Without a Hitch(103)

His nostrils flare, and his eyes go cold, hard, and scary as hell. I fight the urge to shrink into the background. If I’m going to stand by his side as a partner, I’ll do everything in my power to be the kind of woman who demands respect.

“Who’s Christine?” Okay, so outwardly I might be able to fool strangers, but the way my voice quivers is a dead giveaway of my inner turmoil, and Lochlan knows it. Before my next breath, he grabs my leg and pulls me as close to him as I can get. The silky dress I’m wearing allows me to slide across the leather with ease.

“She’s his ex—”

“My ex,” Lochlan interrupts. “Christine is my ex.”

“Lochness?” Nova’s questioning tone has me wishing I could escape the car. My body is in fight or flight mode, and I have no idea what the battle is.

Lochlan’s expression is fierce as he relays a message without words to his sister. “What has she done?”

This time, when he speaks, I do shrink in on myself. I’ve never heard him so cold. A shiver runs through my body, and I can’t control the way my body shakes in response. Lochlan drags our clasped hands into his lap and uses his free hand to run soothing circles over the inside of my wrist. It’s an odd sensation to be coddled when the tension in the air is so thick that I fear we’ll suffocate on it.

“Nova,” Lochlan snaps, and his sister and I jump. I can tell it doesn’t happen often by the expression on her face.

Her lip quivers for a moment, then fire dances in her eyes. She squares her shoulders and faces her brother head on.

“Don’t you dare kill the messenger, Lochness. I’m here to help you.”

The air shifts, and he reaches across the small space to hold her hand. “I know. I’m sorry. What are you helping me with?” He’s deflating faster than a balloon on prom night and suddenly, whatever is going on with Christine is not nearly as important to me as he is.

I place my hand on his forehead as you would with a child and shake my head. He still has a fever. “Lochlan, you’re sick.”

He squeezes my hand but never takes his gaze off Nova. “What is she doing?”

“She’s at the g-gala,” she stutters, and her gaze darts all around the car like she’s nervous about his response before landing back on Lochlan. “She’s talking up their wine and how great Ross has been. She’s throwing out all these charities they’re supposedly helping.”

“Bloody fucket,” Lochlan curses, and I feel the venom in his words. “She’s positioning herself so whoever acquires Ross Wines will look like a predator if they force her out.”

Nova nods, but from the way she’s biting her lip, I know she hasn’t said the worst of it yet.

“That’s not all.” Lochlan stiffens but waits. The car rolls to a stop at the winery steps, and Nova whispers, “She’s pregnant. Really pregnant.”

No one moves. By the eerie silence, I’m betting no one is breathing either. Lochlan’s hand lands on the door handle. “Is that it?” he asks, opening the door. When Nova nods with teary eyes, he gracefully unfolds himself to stand beside the car. He reaches in to help Nova, then me.

“Lochlan?” I ask.

“We stick to the plan, Tilly. Got it?”

No, I want to scream. No, I don’t understand any of this. But like the lovesick fool that I am, I agree. “Got it.”

Nova and I flank Lochlan on either side. Arm in arm in arm, we enter the great hall, and all heads turn toward us. My skin prickles with the need to flee, but Lochlan pulls me tighter against him as Nova slips away to join their parents.

“Let them see you, Tilly. You have no reason to hide,” he murmurs. “You’re beautiful, and you’re mine.” Whether for show or for me, his words have the desired effect. With Lochlan clutching my hand, I play the role of his girl, and it gives me the confidence to hold my head high.

“And here he is, the man of the hour with his lovely girlfriend, Tilly Camden.” I recognize the voice as John Ross’s, but the spotlight that crosses the room like a shimmering snake and lands directly on us has my mouth going dry. I stand like a deer in headlights as Lochlan uses the back of his hand to wipe his forehead. A reminder that he’s not feeling well. But like the leader he is, he propels us farther into the room, toward the podium where I finally see the Rosses.

I realize halfway to the stage that Lochlan intends to lead us up onto it, and I stop moving.

“I have to speak, Tilly.”


He drops his gaze to mine, and the hard edge he’s had since Nova met us at the airport softens. He pulls me in for a hug and whispers in my ear. “Go find Nova and my parents. I’ll meet you after I give my speech.”

I hold him tighter, and he winces. “You need to see a doctor.”

“I need to make this presentation. Then I need to sleep with you by my side for about a week. I’m fine. Go find Nova, and don’t…” He pulls back a few inches to scan my eyes. “Don’t talk to anyone you don’t know.”

There’s that painful awareness. The horror music that disturbs your psyche before your conscious brain catches up to the danger, but I can see Lochlan fading fast, so I do as he asks. “Okay. But as soon as you’re done, you’re going to a doctor.”

Avery Maxwell's Books