A Lover's Lament(85)
Cupping his face in my hands, I pull back just enough so I can look in his eyes, which are swimming in tears. Without breaking eye contact, I drag his mouth to mine and our lips crash together like waves on a shore.
My eyes drift shut, my head tilting to the side to give him better access. He takes the invitation willingly and pushes his tongue into my mouth, sliding deep, exploring and tasting.
Devin’s hands are everywhere—gliding down my arms, gripping my waist and then sliding up my back before finally settling. One hand wrapped around my neck and the other pressed firmly against my lower back, he holds me close to him. Our bodies are flush, not a lick of space between us. His heart is beating so hard that I can feel it against my chest, and his body pressed against mine is the sweetest thing I’ve felt in a long time. It feels like just yesterday we were doing this for the first time.
Devin pulls back and my heavy eyelids bob open. “I missed you so much,” he mumbles, his lips brushing against mine. The sound of his voice causes shivers to run down my spine, and I tighten my grip on him.
“I missed you too,” I say, my body relaxing against his. He groans and his lips find my cheek, my nose, my chin, my neck … they hit on every place they can reach before landing back on my mouth. Only this time, the kiss is sweet and gentle, completely different than the one just a minute ago.
So many things are running through my head and being said right now … so many emotions being conveyed. Relief. Comfort. Happiness. Regret.
Devin’s grip loosens and I close my eyes tightly, desperate to stay in this perfect little bubble for just a few more moments—not wanting to let reality and unspoken words tarnish the here and now.
“Let’s get out of here, Katie.” His green eyes are swirling with so much love that it’s nearly impossible to miss. “I want this more than anything, but not here, not in front of all these people.”
A grin pulls at the corner of my mouth and his hand fists my shirt at the small of my back. “You can’t look at me like that, Kit Kat. I’m barely hanging on by a f*cking thread just being this close to you. My body feels like it’s gonna explode, but I want to do this right. Just me and you.”
Well shit. How the hell am I supposed to say no to that? It’s unfair, really, that he can be so damn convincing.
“Where are you staying?”
His brows furrow and then he sighs. “I forgot to book a room. But come on, we’ll find somewhere to go.”
He grabs his bag off the floor, and it’s funny, because I don’t even remember him having a bag. Lacing his fingers with mine, he leads me toward the suitcases that are being shuffled in circles, waiting for their owners to claim them.
“By the way, I have a room at the Hilton. There’s only one bed, but you’re more than welcome to share it with me if you want,” I say, laughing when his steps falter, nearly sending him face-first to the floor.
“I feel so much better.” Devin walks out of the bathroom, a towel hung low on his hips and knotted in the front. Droplets of water are scattered across his chest, and when one slides down his abs, disappearing in the thick white cotton covering his happy trail, I bite my bottom lip.
It should be illegal for someone to look as good as he does. All straight lines and chiseled muscles. He’s a hazard to women’s health, really. In fact, he should have a flashing sign hanging from his head that warns—
Devin snaps, securing my attention. “Eyes up here.” When I look up, he has a smile plastered to his face. Busted! I wait for him to say something, to make some sort of embarrassing comment about me not being able to take my eyes off of him, but he doesn’t. The expression on his face shifts, his lips purse, brows dip low … he looks uncertain.
Devin clears his throat. “Do you want to take a shower?”
Not at all what I was expecting him to say, but okay, I’ll bite. “Yes,” I say with a nod. “I definitely do, but I don’t think I can move.” Flopping back on the bed, I close my eyes, roll to my side, and curl my body around a pillow. “I could probably sleep for days if you’d let me.”
I don’t hear him approach, but I can smell him. I’d know that smell anywhere. It’s spicy and sweet, all rolled into one, and I would give anything to bottle it up just so I could pull it out whenever I’m not with him. A warm hand glides down the side of my face.
“I’m so sorry, Katie,” he whispers, catching me completely off-guard.
My eyes fly open, my heart suddenly hammering inside of my chest. “For what?” I ask, wondering if he’s going to give me the words I’ve been dying to here in person for the last ten years.
He’s crouched on the floor next to the bed, his face only inches away from mine, but the deep lines of tension on his face are unmistakable. “Everything,” he says, his voice full of regret.
“Don’t,” I whisper, cupping my hand to the back of his neck. I will not let these few precious days be tainted with something that I’m already past. Yes, I still want answers, but they can wait. He opens his mouth, but I swallow his words with a kiss before pulling back. “You don’t have to apologize—”
“I do.”
“No.” I shake my head. “Not right now.” His mouth drops open, a look of astonishment gracing his beautiful face.