Without a Hitch(98)

I can’t categorize my feelings or emotions fast enough, but I know with certainty that I want this, with Tilly. I want it all with her. It’s because of her that I’m not crumbling right now. But when she turns, my world threatens to tear me apart.

“Is what yours, Lochlan?”

“The baby. Is it mine?” The knot in my shoulders eases as I wait for her answer. I want this. I really want this. “Did you do it on purpose?” What the fuck, Lochlan? I hear the words, but that’s not even what I wanted to say. I’m tripping over my words, and my feet fare no better in my attempt to get to her, but she retreats with hands raised.

“Is that what you think of me?”

“No. No.” It’s all I can say. I can’t shake the fog settling around my head, and I’m tongue-tied. I reach for her again, but she steps out of my grasp. That’s when I see the tears. I’m cocking this all up.

Again. Think, asshole. Think. Speak.

“I don’t know who hurt you, Lochlan Blaine. I do know that I’m not her. I can’t do this with you.

Not today. It hurts too much. I’m sorry your heart is so battered you can’t let anyone in. I’m sorry I couldn’t be the one to reach it. But I don’t deserve to pay the price for someone else’s horrible actions. I’m not pregnant. That test was for my sister. I keep my promises, Lochlan, I always have. I told you I was on birth control, and I take it religiously.”

“Tilly, I’m sorry. No—”

“Me too, lover.” Tears stream down her face, and I move to draw her body closer to mine, but she pulls away. “There’s the lodge.” She points behind her. “I’ll meet you after the ceremony. I’ve already told Eli. If anyone notices I’m gone, she’ll cover for me.” She turns to head back the way we came.

“Tilly. No. I’m…” My hands fist in my hair. I’m not used to feeling out of control, but the lack of sleep, the looming hangover, and the hurt on my beautiful girl’s face have me spiraling.

“You need to hurry,” she calls over her shoulder. “The ceremony starts soon.” She picks up her pace, and I watch until she’s out of sight.

“Fuck,” I yell to the sky and am mildly satisfied when the birds scatter overhead.

“Well, that’s one way to get your point across. What has yer pants in a tizzy?”

Turning, I find an old lady rocking in a chair on the porch. “Sorry,” I call out, slowly moving toward her. “I thought I was alone.”

“Mm-hm. Happens a lot ’round here.”

Walking forward, I introduce myself. “Again, I apologize. I’m Lochlan Blaine, a friend of Colton’s.”

The woman scrutinizes me for a full minute before speaking. “I’m Rosa, but everyone calls me GG. This here is my mountain. I’ve gotta say, you’re not what I was expectin’.”

I glance over my shoulder. Is she talking to me? “I’m not? What were you expecting?”

“You’ve got a whole lotta hurt in that heart of yours.” I’m still not sure what the hell she’s talking about, and my head is starting to pound. “Tilly’s a good girl.”

“I know,” I bark defensively. “I know she is.”

“You know? Sometimes people go together like puzzle pieces. They just fit. And sometimes you have to wiggle those little fuckers into place. Tilly? She just fits.”

I have no idea why I’m listening to this eighty-year-old granny, but she seems to have some wisdom that I lack and desperately need. “And me?”

“Well, that’s up to you. But I suggest you wiggle that little fucker into place and get your girl.”

“What little fucker?” Am I really cursing at someone’s grandmother right now? What kind of town is this?

Slowly, she stands, and I hurry to her side, afraid she’ll topple over. Then she pokes me. Hard.

Right above my heart. “This little fucker. It needs a shakedown to get rid of that bad juju you’re carrying around.”

My fingers rub away the sting of her bony but scarily strong finger. Rosa turns to face me, her eyes scanning between mine. “You’re figurin’ it out, aren’t ya?”

“I think so.” It’s also possible that I have no goddamn idea what she’s talking about.

The door to my left opens, and another Westbrook brother steps onto the porch. Halton, I think.

They all look the same.

“Come on then,” Rosa says. “You’re lookin’ a little green around the gills. I’ve got the cure for what ails ya.”

I take a step to follow her, but Halton cuts in.

“Not a chance, GG. Colton needs Lochlan to stand up with him in twenty minutes.” He turns to me with a wicked grin. “The last time she gave me a ‘cure,’ I blacked out telling the world my woes.” He wraps an arm around the old lady’s shoulders and helps her down the stairs. “You owe me one.” He winks. “I just saved you a boatload of trouble.”

The woman cackles, and I wince. Jesus. I’m not going to survive this day.

“Talk to yer girl, lover.” My head whips toward her, and she cackles even louder.

“Ignore her, I think.” Halton interrupts. “She can’t help herself. There’s an empty bedroom down the hall to the right. You’d better hurry though. Colton is more jacked up than normal.”

Avery Maxwell's Books