couldn’t lie to his face.

My silence was all the answers he needed. “I figured.”

I was about to say something in my defense when Jake bumped into someone and he stopped. “Hey,” Jake said when he saw it was Weldon. I have never seen Weldon down here so it came as a bit of a shock.

“Did Doc clear you?”

Jake nodded and looked down toward his feet.

Weldon came and looked around, intimidating and tall as always, making his presence known. That was his thing and it worked. Not on me so much but it did work. Me, I could usually see through his bullshit and I think he resented that.

But he needed me just as I needed him. It was a working relationship that swayed a little to his side but still.

“Good to see you again, Trey.”


After a few seconds of a useless staring contest Weldon was ready to leave. “Just came to pick up Jake.”

Jake was blushing again. Within moments I understood. “You don’t mind if I talk to Jake alone for a few minutes, do you?”

Weldon wasn’t happy. I was expecting him to make a big deal out of it but instead he let me. Smug bastard. I took Jake aside into the supply room. He looked pissed. “What do you want now?”

Kol Anderson's Books