Paradise Found: Cain (Paradise #2)(29)
“I can’t,” I begged, as he headed for round three.
“Oh yes, you can, my sweet temptation, and you will.” Determined to keep up the fast pace, his mouth crashed over mine. His cool wet chest pressed against me, while I gripped his shoulders for support. My knees were cracking over the tile floor but the pressure between my legs was overruling any discomfort. My nails dug into his flesh. Our mouths broke apart, and I slipped at an awkward angle to take his nipple into my mouth. I sucked over the coiled cobra tail that covered his chest. When he hit that spot inside me again, I bit him.
“Fuck,” he moaned, but not in pain. Wild and out of control, I was wanton beyond anything I’d ever done before. As he slid his fingers out of me, I lowered to all fours and swept the length of him, that was extended and hard, into my mouth. On hands and knees, I worked my tongue around the vein of his shaft then sucked the head to the back of my throat. Large hands covered my hair and his hips gently rocked as my mouth took control, hoping to bring him a powerful release similar to mine. Muscles I didn’t know existed ached as I latched onto the length of him and sucked deep.
“Triple f*ck,” he whispered as he jolted forward, forcing himself to the back of my throat and releasing a salty liquid down it. I gagged but swallowed, primal in my desire to please him, to own him. He gently pushed my shoulders back and the weight of my body collapsed. Aching knees and shaking arms lowered me to cover him. My head rested on his lower abs, just above where I’d taken him. One of his hands covered my hair. My body lay limp. I was going to hell, but I enjoyed every second of giving into temptation.
I liked my women hard and fast. It was a means to an end. Until her. Sofie proved once again the power she could have over me. Reacting to her watching me, in my old ways, Sofie made the whole experience new. The way she clenched around my fingers. The way she rocked over my hand. Her mouth, it was just made for sin. Thoroughly f*cked, even though we hadn't, we laid on my bathroom floor breathing in exaggerated breaths at the exhaustion of heated foreplay. Because that's what that was, foreplay for what I intended to do, once I actually got her body under me. For the moment, she was draped over the lower half of my body, relaxed and malleable as if she was a part of me. She was a part of me, and I wasn't letting go. I was determined to make her want me for real. No more pretending.
She began to stir after several minutes. The shower roared to life in the background, after being drowned out moments before from the groans and grunts of our activity.
“Need shower,” she mumbled, pushing up slowly, her hands braced on either side of me. She didn't look at me, but I needed to know she was okay with what just happened. Who was I kidding? I wasn't okay with what happened. Once again, she'd stripped me to nothing.
A trembling hand raked through her dark hair. Once seated, she pressed upward and walked out of the bathroom without looking back at me.
It was too much. I'd come at her again like I promised myself I wouldn't do. I was too worked up from this morning. The apartment. The workout. The kiss in the garage. Relieving myself hadn't been enough, not when I saw her watching me. I rolled on the cool tile floor and stood to re-enter the shower. This time I'd allow myself the pleasure of warm water.
I figured she'd be avoiding me, but I wouldn't let her. Being the snake I was, I wanted more time. I found her in the guest room, where she'd showered and was going through the pile of clothes I tried to salvage from her place. She startled as I said her name. Looking over her shoulder at me, her hand firmly holding closed the towel around her chest, she sighed. Baptismal blue glistened with tears not yet shed. She blinked and smiled weakly.
“There wasn't much left behind?” She was trying to joke, but her voice trembled. “Thank you. I wasn't certain I could go back, but I needed some things. Anything, if it remained.”
“I’ll buy you new clothes. Whatever you need.”
She shook her head and turned back to the pile, quickly brushing at her cheek.
“Should we talk...” Possibly about what happened, I wondered.
“Don't,” she cut me off. It was fine with me if we didn’t. I wasn't going to apologize. It was amazing and pleasant visions flashed before me, but her tone told me we needed to move on. I cleared my throat and asked for something else.
“Sofie, I was wondering if I could take you somewhere today. I would ... I could use your opinion.” I don't know why I was hesitant. I would typically just demand someone do something, rather than ask for assistance. I didn't really need her opinion for where we were going, but I wanted it all the same. I wanted to know what she thought. She twisted to look at me again, her eyes narrowing in distrust. Visually questioning me, she must have found her answer because she agreed. My heart skipped a beat at the thought of what I'd show her next.
Once outside, Sofie stared at me in disbelief.
“I’m not getting on that,” she sputtered at the black machine before her. My Suzuki Hayabusa was a mean looking twist of metal that could scream on the road. Making Sofie scream had been my goal, but now my motive was to get her to touch me again. At the very least, I wanted her to hold onto me, and the bike was the perfect way to assure she would.
“This is our ride,” I stated, handing her a helmet.
“I’ve never … I’ve never been on a motorcycle before,” she whispered, as if the words were too wicked to say louder. The way her voice rasped only increased my excitement to have her spread her legs behind me and wrap around me.