Paradise Found: Cain (Paradise #2)(30)
“Well, there’s a first time for everything,” I stated sinisterly. I wanted to be her first for many things. I climbed on the beast then held out my hand to help her straddle a leg over it. She was trying to sit away from me, but I wasn’t having it. The moment I started the engine, her hands hesitantly went to my side. When I revved the throttle, I warned her to hold on. The initial jolt down the drive reinforced my demand. Her hands wrapped around my waist and her chest pressed into my back. I couldn’t release the throttle to rub her arm like I wanted. I wanted to reassure her she could trust me, but she had to hold tight. We peeled down the road, and her grip increased as we drove out of the neighborhood onto the open road.
I don't know where I thought he'd take me, but pulling up in front of the brown, rusted warehouse wasn't it. The gravel was still settling behind the motorcycle on the path we'd taken to cross the vacant lot. Only one other vehicle was present. A woman in her mid-forties exited the four-door sedan, as Cain assisted me off his bike. I’d never felt anything like it. The vibration between my thighs lingered in a dizzying sort of way. Shaky legs forced me to balance against the bike while the woman walked directly to Cain. Extending a hand, she shook his vigorously, her smile consuming her face.
“It's such a pleasure to see you again. I'm such a big fan, as you know, because of course, I follow the fights. You're just so pretty,” she drawled, practically drooling as her eyes couldn't leave Cain's face, nor could her hand remove from its grip on him. Something prickled inside me. I'd witnessed women act like this before. The First Wives Club was a group of women who gathered at the vineyard to celebrate each divorce. It was there that I witnessed a woman, similar in age to this lady, act in the same manner toward Cain. Her posture told him she was willing to do anything he asked. Her eyes screamed for him to take her.
Turning away from the display, I eyed the large flat space. It was like a metal box had been dropped in a dry, open land. I couldn't imagine why we were here.
“Ms. Candy, this is my ...” I spun in his direction. Ms. Candy, really? “... Sofie Vincentia.” The woman finally acknowledged my presence by acting startled, as if she hadn't noticed another being in Cain's presence.
“Oh, well hello.” She didn't shake my hand. She immediately addressed Cain again. "Shall we?"
Following her lead, we waited while she unlocked the giant padlock across the door. Cain had his hand on my lower back at first, but the instant Ms. Candy turned to look at us, Cain reached for my hand. I struggled to release mine, but he gripped tighter. He walked through the open space, tugging me behind him. I continued to resist.
“Just hold my hand,” he hissed in my ear when he turned to face me. His face lingered near my neck. Ms. Candy inhaled sharply and I assumed she heard his tone. Then I realized from her perspective, it looked like Cain was whispering something intimate to me. My eyes met hers and she looked away in a fluster.
“I've already discussed the specs with Donaldson. An inspector is expected to meet me in half an hour. Could you give us a moment to look around?” Cain directed to the woman.
The space was large and empty. Light filtered in from windows clouded with dust. The sunlight danced in streams down to the cement floor littered with debris of discarded Styrofoam containers and bottles of alcohol. I wasn't certain what I was supposed to be looking at. The place looked like a pit.
“What do you think?” Cain asked me and I hesitated in my response.
“Uhm ....” I watched him as he turned in a full circle, arms outstretched. He closed his eyes as he spun, looking peaceful and thoughtful. It was evident he had a plan for the space. The enthusiasm was reverberating off of him. His eyes opened and stilled me. While typically dark orbs that gave off a cold glare, they gleamed with a sparkle of energy. The excitement was contagious. Unable to help myself, I laughed.
“What is this place?”
“My new gym," he announced, with pride. He must have seen something on my face because his own expression shifted.
“You don't like it?” His voice fell; his disappointment evident. I didn't see why it mattered if I approved of the place or not, but I was further confused why he was building one here.
“Don’t you live in Vegas?” I asked, clearly misunderstanding.
“No. I told you, I live here.”
I stared at him, my eyebrows pinching.
“You don't need to any longer,” I reminded him, hinting that he could move now that we were divorced.
“I like it here,” he stated, shrugging his shoulder. He was also brushing off this conversation.
“Can I tell you about it?” he asked hesitantly. My heart dropped.
“Of course,” I replied with a smile.
With growing enthusiasm, he described how he always wanted to own his own gym. He wanted to train others, but specifically those young, new, and unknown. He assumed it would be mainly boys, but he wouldn't discourage girls.
“Don't want to be considered sexist,” he said, raising an eyebrow at me.
“Of course not,” I laughed again. He was just so excited about this place. He continued to describe his vision: where the ring would be, where the weight room would be, where private rooms would allow for personal training. Offices. Entry space. Showers. He had it all in his head, and he was laying it out for me.