The Stand-In Boyfriend (Grove Valley High #1)(68)
Sophie raises an eyebrow questioningly.
“His birthday party,” I explain. I can’t believe she doesn’t know this. I feel like we’ve been talking about Jessie’s 18th birthday since we first got to high school. He’s had it all planned out for years, has watched so many teen movies and has always wanted a full-on rager like you see in them. Red cups, beer pong, kegs, and a live DJ—basically like every party the soccer team throws every weekend, but this one is going to be all about Jessie.
Sophie nods in understanding. “Are your parents still going to leave for the night?”
He nods. “They told me if anything gets trashed, I have to pay for it, but they’ll keep my sisters and themselves out of the way the whole night.”
“It’s going to be awesome, Jessie.”
He nods but looks a little unsure. “I just hope everyone shows up.”
I’m surprised. He sounds almost nervous about it. “They will,” I tell him with absolute certainty.
“What if someone else is throwing something that night? Everyone will go there instead.”
“I haven’t heard about anything,” I reassure him, and Sophie nods her head in agreement.
“But what if someone decides to throw a last-minute party and everyone goes there?”
Huh? “Jess, what are you talking about?”
He sighs and blushes slightly. “I just want people to show up, okay? I don’t want someone from the soccer team deciding to have something and everyone going there instead.”
A shout comes from behind us and we turn to see Aaron standing from his seat at their lunch table then reaching over and high-fiving Jackson and Chase. He’s probably just won some stupid burger-eating challenge or something, but everyone’s looking over at them and I see where Jessie’s coming from. If those guys don’t go to his party and decide to hang out elsewhere, the rest of the school will too.
“Do you want me to get Chase to come?” I ask quietly. Usually I’d think that suggestion would piss him off, but everything he’s saying is pointing toward it.
His face turns a bit pinker but he nods his head ever so slightly.
“The cheerleaders will be there too,” Sophie says, jumping in so we don’t have to focus on what Jessie has just asked. “And the soccer team too, right Livy?”
I nod my head. “Yep. Tia was talking about it when I saw her earlier. They’ll all be there.”
He grins, and the relief is obvious in his expression.
“And Courtney will be there too, right?” Sophie asks.
“Um, well…”
My eyes find his at his hesitation.
“What?” Sophie demands, but I don’t look away from him.
“We’ve been fighting,” he tells me.
My heart starts thudding loudly in my chest.
“Yeah?” I ask, my voice a whisper.
He nods. “Yeah. She doesn’t seem like what I’m after anymore.”
I swear I nearly lose my breath.
“Are you going to break up with her?” Sophie demands. I still don’t look away from Jessie, suddenly desperately waiting on his answer. This is what I’ve waited months for.
He opens his mouth to respond and then the fire alarm goes off. Everyone starts standing up while teachers usher us out the door, and I never get to hear what he was going to say.
CHASE SMILES AT ME FROM his spot on the ground in his back yard as I exit through his kitchen. He’s in the same place I left him before I ran to the bathroom, only now he has his phone to his ear. I wander over and flop down next to him, stretching out and staring up at the sky, waiting for him to finish his conversation. We came out to do some soccer drills but soon gave up and just lay down next to each other, enjoying the sun on our skin. There’s something peaceful about being down here and hearing the noises from his neighborhood around us.
“I’m sorry man. That so shit.” I turn my head with interest, wondering what the conversation is about. Chase’s face is serious and he looks genuinely concerned. Something must be up. “Do you want to come out here for a couple of days? You maybe need a break.” He pauses while whoever he’s speaking to replies. “She’s just hurt I guess. I don’t know. She’ll come around.” Another pause. “Just give her time.” He hesitates for a second. “Has your dad been around?” He snorts at whatever his friend says and rolls his eyes. His glances over at me, shaking his head. “I don’t know what to say. It just sucks.” He’s silent for a couple of minutes while his friend talks and Chase nods. “Okay, man. Call me if you need anything. See you over break, yeah?”
He ends the call and turns to me.
“Everything okay?”
He shakes his head, concern written all over his face. “That’s my friend Ethan. We went to camp together when we were little kids and he lives in Texas. He’s going through some real shit.”
He nods. “Yeah, his mom died last year.”
My stomach drops. I don’t even know this Ethan kid and my heart breaks for him. I don’t know what I’d do without my mom. I’m hoping I never have to find out. “That’s awful.”
“Yeah, it was really quick. Anyway, his sister had to move over from the UK to live with him and his dad until she’s 18, and she’s giving Ethan hell. He doesn’t know what to do.”