Fallen Crest Home (Fallen Crest High #6)(39)

He followed my gaze, understanding in his voice. “I was wondering about the newbie. Keeping him close?”

“Something like that,” I said again, giving him a quick nod. “Thanks for this. I owe you.”

“No, no.” He shook his head. “Sam came to my fight because Heather really wanted her there. If anything, this is just me making us even. You wouldn’t have this problem if you hadn’t been forced to come that night.”

“Still, thank you.”

“Be smart, whatever you’re going to do.” The guys at the bar glanced over, and Channing lowered his voice. “You’ve got a lot going for you. I wouldn’t want anything to jeopardize that.”

I knew what he meant, but as long as I had family here, as long as Sam wanted to come back and see her family, I’d have to deal with Caldron.

“I know,” I told him. “Thanks again.”

I stepped out, giving Nate the nod. “Let’s go.”

He and Quinn followed, the latter being only too eager, but Matteo still had a full beer in hand.

“Matteo,” I called.

“What?” He saw us at the door. “Hold on.” Holding a hand in the air, he tipped his head back and chugged the entire bottle. He finished with his new friends cheering him on and grinned, patting the two closest to him on the back. “That’s how we do it where I’m from. I’ll see you guys later! It was nice meeting you all.”

Nate leaned close, his voice quiet so Adam couldn’t hear behind us. “He’s like a big Mastiff. Friendly to everyone and the size of a real-life boulder.”

I laughed. “Why do you think I love playing with him on the team?”

“I get it. I hated him freshman year, thought he was replacing me. I love the guy now.”

I did, too, but he wasn’t Logan. I was ready for my brother to come home.


I was finishing my shift by taking the garbage out at midnight when I felt someone behind me. Dropping the bag, I whirled around. I didn’t know if I was going to launch myself at them or run, but my knees were bent and ready to do one or the other.

I did neither.

It was Kate.

I felt the old disdain automatically rise up. Mason’s psycho ex-fuck buddy. I wouldn’t have recognized her except for the cold hatred in her eyes. She’d filled out, gaining a few pounds since high school, and she wore a low-cut red corset. Her blond hair was pulled back in two French braids, and she wore heavy makeup with raccoon-style eyes and bright red lips. Glitter on her lipstick matched the glitter spread over her chest. She took me in as I stared right back at her.

“Holy shit,” I breathed.

“What’s Mason up to?”

And we were right down to business. Good to know. “Uh…” I cocked my head to the side. “Even if I did know, I wouldn’t tell you.”

“He went into Channing’s bar. My boyfriend was there. What would Channing and Mason have to talk about?”

“You mean besides the fact that their girlfriends are best friends?” I shook my head, mocking her. “Because we are. Heather Jax. Me.” I linked my hands and showed her my entwined fingers. “Like this. Tighter than your vagina ever was.”

“Nice.” She rolled her eyes, smacking her gum. “Same old annoying-as-fuck Samantha Strattan.”

“Yeah. That’s what I am. Annoying.”

A second eye roll. “Has Mason picked up some of Logan’s sarcasm, too? Because if so, he’s not the guy I fell for in school.”

“Oh, no.” Well… “He might’ve picked up some of Logan’s sarcasm, but he’s definitely not the guy you fell for in school. That was just a guy using you for sex. The guy he is now is way better. Better standards. Better girlfriend. Better everything, really. Better future, too.” I forced a smile, knowing she’d see the hard edges. “You’d never have a shot with him now.”

“I stand corrected.” She snapped. “You’re a bigger bitch than you used to be. Too bad I didn’t get you worse than I did in that bathroom.”

I sucked in a breath. This bitch didn’t just go there… My hand formed a fist, and I thought about swinging. I might’ve, except Mark stepped out from the shadows behind her. She didn’t seem to notice he was there, but his presence brought me back to reality. Mason and I were here for the summer. We were moving on in a couple months. And everything I’d said was true. Mason had a much better future.

Mark circled around her, his hands stuffed in his pockets. His confused gaze switched from me to her as he came to stand next to me.

“Who are you?” he asked.

I let some control back in, smoothing my fingers out.

“Who are you?” Kate countered.

I didn’t want to hear some jab about whether I was going to screw this stepbrother, too, so I said quickly, “He works here. He’s a friend.”

“Really?” She skimmed him up and down, interest softening her mouth into a seductive smile. “How good of a friend?”

“You’ve got no shot with me.”

“A good, loyal friend.”

“Hmmm.” Her features flattened. “Whatever then, but I meant what I said. Mason needs to keep out of Roussou, Sam.”

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