Losing Him (Mitchell Family #8)(33)

I held up my hand and pointed at the target. “You! You did this to me!”

Ty looked around the room, and then back at Conner. He crossed his arms and smiled at me. “Get your drunk ass out of here. We aren’t kids anymore. If your life sucks it’s because you were a dumb whore. Nobody told you to do the things you did.”

His words hurt me, like a sheet of glass stabbing me in the heart. “It was all because of you. I wish I never loved you! You took away my happiness!”

Amy and Van got up and came close to me. Van tried to grab my arm, but I pulled away. “Heather, have you been drinking?”

“Did you drive here?” Amy asked.

I took another step forward and talked through my tears. I pointed to him again. He was still so handsome, even with the facial hair. I still remembered the way his skin smelled and what every inch of him looked like without clothes. “I gave you my heart and you threw it away. What did I ever do to deserve that?”

“You need to leave before you upset my wife again, Heather. I have nothing to say to you. I don’t owe you an explanation. You offered yourself to me. I never made you promises.”

I shook my head and frantically took another step toward him. “I have nothing! Everything I ever did was because I loved you! I wish I never knew you. I wish you never comforted me when we were kids. I wish you never kissed me in that closet. I hate you, Ty. You ruined my life! You destroyed me.”

Ty sighed and looked around the room. Van had her hand on my back and I saw him glance at her. “She’s right, you know.”

Ty looked at Van. “Don’t you dare get in on this. I don’t need you jumping on that crazy train. She’s not worth it.”

Amy got in front of me. She looked into my tear filled eyes. “I can take you home. You’re not in any shape to drive.”

I backed up. “I’m fine! I just wanted to talk. He needs to know that I’m a good person. Why doesn’t everyone hate him? He did this to me!” I motioned toward Ty.

He shook his head and started walking toward me. It caught me off guard. I took one step and tripped on my dress. The next thing I knew, I was on the ground and he was standing over me. Van and Amy were crouched down making sure that I was alright.

My eyes were on Ty’s and I watched him shake his head and reach out his hand. “Come on, get your ass up!”

My hand went into his before I could think about what I was doing. Once I was standing, he pulled me along, taking me into another part of the barn. We stopped for a moment, but only for him to tell everyone to leave us for a minute. I had no idea what he was going to do. Knowing Ty, he could have been taking me in there to cut off my head. He was furious.

We stopped and I shoved away from him. He ran his hands through his hair and paced around. “Why are you here, Heather? Where’s your boyfriend?”

“He took Jacob and left.”

Ty froze. He cocked his eyebrow. “What is your son’s name?”

“I didn’t name him, I swear. It was Jessie’s idea.”

“You couldn’t sway him toward something else? You had to steal my kids name?”

I crossed my arms. “It wasn’t like that!”

“Whatever! It doesn’t even f*cking matter.” He let out an air filled laugh. “Look, I don’t know why you came here, but you’re not welcome. We’re not friends and you know why. My wife has been through enough tonight. I’m not going to let you upset her. Just let Amy take you home. Get your shit taken care of and move on. It’s the best thing for everyone.”

“You don’t get to tell me where I can live. Did you even know how I felt about you? Did you know that all I wanted to do was be with you? All the times that we were together, did you ever care about me at all? Did you consider that you were breaking my heart?”

“Jesus Christ! I can’t believe you’re doing this.” He paced around and kicked an old can. “You threw yourself at me. What was I supposed to do? It wasn’t like you asked for anything in return. You knew I was with other people.”

I put my head down, realizing how much of a fool I had been. “So you never even cared about me? Never?”

He finally sighed and I saw remorse come over his face. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know what I was doing to you. I never considered your feelings. I know I was an *, but I’m not that guy. I haven’t been that guy in ten years, Heather. I have a wife and children that mean the world to me. You say you loved me, but you wanted to take them away. Did you think that if she left me I would come crawling to you? Did you even consider that I would have followed Miranda anywhere? Your plan wouldn’t have benefited you. I wouldn’t have run to you for comfort. I would have chased my wife. Damn, you just don’t get it.”

I got quiet and held my head low. “I do. I get it now. Of course it’s too late, but I get it. I lost everything. Are you happy? I have nothing. Make sure you tell your wife that. She got her wish. My life is empty.” I sank down to the dirty ground and began to cry.

Ty cleared his voice and sat down beside me. He touched the edge of my dress. “I’m sorry about your mother.”

“Save it! I don’t need your pity.”

“I was just being honest. I’m not the heartless jerk that you think I am. Yeah, I was an * when we were kids, but you were the one throwing yourself at me. Any guy would have jumped on that. You were hot and so damn persistent. It was hard to tell you no. When I had my accident and lost Van, you were the one who helped me. I should have considered your feelings. I did tell you my intentions, though. I never gave you false hope. You did that yourself.”

Jennifer Foor's Books