The Stand-In Boyfriend (Grove Valley High #1)(82)
YESTERDAY WITH JESSIE WAS EVERYTHING I’ve ever wanted and more. We spent the entire afternoon together, kissing, cuddling, getting to know each other in this new way, and after a couple of hours, I told him about Chase, about our agreement. I could see his mind whirling with questions but he didn’t push me, just let me tell him in my own time, and when I told him why we agreed to do it—so I could make him jealous—I could see the relief in his eyes. I know it made him feel more stable in my feelings for him. I didn’t mention how by the end it didn’t feel like a fake relationship and how I can’t keep Chase far from my mind. I know that’s just because everything’s so recent. I know in a week or two things will go back to normal and Jessie and I can get on with our lives.
Today, however—today I feel sick, because I’m sitting in my car in the student parking lot staring at the school in front of me and feeling like I’d rather be anywhere but here. Jessie offered to pick me up and drive in with me, but I didn’t think it was the best idea. I need to speak to Chase before he sees me with Jessie—I owe him that much.
I glance at my watch, see the bell’s about to ring, and realize I can’t avoid it any longer. I step out of my car, slam the door behind me, and start the trek into school. Two feet appear in front of me, stopping me in my tracks, and with relief, I look up to see Sophie.
“Are you okay?”
I nod. “Yeah.” She raises a skeptical eyebrow. I manage a small chuckle. “Well, I’m terrified that everyone’s going to be talking about me and staring at me.”
She shrugs but doesn’t deny it will happen; she knows better than that when it comes to gossip at this school. I’ll feel like an exhibit in a museum by the end of the day. “Let them look.”
“I need to find Chase.”
She nods. “What are you going to tell him?” I remember she doesn’t know about Jessie. I turned my phone off yesterday afternoon and got lost in him.
“That, um, that…” It’s not as easy now that I’m not alone with him in my room. “That Jessie and I are together,” I blurt out quickly. “We’re going to give it a shot.”
If she’s surprised, she doesn’t show it. “Are you sure?”
I nod. How can I not be after all the time I’ve spent dreaming about being with him?
She smiles, though it doesn’t quite reach her eyes. “Then I’m happy for you guys.”
Then she links her arm through mine, pulls me into her side, and we enter the building together.
It’s almost lunchtime before I see him. I’ve been alternating between keeping my eyes peeled because I’m impatient and keeping my head down because I’m scared. I can’t decide which one it is. I haven’t seen Jessie all morning either, which I think is for the best. I know if I wanted him, he’d be beside me the whole time, but I thought it was best that we aren’t seen together until I’ve spoken to Chase, so instead he’s been sending me texts, checking that I’m okay and sending cute little memes that are supposed to make me laugh. They don’t though. I know I won’t do that until I’ve talked to Chase and made things okay between us, until everyone stops staring at me and whispering about me behind my back.
Sophie’s caught up with me between classes, walking along beside me, keeping me company. I know she’s just doing it to try to stop me from freaking out about all the stares I’m getting, but it’s not really working. I hate that everyone knows what went down on Saturday night.
She halts abruptly and I almost bang into her. When I turn to see what the cause of her sudden stop is, my heart immediately starts hammering rapidly in my chest.
Chase is just ahead, standing with Aaron at his open locker with Brendon beside him. He’s laughing at something Brendon is saying and looks like he doesn’t have a care in the world. Abigail and Sarah stop beside them and join the conversation. My throat suddenly turns dry and I have to force myself to keep breathing.
The hum of students moving down the hall quiets around me and I realize people are noticing what’s happening, even if Chase hasn’t yet. They’re stopping and looking between the two of us, expecting some sort of drama and wanting a front row seat to the show. It makes me want to vomit.
Eventually the quiet hits their group and Abigail looks around first, her eyes settling on me. It causes the rest of them to take notice, and finally Chase turns his head and locks his gaze with mine.
Neither of us says anything. We just stare at each other and everyone else falls away. All I can see is Chase, and it makes me question everything I’ve decided over the last twenty-four hours. That’s what Chase does to me, has always done to me—makes me question what I think I know about myself and pushed me out of my comfort zone.
Sophie clears her throat next to me as the late bell rings. Reluctantly, students start making their way to their next class, but I don’t move, and neither does Chase.
Sophie grips my wrist. “Come on,” she mutters and pulls me the remaining steps to them.
When I get there, I don’t know what to say. They all look so hostile, so pissed at me that it takes everything I have not to run away, but I need to talk to him. I need to make things okay between us.
Abigail clears her throat. “We better get to class,” she announces.