Only You (Adair Family #5)(45)

I hugged the women goodbye and when I wrapped my arms around Robyn, I whispered, “Which caravan?”

She stiffened in my arms and eased back, studying my face. Then decisively, she whispered in return, “The last one on the beachfront.”

I squeezed her gratefully, even though I wasn’t quite certain why I’d asked. Until I got in the Range Rover I had permanently borrowed to drive toward the castle and at the last second, I took the road leading to the beach. To Gordon’s caravan park.

There were very few lights on in the caravans as I followed the road toward the beachfront properties. The SUV turned onto gravel, the stones crunching beneath the tires as I glided it slowly toward the end. I parked the car, facing the water, my eyes drawn to the last caravan. Sure enough, Monroe’s old car was parked outside, the caravan lit up like a beacon.

Like a target.

She wasn’t safe here.

Stubborn woman.

Angry at her stupidity and pride, I jumped out of the SUV and marched across the gravel and up the steps of the caravan. I could hear the murmur of a TV show coming from inside and raised my fist to bang impatiently on the door.

Hearing a muttered curse, anticipation thrummed through me, heating my blood.

A curtain on one window near the front of the caravan moved, and a shadowed face peered out.

Then footsteps thundered toward the door.

It flew open, and there she was.

Monroe Sinclair.

Her long hair was piled on top of her head in a messy bun, her face wiped clean of makeup, and she wore a thermal top and bottoms as pajamas.

“What the hell are you doing here?” she snapped.

I took that as an invitation and barged in, slamming the door shut behind me. Tugging on my scarf, I stared around at the tight surroundings. A laptop was open on the bench sofa at the front of the van, and we were standing in the middle of a galley kitchen. At the other end, I saw a narrow hallway that led to a double bed at the back. The bathroom must have been in a door behind the kitchen. A tiny electric fire was on the floor near the couch.


“Are you taking the piss?” I whirled around to glare at her as I threw my scarf down on her kitchen counter.

“Are you?” she yelled, her face flushed with indignation. Her gray eyes were bright under the awful aluminum lighting.

It should be a crime for a woman to look as beautiful as she did in blue thermals without a scrap of makeup on.

“Look at this place, Monroe. What the fuck is wrong with you that you can’t accept help from my sister? You’d rather freeze your arse off in a caravan than give that fucking pride of yours a rest.”

“Stop swearing at me!”

I gritted my teeth. “Anything could happen to you here. You do know Robyn was fucking attacked by Fergus in this very caravan? Difference is, Robyn can take care of herself.”

Monroe’s eyes blazed. “I can take care of myself. Believe you me, I have been taking care of myself since I could crawl, Brodan Adair! How dare you barge in here, yelling at me, when you couldn’t give a shit if an entire army of Dothraki kidnapped me!”

“I thought that was every woman’s fantasy.”

Her nostrils flared. “Fuck you! And get out!”

“Not without you. Grab your shit, we’re leaving.” I strode toward her bedroom. “Is your suitcase in here?”

“Stop!” she snarled behind me.

I ignored her, searching the tight space. Where the fuck did she keep anything? There was no storage.

“Stop!” Monroe grabbed my arm, tugging me toward her. “Stop this craziness right now. Stop pretending like you care. You’ve made it quite clear that you don’t. I don’t need this or want this in my life, Brodan.”

“And what is this?” I crowded her, forcing her backward until her legs hit the bed.

Heat swirled in my gut.

“Your myopic behavior!”

“My myopic behavior?” I raised an eyebrow. “You’re the one who came back.”

“Because I thought you were gone!”

Hurt flared through me, and I stepped closer until my body pressed to hers. “So you did factor me in, in your decision to return?”

She glowered up at me. “God! What do you want from me?”

I glared back at her, not knowing what the fuck I wanted anymore.

Before I could decide, Monroe let out a sexy growl of frustration before she reached up and yanked my head down toward hers, crushing her lips over mine.



One minute, I was shocked at Brodan’s arrival. I’d done my damnedest to exorcise him from my mind that weekend after Friday’s altercation. He’d been so cruel to me, I felt something die inside. There had been nothing but pain since. I’d avoided my mum’s phone calls because I just couldn’t bear someone else treating me like I was nothing.

So for Brodan to show up, to pretend like he cared, even as he glared at me like he hated me, was too much.

All my rage and frustration became a fire inside of me I didn’t know how to expel. Apparently, my body had decided exactly how it wanted to release all that pent up anger.

Part of me needed this. To feel anything but sorrow. Another part wanted to brand myself on him, to ruin him.

Samantha Young's Books