Fallen Crest Home (Fallen Crest High #6)(45)

Nate leaned close, whispering, “I forget about his football status, you know?”

I nodded. “I know what you mean.”

A part of the crowd shifted, and Adam appeared first, with Becky in hand, followed by Mark. My stepbrother stayed back as Adam approached with his hand held out.

“Mason, glad you stopped by.”

Mason frowned, looking at him with narrowed eyes. He didn’t move to shake his hand. Unease slithered down my spine. This felt staged. Something about Adam’s approach seemed off. He had an odd look in his gaze.

I looked at Becky, saw the fear there, and knew whatever Adam was hoping to accomplish, it wasn’t good. I stepped forward, intentionally bumping Adam’s hand aside.

“What are you talking about? My stepmother is throwing this party, remember? You’re acting like we weren’t invited.” I leaned closer, but made sure everyone could hear my words. “It’s more the other way around, Adam. Something like your engagement.”

I felt bad seeing the hurt flood Becky’s face, but knew the others would speculate about what I meant. That was what I wanted. We weren’t beneath Adam. He wasn’t going to push us that way.

An unreadable mask came over his face, but I didn’t care about him. I stepped toward Becky. “Can I talk to you?”

Her eyebrows pulled in before she nodded. “Okay.”

I led the way back to the front lobby, but I didn’t stop. I kept going, veering into an empty conference room.

“Sam? What’s going on?”

I moved around her, shutting the door. “Is it true that Adam’s going into politics?”

“What?” She hugged herself before her mouth set in a determined line. “How is that any of your business?”

But she knew what I was going to say. Just like she’d known the whole time.

I nodded. “So he is.”

“Why are you asking?”

“Tell me one thing. Was it your idea for me to be at your engagement party?” I waited a beat, watching the questions flit across her features. “Or Adam’s?”

“It was mine.” She looked away. “I might’ve mentioned it a few times.”

That told me everything I needed to know. “Becky, don’t marry him.”

I reached for her hands, but she pulled them away.

“How dare you?” She took a step back.

“I dare because you knew this is what I would say. That’s why you wanted to reconcile. He wanted me, Becs. Not you. He plotted to get me, over and over again. That’s why Mason hates him. And now this, your engagement, him going into politics—you wanted me back in your life because I’m the only one who’ll tell you the truth.”

She turned away, still hugging herself, but she made no move to leave. She was listening to me, and I had to think it was because I was saying what she wanted to hear.

I softened my voice. “He’s going to cheat on you.”

She sniffled. “How do you know?”

“Because you know.” There were windows in the room that looked out over the pool. Adam wasn’t watching us, but he kept glancing at the doors that led to the lobby. I noticed Jessica and Lydia next to him. Jessica reached for his hand, and he turned toward her.

It was a flashback for me; only instead of Adam, it had been Jeff.

I couldn’t help myself. “Is he already cheating on you?”

“What?!” She whirled around, saw what I was watching, and shook her head. “No.” She sounded a little stronger now. Her small shoulders rolled back, and she lifted her head higher. “But she’s been trying. I’ll admit that much.”

“He’s not sleeping with her?”

She shook her head, standing next to me. “I installed a program on the computer so I can monitor all his emails and social media pages.”

Um. Holy shit? I felt my jaw falling.

“She’s been private messaging him, but so far he’s not responded. He’s just been polite, as he’s been with all of them.” Her gaze lingered on Lydia before moving on to Miranda and Amelia. It stayed the longest on Amelia.

“She’s the one you’re worried about?” I felt so proud of her. I couldn’t explain why, but it was like my little sister had grown up before my eyes.

“Yeah. She’s the one he shares the most with.”

“They were friends in school.”

“Not that great of friends. It changed a year ago. They worked on a project together at college. It’s been…different since then.”

“What about Miranda? She dated him.”

“She’s in love with Peter.” Becky shook her head. “I used to worry about her, but she only talks about how great Peter’s been in their messages. She asks about me, too. Amelia’s never brought me up.”

“That says a lot.”

“I know.”

“You just needed me to say it, didn’t you?”

She let out a deep breath, her eyes downcast. “I needed someone to say it. I’ve felt horrible thinking it, but yeah. I needed someone else to voice the same concern. I’ll be fine now. It’s like you gave me permission to doubt the man I love.”

“You’re going to still marry him, aren’t you?”

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