Losing Him (Mitchell Family #8)(30)

Before anyone else could speak, I saw Conner walking between us and right up to his sister. “Enough, Randa!”

I hadn’t seen the man so mad since he’d told me his intentions of getting to know me. We all just stood there watching him directing his sister. “He needs to know.”

Conner shook his head. “It’s not your place. She didn’t make you drive that car and you know it.”

She pointed toward me again. “She made sure that I wanted to leave. She wanted me out of the picture.”

“I never meant to hurt anyone, I swear!”

Ty looked at me and I almost could see that he knew I was telling the truth. I hadn’t gone there that day hoping she would die. I just wanted them to break up.

I started crying. “I wish I could take it all back. You don’t know how sorry I am.”

“You don’t deserve to be a mother, Heather. Everything you touch turns to shit! I wish you’d just disappear. It isn’t like anyone would ever miss you!”

Ty and Conner grabbed each of her arms and started pulling her away from us. Conner looked back at me. “Sorry about this.”

I covered my face with my hands, but Jessie didn’t come to comfort me. “Let’s go! Now!”

I followed behind him knowing that my happy time had ended. I’d lied to him, yet again and he wasn’t going to let it go. He was going to leave and there was nothing that I could do to stop him.

We gathered our things and headed for the car. In the distance I could see Amy trying to talk to Miranda. Ty was leaning against his car, while little kids ran around with flashlights.

All I wanted was to be able to get passed everything that had happened. Sadly, it was never going to happen. I had to get out of this town, because there was nothing here for me anymore. Loving Ty had ruined my life. Losing Jessie was going to kill me.

Not a single word was spoken between me and Jessie the whole car ride. I had so much that I wanted to say, but the words just wouldn’t come. No matter how many ways I tried to come up with a logical explanation, I knew Jessie wasn’t going to care.

I’d had my chance to come clean. I’d promised him that there was nothing else to tell. Leave it to me to keep the worst part of it all from him. I felt awful inside, knowing that the only person I had to blame was myself.

This time, when they climbed out of the car and I stayed, they said nothing. Jessie was furious with me. All I could do was sit there and cry.

How could my life had gone so wrong? All I wanted was to be in love. I wanted someone to love me. Maybe I was just impossible to love.

Knowing that I couldn’t stay in the car any longer, I made my way into the house. Jessie was coming down the hallway, with not only his bag, but Jacob’s too.

I tried to grab one of them. “Wait! What are you doing?”

“I’m taking my son home. This was a mistake, Heather. I gave you a chance to explain things. You told me that I knew everything.”

“I’m sorry. Please just let me explain?” I begged.

He pulled his arm away from me and got right up in my face. “You’re nothing but a liar. I don’t know what you did to that woman, but it’s clear that you’re hiding shit from me. I can’t trust you, Heather. I can’t be with someone that can’t tell me the truth.”

Jacob was sitting on the couch playing with his toys. Jessie looked over at him. “Come on, buddy.”

“Wait! Please don’t take him, Jess. Let me explain. Just hear me out. I’ll tell you everything.”

Jacob walked over and wrapped his arms around me. “I love you, Mommy.”

I bent down and hugged him so tight. “I love you, so much! Be good for Daddy. I’ll be home as soon as I can, okay?”

“Don’t cry, Mommy.”

“I’m just going to miss you.” I couldn’t tell him that Jessie was taking him away from me on purpose.

“Will you come home soon?”

I nodded and kissed him. “I will be as fast as I can.”

When I stood back up Jessie was walking out the door. “I’m taking your car, since you have your mother’s.”

I ran out after them. “Jess, please don’t do this. Please don’t leave me.”

He got Jacob in the car and stood to face me. “I really thought you changed, but you’re still that f*cked up girl that showed up on my doorstep. Don’t worry about our son. I’ll take care of him.”

I was crying loudly and I couldn’t stop. “Please don’t take my baby from me. Please!”

He climbed in the car and pulled away without saying another word. I couldn’t believe that it had all really happened. I was flabbergasted and an emotional wreck. Everything that I loved had just drove away in a car, leaving me all alone.

Chapter 16


I should have known better than to believe her. I just wanted things to work out, so that we could raise our son together. Heather didn’t realize that all of this wasn’t just hurting her. It was hurting me too.

She’d ripped out my heart and did not even paid attention to my feelings. As sorry as I was that she’d been through Hell and back, I couldn’t condone her lying to me. I was willing to forgive her for everything, if she’d just come clean.

Maybe I shouldn’t have left her there, but I had better things to do then sit by and be walked all over. Heather needed to learn that she’d never be happy if she couldn’t be honest with people.

Jennifer Foor's Books