A Lover's Lament(89)

“What did he say?” I ask. My nerves are already kicking in, adrenaline flowing in waves through my veins, because I have absolutely no idea what my dad could’ve had to do with Devin leaving me without a trace. Daddy knew how much Devin meant to me; he would have never done something to jeopardize what we had.

Would he?

Devin’s head drops. “He didn’t tell me anything I didn’t already know. But the way he presented it—”

“What? What did he say?”

“He wanted the best for you, Katie. He wanted you to have a husband that could provide you with the kind of life you deserve, and he and I both knew I wasn’t that guy. Wyatt was that guy for you, and your dad thought the same thing.” I cringe at his words, but he continues. “I knew that if I saw you again, that if I talked to you about it, you’d tell me it was all a bunch of shit.”

“Because it is all a bunch of shit.”

“I know,” he breathes, dragging his eyes back to mine. “Trust me, I know. It’s my biggest regret in life. It’s the one thing I would give anything to go back and change, but you have to understand where I was coming from. I was living a shitty life with an even shittier mother, and I was being forced to move a thousand miles away. There was no way I was going to be able to afford to go to college, let alone get a decent job, and I didn’t want to hold you back. I wanted you to have the gorgeous house with the white picket fence and two point four kids.”

“But I only wanted you.”

“I know.” He takes a deep breath. “I know that now. But at the time, my head wasn’t in a good spot, and I knew that the only way to give you a clean break was to leave and not come back. And trust me, it was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.”

Devin’s chin quivers, the movement so slight I almost miss it. I have no doubt that he feels awful for leaving me the way that he did. “You broke my heart.”

“I know. I broke my heart too. I thought about you every f*cking second of every f*cking day, and if Mom had had a phone, I probably would’ve called and begged for forgiveness the first chance I got. But she didn’t. Hell, I couldn’t even afford to call you from a payphone. Things were rough there for a while, and honestly, I’m glad you didn’t have to see it. It’s a good thing you weren’t there, because I would’ve leaned on you way too much.”

“I want you to lean on me, Dev. I want to be that person, the one you turn to when you need something—anything. I want to be your best friend and your confidant and everything else.”

“You are.” Sitting up, Devin pulls me into his arms. His grip on me is tight, and his chest is heaving as though he just ran a marathon. “Trust me, you are, and I never forgot that. I made a terrible mistake walking away from you, and I swear that I’ll never leave you again. I know you said it before, but I need to hear you say it now. Do you forgive me, Katie?”

“Yes.” With that one little word, I feel his body relax against mine. He needed to hear that much more than I realized. “I forgive you.” It’s easy to say because it’s true, but there is still one little thing nagging at the back of my head. “I can’t believe Daddy made you feel that way,” I say, shaking my head in disbelief.

“Don’t. Don’t be mad at your dad. He only wanted what was best for his little girl, and I don’t blame him. I was a hotheaded teenager, and it didn’t matter how he said it, his words only meant one thing to me.”

“Say it,” I dare, pulling back, “and I will kick your ass.”

“I love you,” he says, laughing, the dimple in the side of his cheek popping out. I’ve missed that damn dimple. Leaning forward, I press a kiss to it.

“I love you, too.” Nuzzling against his chest, Devin pulls me in close before settling us on the pillows. We lie like this for several minutes, both enjoying the quiet, but my mind can’t help but wander. If he would have told me what happened with my dad a long time ago, I probably would’ve been pissed, because he should have known better than to think any of that. But I’m older now, and the situation he was in at the time is easier to understand as an adult than it was as a starry-eyed teenager.

Plus, as much as I hate to admit it, our time apart probably wasn’t such a bad thing. Who knows what would’ve happened if we had tried to make it work from nearly a thousand miles away? I just wish that Wyatt wouldn’t have gotten hurt in the process. And as much as I don’t want to, I know the topic needs to be discussed.

“Since we’re talking and opening up, is now a good time to talk about Wyatt?”

Devin rolls us over until his body is hovering over mine. “I think we’ve talked enough for today, don’t you?” I shake my head. “Plus, we need to get to the funeral home and make sure everything is ready for tomorrow.”

I’ve been so wrapped up in reconnecting with Devin that I totally forgot about why we’re even together right now in the first place. “I’m sorry.” I look down, but two warm fingers find my chin, lifting my face back up. “I’ve been so selfish—”

“No.” That one word is spoken with an immense amount of conviction. “You haven’t been selfish. You’ve been selfless. You took off work, rearranged your schedule and flew all the way here just to be with me, and I can’t tell you how much I love you for that. And I do want to know what happened after I left, as much as it may kill me.” The last part was mumbled, and I can’t help but giggle at the disgusted look on his face. “But can we wait until after the funeral?”

K.L. Grayson & BT Ur's Books