Without a Hitch(101)

But when I step from the car, he’s holding out a hand for me with the most infectious smile I’ve ever seen on any person, ever. All thoughts fly from my mind as I draw closer. He’s the fisherman in our relationship, and he can reel me in with a single glance.

He moves slowly but of his own accord toward the plane. He’s sweating by the time we reach the stairs though, and I frown when he murmurs, “Up you go.”

My protective streak wants to force him up first so I can catch him if he falls, but he motions with his hand, and I obey, thankful when I feel him at my back. I’ve never been on a plane this small before, and my heart rate picks up as I take the last step.

Then I freeze. Thomas Rhett’s “Unforgettable” plays loudly over the sound system, but it’s Lochlan’s voice that has tremors coursing through my body. He’s singing. And singing well, if not a little behind the beat.

“I feel it,” he whispers in my ear. “The music. I feel it now.”

Slowly, and with purpose, I turn to face him. We’re nearly nose to nose with him on the lower step. I notice he’s panting, and I take his hand, leading us both to the nearest seat.

“I don’t know why everyone else allows you to fade into the background, but you shine for me, Tilly. You are unforgettable.” Holy swoon! “I think I’ll pass on The Cranberries from now on though.

That bloody lady can make a statue cry.” He rests his head back with a heavy sigh.

After a beat, he turns his head to me and it’s like watching the battery on your cell phone slowly deplete.

“Why don’t you sleep?” I suggest. “We can talk when we land.”

He lays his hand on his thigh with his palm facing up as we race down the runway. I notice he doesn’t reach for me, but it’s an olive branch. He’s allowing me to make the connection or not, and my heart weeps for this man. Without hesitation, I reach over and place my hand in his. He gives it a squeeze, and his shoulders droop forward.

“Tilly, I…”

So much for talking later. “Lover,” I say gently and melt at his expression.

“Say it again,” he pleads with his eyes closed.

My shoulders shake with laughter. Such a small thing makes him happy, and I do that for him.


Nodding, he pulls our twined hands up to his lips and places gentle kisses on my knuckles. The last of my reservations fade away and I tell him my truth. “I told you in California that I was leaving because I was catching feelings.” Lochlan’s foggy eyes flick open and land on mine. “But that wasn’t quite true.”

He stills, and I feel his heartbeat beneath our clasped hands. “It wasn’t?”

I shake my head, gathering the courage of every heroine I’ve ever cried for in movies, and tell him my truth. “The thing is, somewhere, somehow, those feelings caught fire and steamrolled right over all my intentions.”

Lochlan’s brow furrows, and he uses his free hand to tug on his earlobe. “What are you saying, Till?”

“I—I’m saying I can’t catch feelings because they already caught me. I love you, Lochlan. You’re my grumpy, stiff, suit-wearing, anti-wedding, generous, kindhearted future. I need you more than I need my security blanket.”

He shakes his head, still tugging on his earlobe. “I don’t understand.”

“I want you however I can have you, Lochlan. I want you more than I need a piece of paper tying you to me. A promise to love is the contract our hearts will make. You, and you alone, are what will make me happy for the rest of my life. I’m sure of that.”

“Tilly,” he moans and lowers his free hand to his right side. It’s the second time I’ve seen him clutch at it.

“Are you in pain?”

He shakes his head wildly. “Darling…” His voice is strained. “You’re willing to give up your dreams? For me?”

“Dreams change, Lochlan. It isn’t a dream anymore if you’re not in it.”

“I, you…” He adjusts in his seat, and I notice how sallow his skin is. Leaning over, I kiss his cheek. It’s a move meant to calm him, but the second my lips touch his skin, I know something’s wrong.

“Lochlan?” Raising my hand to his forehead, I hold it to his heated skin. “Baby, you’re burning up.

You have a fever.”

“No. I’m severely hung over and haven’t slept in days.”

Reaching up, I press the call button, and an attendant arrives at our side a second later. This is more than a hangover, I’m sure of it.

“Do you have a first aid kit? I need something for his fever,” I explain.

The woman’s eyes go large as she peers between us. “Of course. I’ll grab it right away.”

“Thank you, Allie.” Lochlan smirks but doesn’t open his eyes.

“You know her name?”

“You’ve left quite the mark on me, darling. Your imprint has changed my DNA.”

Allie appears with a bottle of Tylenol and a glass of water. I take them from her with a grateful nod and hand Lochlan two pills. When he places them in his mouth, I offer him the water. He drinks it like a man lost in a desert, then hands the glass back to Allie.

“Thank you,” we say in unison as she walks away.

Avery Maxwell's Books