Fallen Crest Home (Fallen Crest High #6)(42)

Mason moved forward, reaching behind me for the filled coffee pot. “He was an ass to Sam one time in school. That’s all.”

“Oh.” Matteo looked to me. “Sorry, Sam. I’m sure he won’t be anymore. He’s probably ecstatic about his son’s engagement.” He smiled, and a dimple showed in his cheek. “It’s kind of sweet, if you think about it. One rich family falling in love with another rich family. They can make babies who are even richer. It’s like you guys all know how to seek each other out, really stick it to the poor folk. Don’t want them contaminating the breeding well.”

This wasn’t normal Matteo, and I glanced at Mason. I wasn’t sure how to respond.

“Becky and Adam met in high school,” Mason said. “It was a private school, but I didn’t go there. Sam transferred out for her last year and a half of school. And you ain’t poor anymore, Matteo. You’ve got NFL teams eyeing you. Your parents might not have a lot of money, but that doesn’t mean they would contaminate anything. They made the best fucking lineman I’ll always want running next to me. No money, no breeding, no private schools could produce someone like you, and I’m thankful.”

Matteo couldn’t speak at first. His Adam’s apple bobbed. “Thank you, Mason,” he croaked out, blinking rapidly. “You didn’t go to a rich private school?”

Mason smirked. “Fuck, no. Can you imagine that? We probably would’ve burned the building down.”

Nate’s head snapped toward Mason at the mention of burning.

Matteo laughed, his massive shoulders bouncing. “That’s true. Man, I really miss your little brother. When’s he getting back?”

“A few weeks.” Mason clapped a hand to Matteo’s shoulder. “I think we’re all missing him.”

After that, a solemn feeling lingered over the group. I felt it even as they left to go golfing, and I couldn’t shake it away as I headed across the street to Malinda’s house. She called while the guys were getting ready to leave and offered me a ride to the country club.

I was dressed in a running outfit, but the tank top could pass for a social event. That was the hope anyway. I had running shorts on underneath a flowy skirt, and my shoes were cute enough that they still went with the outfit. My running music and earbuds were tucked away in one of my pockets, along with my phone.

I knocked on Malinda’s door. “Hello?” I called, going inside.

“Sam, honey.” Malinda moved across the hallway from the kitchen to the dining room, packages in hand.

I followed and saw twenty gift bags sitting on her table. “What’s going on?”

“It’s an impromptu wedding shower for Becky and Adam.” She stuffed the packages in her hands into the gift bags. She motioned to a pile of them on the counter behind me. “Can you help me out? Each bag gets one of those.”

“What are they?” I could see long, rectangular boxes wrapped in white tissue paper.

“Bracelets. Each bag gets a set of jewelry. I’ve got the earrings and necklaces in all of them. I just need to get the bracelets in the rest.”

I went to work, and when I got to the end I saw another row of smaller bags placed on the table, too. “Who are these for?”

“Those are done. Those are for the guys.”

I counted another twenty and began feeling sick to my stomach. “Who all is going to be at this party?”

She stopped, straightening from one of the bags, and frowned at me. “I thought Mark told you?”

“He said you reserved the pool for his birthday party at the country club.”

“Was that it?”

“And that his friends were going to be there.”

“Oh.” She turned to the bags again. “Well, yeah. It’s partly a birthday party for Mark and also a wedding shower for Adam and Becky. I’m surprised he didn’t tell you that part. Aren’t you good with her again? I thought Mark said something about that.”

“I guess I am…” But all of those people from high school? I was back at the beginning of my junior year again. Analise had just left my dad. Jessica and Lydia had turned on me. The Academy Elite only wanted to use me to get to Mason and Logan. All those old feelings twisted and churned inside me, like a thunderstorm trying to strike its way out.

“What?” Malinda’s voice suddenly sounded panicky. She rushed to my side. “Samantha, are you okay?” She felt my forehead. “You don’t feel feverish. What’s wrong?” She held my shoulders and peered into my eyes. “Are you really not okay with this? Mark assured me you would be. I won’t make you go if it’s a situation you aren’t comfortable with.”

I heard the caring in her tone.

I heard the love.

I heard the warmth.

Relief had me swaying on my feet. She wasn’t Analise. She wasn’t Lydia or Jessica. She wasn’t turning on me like they had.

I nodded, my neck feeling loose and my head unusually heavy. “I’m fine. Mason, Nate, and Matteo are going to be there. I’m fine.”

“Are you sure?”

“I really am fine.” Feeling a little steadier, I put my hands over hers on my shoulders and squeezed. “I’ve just been feeling old anxiety that I thought I’d left a long time ago. That’s all.” I grinned, trying to reassure her. “Apparently, I still have some baggage to work through.”

Tijan's Books