More Than Friends (Friends, #2)(71)

“Is he really harmless?” Why am I even considering this? He’s too young. Way too young.

“You want my prediction? I believe Eli is a little handsy and probably uses too much tongue, but that can be controlled, you know what I mean? Be the wise older woman and mold him into the perfect boy. The one who can kiss and touch a girl just right.” The grin on Livvy’s face is huge and she wags her eyebrows at me like some sort of perv.

I grab the pillow and toss it at her again, laughing when it bounces off of her head. “I can’t do that—and you can’t make me.”

“You so can. What’s a little innocent making out? There is nothing better than a boy who’s an excellent kisser.” The dreamy look on Liv’s face tells me that Ryan is a most excellent kisser.

And so was Tuttle. I can’t deny it. His kisses were dreamy. Too dreamy. My fear of never finding a guy who can kiss as well as Tuttle can is about to come true.

I can almost count on it.

I survive both the JV and varsity game, too busy to talk to anyone, let alone flirt with Eli Bennett. He comes around the hydration station a few extra times, but I can only smile helplessly at him when we make eye contact.

What’s funny is that I am seriously considering Liv’s suggestion to make out with Eli and get Tuttle out of my system once and for all. Maybe she’s on to something. Maybe I really do need to find a rebound guy to make out with for an hour or three. Eli’s not bad looking. In fact, he’s really gorgeous, with the golden skin and hair, and the hazel eyes and the nice mouth. His lips are full and his jaw is a sharp edge, just like his nose. He has a nice smile and sometimes he reminds me of an overeager puppy, but puppies are sweet. I like puppies. So I’ll probably like Eli too.

Tuttle doesn’t say one word to me during the game. Not a single one. He barely looks in my direction, and I tell myself that’s the way I prefer it. I let Kyla have him for the night. I even tell her I won’t work with Tuttle during this game, and while she gives me a weird, questioning look, she doesn’t say anything. Instead, she keeps her eye on Tuttle so I don’t have to.

It’s a total relief.

Now the varsity game is almost over and we’re killing them in a total shutout, forty-five to zero. It’s embarrassing, how badly we’re beating them. The backup players are out on the field, thankful for the chance to play, and I can hear Tuttle and his friends talking. Of course, I’m totally eavesdropping.

“Party at your house tonight, dude?” Ryan asks him.

Tuttle nods, his gaze locked on the field. “Sounds good to me. Everyone’s gone, so we can do whatever we want.”

“What else is new?” Ryan slaps him on the back. “I can find some booze if you need it.”

“Nah, we should be good, but call me if you go home first. I might need a backup plan.”

What does he mean by that?

“Can I go?” This is the enthusiastic Eli asking. He’s somehow snuck onto the bench, sitting on the other side of Ryan, and his brother doesn’t look too thrilled that he’s there.

“Everyone’s invited.” Tuttle glances over his shoulder, his gaze meeting mine for the briefest moment. I refuse to be the one to look away first, and thankfully, I don’t have to. “Everyone,” he stresses, when he looks away from me.

I pull my phone out of the back pocket of my jeans and send a quick text to Liv. She answers almost immediately.

Hell yeah we’re going to Tuttle’s house! Whoooo!!!!

I turn to Kyla. “Are you going to Tuttle’s party?”

“No way.” She shakes her head. “I never go to his parties. I always feel so left out there.”

“You should come with Liv and I. Hang out with us.” I smile. “It’ll be fun.”

Kyla shakes her head some more. “I don’t think so. That’s really not my scene, Amanda. Thanks for including me, though.”

Dang it. I’m trying to include her and get closer to Kyla.

Once the game is over, we start to clean up. I’m almost finished when Eli makes his approach, a cocky smile on his face when he stops directly in front of me. “You going to Tuttle’s? Or are you afraid, since you two used to be together or whatever?”

“Afraid? I’m not afraid.” Nothing like getting right to the point. “And yeah, I’m going to his party.”

Eli’s brows shoot up. “Seriously?” His voice squeaks a little and he clears his throat. It’s sort of cute.

“Seriously,” I deadpan. “I’m guessing you’ll be there?”

“Oh yeah.” He nods eagerly, his face lighting up. “I’ll see you there.”

“See ya,” I say to his retreating back. Smiling, I turn to find Kyla watching me with her arms crossed. My smile immediately fades. “What’s wrong?”

“Bouncing from one football player to the next isn’t the best idea,” she says, her voice dry.

Yikes. Who crowned her Queen Judgey McJudgey Pants? “There is absolutely nothing going on with me and Eli.”

“Right. That’s why he just high fived all of his friends after talking to you.”

I glance over to where Eli is standing with his circle of friends, and they are still giving him high fives. That’s sort of embarrassing. “I have no idea what that’s about.”

Monica Murphy's Books