More Than Friends (Friends, #2)(70)

She smiles faintly. “Good. I’m glad you feel that way. I wasn’t about to suggest you try to get Tuttle’s attention again, because I am so ready for you to move on. That guy doesn’t deserve you crying any tears over him. Forget that. Forget him. He’s a jerk.”

“Right.” I nod, trying my best to believe it. “You’re so right. I’m over this. Over him.”

“Awesome. Perfect. I love it.” Livvy’s eyes are sparkling and she looks awfully pleased with herself. “And I know just the guy to help you get over Tuttle once and for all.”

I frown, wariness easing down my spine. “Who?”

If she says…

“Eli.” Now it’s her turn to hold up a hand to stop my protest. “Hear me out. Yes, he’s young.”

“Olivia.” I never call her by her full name, and that definitely gets her attention. “He is only fourteen years old.”

“He’ll be fifteen next week!”

“He’s a baby.”

“A baby with a sexy smile and a great butt.”

“Gross! You’re into his brother, not Eli.”

“I can appreciate the ultra fine genes in both of those Bennett boys, can I not?” Liv bats her eyelashes, and we both start laughing. There’s been a lot of laughter tonight.

“There are only two years that separate you,” she says.

“I’ll be eighteen in March.”

“That’s a long time from now!” A sly smile curls her lips. “Maybe he’s the rebound guy, you know? He’s not looking for anything serious. He doesn’t even understand the word serious. He just wants to have a good time.”

“If a good time is code for sex, I’m not interested in having sex with a fourteen year old boy.”

“Fifteen. He’ll be fifteen next week, don’t forget that,” she stresses. “Besides, I don’t think he’s looking for full on sex. Fairly certain he’s still a virgin, at least according to Ryan.”

I make a face. “Ryan discusses his brother’s sex life with you?” I can’t imagine George having sex—ew—let alone talking about it with Livvy. And if she had a crush on my brother, that would be even worse.

Yes, I am a total child. So maybe Eli and I would hit it off...

“Ryan and Eli are constantly talking about dicks and asses and tits and banging and hand jobs and munching boxes. All of it.” Livvy sighs and I can barely keep in my laughter. “They’re boys and they’re absolutely disgusting. Yet they’re both oddly attractive when they talk like that.”

“You’re crazy.” I grab a ruffled pillow that fell off my bed earlier and throw it at her, smacking her right in the face. She throws it back at me, but I dodge it in time and it hits the wall instead.

“No, you’re crazy for not giving Eli at least a chance. He’s totally into you.”

I don’t understand why. First I have Tuttle chasing after me, now I have Eli. They could have anyone they want yet they both choose me. I seriously don’t get it.

“Why would he be into me? And I’m not looking for sympathy either. I just…” I shake my head, throw my hands up into the air. “It’s weird.”

“Here’s the truth—you’re really pretty and nice. You’re not stuck up, like so many of those other girls who chase after him—them. Oh, and that’s another thing. You don’t chase. Ever. I think guys find that attractive.”

“It’s not game-playing strategy,” I tell her. “It’s just something I—don’t do.” Because I never believe I have a chance, so why bother?

“Yeah, well, they like it. I think Tuttle liked it too.” She winces. “Sorry, scratch his name from this conversation. I know Eli likes how elusive you are, how you always tell him no when he’s dying for you to say yes. I don’t think any girls deny him, with the exception of you.”

Huh. Interesting.

“And I think that’s what the other one liked too. Everyone tells him yes. They fall over themselves for the chance to get with him, and you never did. Ever. They like the challenge.” She points her index finger at me. “You, Amanda Winters, are a challenge.”

I cover my face with my hands. “I don’t mean to be,” I whine from behind my hands.

“Oh, stop.” Liv reaches over and pries my hands from my face. “Just run with it. Let Eli talk to you a little bit tomorrow at the game. See what he has to say. Flirt with him. He’ll love it.”

“I don’t want anything to happen in front of Tuttle,” I whisper, immediately wishing I could cram my words back into my mouth. Too late now. We’re too intertwined still. What happened between us is still so fresh. And damn it, I miss him. I want him back in my life. But he doesn’t want to be a part of it, so I have to suffer and watch him and wish for him and…

God, I really can’t wait for football season to be over.

“Please, you should flirt with Eli in front of him! Screw Tuttle! He’s the one who dissed you and shut you completely out of his life with no explanation! He’s a total asshole for doing that. If he doesn’t want you, then someone else will. You should go for it with Eli! Have a little fun. He’s completely harmless.”

Monica Murphy's Books