Fallen Crest Home (Fallen Crest High #6)(44)

“Uh…” I had no clue. I lied, “This weekend.” I should’ve known.

He rolled his eyes, putting his sunglasses back on. “You’re lying. I can still tell.”

I hit him again. “I’m not.”

“Ouch!” He rubbed his arm. “You hit Mason like that?”

“He doesn’t deserve it.”

“Hey. Is it true? You guys are warring with Roussou again?” He whistled under his breath. “Blast from the past. I feel like we’re back in high school again. What are they planning? Car bombs? They going to burn down a bar or something this time?”

Why all the references to burning? I winced. “No. Nothing like that.”

“What?” Jeff narrowed his eyes. I could just see through the darkened lenses. “Oh, shit. Mason’s going the grown-up route now? What? He’s going to pay for them to go away or something?” He groaned. “That’s so lame.”

I narrowed my eyes right back. “You’re lame. You never answered me before. What are you doing here?”

“I’m friends with Becky.”

I gave him a look.

“I was kind of friends with her,” he amended. He dropped his leg and leaned across the break between the chairs. “Look, the invite went out on Adam’s Instagram. He said anyone could come, so if you’re thinking only their actual friends are going to be here, you need to get a clue. Anyone still in Fallen Crest this summer is heading here. It’s the perfect excuse to scope out the country club. Plus, it might be everyone’s last attempt to get in good with Adam Quinn.” He glanced back to where everyone was congregating.

Get in good with—I hadn’t heard that right, had I?

“What are you talking about?”

His eyes slid back to mine. “You haven’t heard?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Quinn’s going into politics. He made the announcement at graduation. Weren’t you there? Everyone’s been watching him. He went pre-law, now he’s gotten into Harvard Law, and after that he’s going political. I thought you knew.”

I had no clue. But I wasn’t completely shocked. “Becky’s going to be a political wife?”

Jeff laughed. “Yep. I’ve no doubt she’s got dreams of being a first lady one day.”

Jeff’s revelations punched me in the chest, but even so, I had to admit it felt right. Of course Adam would go into politics.

I shook my head. “All that power. All that control.”

“All that pussy,” Jeff added. “Becky’s in for a rude awakening, but that’s on her. Like she doesn’t know what Quinn is really like.”

“Things are different,” I told him. “Adam’s happy with Becky.”

Jeff started laughing.

I shot him a warning look. “I mean it.”

“Okay.” He patted my knee before he stood up. “You keep thinking that. I’m going to head in there to get the free food before it’s all gone.”

He’d been gone less than thirty seconds before I heard Mason ask from behind me, “Was that your ex-shit bag I just saw talking to you?”

I ignored Mason’s question. He knew Jeff and I were fine. He wasn’t pissed about him anyway. Instead, I stood and said, “Adam’s going into politics. Did you know that?”

Nate and Matteo had come with Mason, and both had different reactions. A proud smile bloomed on Matteo’s face while Nate just started laughing.

And laughing.

And laughing some more.

Mason nudged him. “Shut up.”

“It’s just…” He shook his head, trying to stop. “Of course he’s going into politics. Fuck. That makes so much sense.”

“That’s what I thought, too.” I nodded.

“Why is that a bad thing?” Matteo asked.

“You’re seeing him be a good guy right now,” Mason explained.

“He’s not always been a good guy,” Nate added.

“Nor will he be in the future,” Mason concluded.

He watched me as he spoke, and I saw a flicker of emotion there. I wanted to ask if they’d found out anything on their golfing adventure, but Matteo was here. Mason didn’t want him affected by our battles, so I held my tongue. I’d ask later.

We all stood and looked across the club’s lobby. Just on the other side of some glass doors was the pool veranda, already filled with people from my old school. No one spoke, but Mason started forward. I followed, as did Nate and Matteo. We followed our leader into what I was beginning to think of as enemy territory once again.

As we reached the last door that separated us from them, their conversations began to stop. It felt like one by one, everyone was turning to watch us enter.

I couldn’t blame them.

Mason reached behind him, and I slipped my hand into his.

Mason and Logan were gods to them. There were legendary rumors and stories about the Kade brothers, and even though Mason and Logan had gone to public school, I knew first-hand how much everyone had wanted to be like them or be with them. Even now, eyes widened, mouths opened, and people were almost gawking at Mason.

This was his football celebrity. They would’ve had something akin to this reaction before, but it was more now.

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