Without a Hitch(108)

Tilly’s body trembles as she shakes her head, but she can’t know the dark turn this is about to take.

“I sat in the front row between my mother and sister. The couple wanted to walk down the aisle together, which was strange, but celebrities are often eccentric. Everyone who was anyone was in attendance. As the music began to play, we all stood and turned like the good society members we are. My mother saw them first, and my father narrowly caught her before she charged them and caused a scene.” Lifting my hand to my ear, I pinch the skin of my earlobe as a reminder that she can’t hurt me anymore.

“Christine walked down the aisle—my aisle with my mother’s ex-husband on her arm.” My voice cracks, and I clear my throat to force the words out. “They got married right in front of us, in our hotel, and stuck us with the bill. With half of New York’s elite in attendance and every paparazzo outside, all we could do was sit there and watch the train wreck happen. The knife in my back twisted with every word they spoke, but it was nothing compared to my mother’s pain. I’m not a vengeful person, Till, but I can’t let them get away with hurting my mother like this.”

“Jesus,” Tilly chokes out through heavy sobs. “I’m so sorry, Lochlan. I’m so, so sorry.”

“Hey. Hey, look at me.” When she lifts her head to mine, I kiss her gently. “Don’t ever apologize for something you had nothing to do with. Never, okay?”

“How did you find out about the baby?” She winces, but I know she needs the entire truth.

“I found falsified ultrasound pictures in a guest room after she moved out. I guess it didn’t matter to her at that point if I knew or not. She’d already gotten what she wanted.”

“But we Googled you.”

My eyes close for a minute, and when I open them, I find her staring at me with more love than I’ve ever experienced. “I paid a king’s ransom to have it wiped from the internet. They do a sweep every six months.”

Tilly shakes her head while she contemplates my words. “That’s why you bought the winery?”

“He took everything he owned and everything Christine stole from me and made some bad investments. Everything they have left is tied into a boutique winery. They rent land on the Ross property. Without that and the Ross grapes, they’ll lose it all.”

As soon as the words are out, exhaustion like I’ve never experienced slams into me. My mind and body are finally free from the hatred Christine wove, and my soul dances freely as my love for Tilly ignites into something I know will never let me down.

“I’m tired, Till. Please don’t leave me.”

I feel her lips against my skull. “Never, baby. I’ll always stand by you.”



“J esus, Tilly. Is he okay?” Colton asks when I’ve finally spewed every last detail.

“Why are you involved? What’s going on between you two? I knew I should have slugged the dingledick when I had the chance,” my brother-in-law, Preston, barks in the background.

“Geez, Colton. You could have told me he was listening.”

“Ah, hey, Till? Everyone’s here.”

A chorus of hello s rings out, and I groan. “Awesome.” Nothing like spilling other people’s secrets to the entire Westbrook group.

“Can you take me off speaker, please?”

There’s a click, followed by Preston’s muttering before Colton comes back. “Sorry, Till. You didn’t really let me get a word in. Otherwise, I would have said something. But don’t worry, they all know Lochlan’s story.”

“You knew?”

“I’ve been friends with him for years, probably his best friend since he’s such an uptight prick sometimes, but he has a good heart under all that British.” He laughs to let me know he’s joking, at least mostly.

“How could someone do that to them?”

“Christine is a narcissist. Paul? I don’t know. They’re both just evil, but I want to tell you, if he told you all of this, you’re special to him, Tilly. He doesn’t open up like this. Ever. We only found out because his father put out an SOS after the wedding fiasco, so my brothers and I all rolled up to his hotel and got him blasted. It took six beers before he’d even say her name.” He’s quiet for a minute before adding, “How is he?”

“He’ll be okay, but it could have been a very different outcome if he'd been alone. I’ve never been so scared, Colton.”

“It’s hard to see the one you love hurting and not be able to do anything to fix it.” I don’t argue his point on love. It’s evident to anyone listening at this point. “What do you need, Tilly?”

“I’m so sorry to bother you with this. You should be planning a honeymoon or something.”

“No, we wanted to settle in as a family, so we’re taking a delayed honeymoon. What do you need, Till?”

“Lochlan had a plan in place. I’m sure Kitty is all over it, but I heard her tell Ollie that Christine refuses to sell to Blake.”

“She’s a stubborn one, all right. She knows Blake is helping Lochlan.”

“I know, Colton. Don’t take this the wrong way, but…I want to ruin her. And Paul, but mostly her.”

Avery Maxwell's Books