I checked Jake’s wounds. Some tiny cuts and a big one but nothing alarming. “He looks fine,” Trey said. “For now.”

I stood and faced Weldon. “You didn’t bring him here to love him unconditionally and take care of him,” I said. “You brought him here to fuck with his head and use his body.”

Weldon seemed like it didn’t bother him. I had no idea if it was an act. “Does it bother you, Trey? That he’s mine?”

The words alone made me angry. I hoped Weldon couldn’t see it. “He’s not yours,” I said. “His body’s been sold to you, but his soul is still intact and it doesn’t come free with the purchase.”

Weldon was grinning. Not the response that I was hoping to get from him. “Soul, huh?” He went over to where Jake was sleeping on the bed, their bed, and ran a hand all over Jake’s abdomen. He slowed at the groin, and didn’t stop there. The movements of his hand on Jake started to work and Jake started to move in his sleep. He was responding to Weldon’s touch. The whole display sickened me.

“I think people place a lot of emphasis on soul,” he said, pulling his hand away. “Maybe they need to understand just how important the body can be.” And then, he stood and faced me. “If I break both his legs,” he said. “Do you think his soul would be able to walk?”

I was close to losing it. I don’t know how I hadn’t. But anything I did might mean I’d lose the ability to help myself or Jake. “Weldon, I don’t mean to cause trouble. I’m just concerned for his well-being as I’m sure you are.” I figured working for the devil had some rewards. One of these was knowing how to lie through your teeth apparently. “I guess I saw all that blood and freaked out.”

Weldon patted my shoulder with a heavy hand. “I like you, Doc. Let’s keep it that way, shall we?”

I grabbed my case and the rest of my things. Then, I watched Weldon get in bed right next to Jake and sitting close to him. Weldon was rubbing Jake’s arm. If someone was unaware of their story they might think they looked good together. I don’t know why it was bothering me.

I mean, I guess I knew why, but I hated it. “I have an idea,” I said. “Why don’t you take him somewhere?”

“Like… out?”

“It might make him feel better. Keep him away from suicidal thoughts. He needs distraction.”

Weldon gave it some thought. “I’ll see what I can do.”

I was at the door when he called for me. “Trey?”

I turned around. “Yeah?”

Weldon had the front of his shirt open, lying freely on his chest. When he lifted his arms to the back of his head, and stretched, the shirt covered even less of his gorgeous body. “I won’t force him,” he said, gesturing to Jake. “He will come to me.” He paused and placed one leg on top of the other. “Thought I’d let you know, so you have less things to worry about.”


I stopped the car in the restaurant parking. It was time for breakfast and the place was packed but I had a standing reservation on account of being friends with the owners.

Jake stared at me. “You’re not worried I’ll run?”

“You’re not going to get far. I run faster than you.”

“You know that’s not funny, right?”

“It’s not?” I returned. “Ouch. That really hurts my feelings.”

He was quiet. No sign of a smile or any relief for being outside. If I didn’t know any better, I would have thought maybe he wasn’t happy to be outside. “We should probably go in,” I said.

“I’m not going to fuck you.”

“I… don’t usually fuck people in restaurants, unless that’s your thing.”

“You know what I mean.”

“We’re here to get pancakes, Jake. Maybe some bacon.”

“I mean it!” Jake reiterated. “Whatever it is you’re trying to do it’s not going to work on me. I’m not going to fall for your bullshit.”

Suddenly, I wanted to crack some eggs. Or heads. Yes. Probably just the heads. “Did Trey put this in your head?”

“Why would Trey put anything in my head?”

“Oh please, it’s obvious the two of you have something going on.”

Jake looked genuinely disturbed. “There’s nothing going on.”

I was fuming. “You know what, I’ve lost my appetite.”

“Weldon, you never lose your appetite.” I turned to the woman who spoke this right in my ear. “Jackie! What’re you doing here?”

“What am I doing here?” she said. “This is our family’s favorite place. We and the kids we come here all the time. What’s your excuse?”

I hated the fact that she was so smug about the whole thing. Without warning, she stuck her hand out for Jake. “I’m Jackie, Weldon’s sister.”

Jake shook her hand and smiled. “Jake.”

“Hello, Jake. Why don’t come inside, you look like you could use a little break from my annoyingly handsome brother.”

I was seriously freaking out. One wrong word from Jake and I could be sitting in a jail cell. Even if I did get out, it still meant a lot of unnecessary problems. Especially my family finding out. But my sister was adamant and then Jake got out of the car and joined her. I watched them both go in and got out myself.

Kol Anderson's Books