More Than Friends (Friends, #2)(74)

“Cop a feel?” I’m dumbfounded.

“You don’t even notice, huh?”

“No.” He’s got to be exaggerating a little. “I had no clue.”

“Oh yeah. None of us would touch you, though. Tuttle made his claim and we weren’t allowed to hardly look at you.”

So freaking primitive. What is he, a caveman? I ignore the warm feeling that washes over me at the thought of possessive Jordan Tuttle. When he acted like he cared about me. When I believed I was the most important person in his life.

I shove the thought out of my head before I start to cry.

Eli takes a step closer, then another. I back up, until my butt hits the edge of the counter and a wave of Axe body spray washes over me when he looms. “But now you two are done. So I called first dibs.”

He says the worst things. “You did not just say that.”

“I did.” He is all up in my business, his hands braced on the counter on either side of me, caging me in. The boy may say stupid stuff, but he has a few moves. And he’s rather persuasive. “I know you were all about that Tuttle life, but hopefully you’ve moved on.”

I can’t stop myself from laughing. I’ve never heard such cheesy lines, not that I’ve had much practice. Eli starts laughing too, and I appreciate his cheesiness because it’s a total distraction. Tuttle’s rejection still stings.


Glancing up, I find Eli leaning into me, his head tilted to the side, like he’s coming in for—what?

Oh God. A kiss.

I can’t do it. I can’t do it.

I turn my head away at the last second and his lips collide with my cheek. It was sweet, a missed chance, and I felt…


Not a damn thing.

Eli pulls away and licks his lips, his gaze laser focused on my mouth, like he can’t wait to taste it. “Can I touch you?”


He goes ahead and touches me anyway, one hand resting lightly on my waist. He studies me intently and it’s like I can see the cogs turning in his brain, trying to come up with a plan.

“This isn’t going to happen, Eli,” I say softly.

He frowns. “You’re not even going to give me a chance?” The disappointment in his voice rings clear.

I slowly shake my head. “I’m sorry.”

“Is it because of Tuttle?”

Being with Eli like this, in Jordan’s house, I can’t help but think of him. His smell and his taste and how he knew just how to touch me.

The last time we were together in this house, in his room, naked and on his bed. The memories come one after another. Quick and intense and unavoidable, and then I’m pushing Eli away, a gasp escaping me when the door slams open and I see who’s standing in the open doorway.

Watching us.

It’s Jordan.

“What. The. Fuck.” I bite the words out, my fingers curling against my palms, my blood running so hot I feel like I’m about to burst into flames.

Eli Bennett backs away from Amanda, holding his hands up in front of him and scared shitless. His eyes are wide and he can’t stop shaking his head. “It’s not what you think, bro.”

“I’m not your bro, asshole.” I flick my head. “Get the fuck out of here.”

He sends Amanda a quick look before he’s scurrying out of the bathroom like the scared little rat he is. I make a disgusted sound as I shut and lock the door, pressing my forehead against the cool wood for a moment so I can gather my thoughts. Gather my emotions. My anger.

I count to five, take a deep breath, and turn to face her.

She’s perched on the edge of the bathroom counter looking like a goddamn queen. Her back and shoulders are straight, and there’s a haughty look on her face. Her eyes are a little dazed and her lips are parted. Lips I’ve kissed so many times, and I miss them. I miss her.

But she let Eli Bennett kiss her. In my bathroom.

I can’t believe it.

“Let me out,” she says, the slightest catch in her voice, like I scare her.

Good. She scares me too. She fucking terrifies me. That’s why I’ve been avoiding her the last few weeks.

“No.” I lean my back against the door and cross my arms, contemplating her. “We should talk.”

“We have nothing to talk about,” she snaps.

“I think we do.” I remain quiet and so does she. I’m trying to outwait her, but she’s stubborn and I give up fast. When I’m pissed, I lose patience. “Eli, Amanda? Really?”

“You have no room to judge.” She flicks her hair over her shoulder, her eyes full of anger.

“He’s a kid.”

“At least he likes me. He’s into me. And he has no problem letting everyone know about it either.”

That was a direct hit. “Get real. Being with you gives him bragging rights. That’s it. He only wants to bag you because you’re a senior and he’s a lame ass freshman.”

She recoils and looks away, her normally lush lips forming a thin, straight line. “Bag me?”

Bad choice of words. But I’m in too deep now, so there’s no going back. “Hook up with you. Fuck you. Whatever you want to call it.”

Amanda turns that angry glare back on me, her dark eyes blazing. “You really think I’d—fuck him tonight? Seriously?”

Monica Murphy's Books